PhD Projects
Ongoing Dissertation Projects
Lea Kröner:
Indigenous Missionaries in the Pacific Northwest during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
Anne van der Pas:
(In)voluntary Enfranchisement: The Institutionalisation of Indigenous Identity in Canadian Governmental Policy
Lesar Yurtsever:
Sounds of the Liberal Script: Music, Race and U.S.-Turkish Relations between 1923 and 1945
Ethan Ruby:
Mischaracterized Heroines: The ironically misleading portrayal of American nurses' First World War experiences in US media missed the real, extraordinary medical work accomplished by them; as told by the nurses themselves. How the historical devaluation and caricaturization of women nurses and their reactions to what they experienced remains a trend marginalizing the voices of women medical workers today.
Valeria Benko:
Managing the West: the Public Debate on the Third World and the Form of Global Governance (1974-1977).
Sarah Epping:
The United States in Mesopotamia (Iraq), to 1921 (working title).
Lene Annette Karpp:
Fighting from the Margins: Punk (and) Feminist Practices in New York City, 1970s - 2010s.
Victoria Tafferner:
Iron Teeth and Brittle Bodies: Visual Cultures of Women's Occupational Health in Industrial America.
Completed Dissertations Since 2010
Kira Álvarez:
Migrant Capital and Social Networks: The Western Classical Music World between the U.S. and Mandate Palestine/Israel, 1920s-1960s.
Maximilian Klose:
Why They Gave: CARE, the U.S. Public, and Humanitarian Engagement for Germany after World War II
Helen Gibson:
Joyriding Across the Color Line: Automotivity and Citizenship in the United States, 1895-1939.
Mare Pit:
HOWL: Retelling the History of the North American Arctic from a Dog's Perspective.
Nadja Klopprogge:
Seperate but Equal?: Contesting the Concept of Equality, African American GIs in Occupied Germany.
Javad Asgharirad:
US Public Diplomacy towards Iran since September 11, 2001 (Graduiertenschule Nordamerikastudien, Juni 2012).
Rebecca Brückmann:
Massive Resistance and Southern Womanhood: Women's Activities in the Segregationist Counter-Movement.
Elisabeth Engel:
African American (Anti-)colonialism: The African Methodist Episcopal Church and Colonial Africa, 1918-1939.
Silke Hackensch:
Constructing Blackness. Chocolate as a Racial Signifier in Historical and Cultural Perspective (2011).
Markus Kienscherf:
Holding the Fort versus Holding the Street: Techniques of Social Control and Global (Counter)Insurgencies (2011).
Stefanie Land-Hilbert:
Narrating the Other: Indigenous Representations in Twentieth-Century Australian and Canadian School Books.
Simone Müller-Pohl:
"The Transatlantic Telegraphs and the Wiring of the World, 1858-1914. Cultural Networks in Maritime Space" (2011).
Jane Preuß:
Social Work, Stratification Processes and the Fight for Racial Justice in The Association for the Protection of Colored Women.
Phillip Reick:
Protection and Emancipation in Moments of Historical Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Social Movements in Berlin and New York City in the 1870s and 1930s.
Marcel Will:
Sino-American Normalization, the Taiwan Relations Act, and U.S. Preponderance in the Asia-Pacific.