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Ringvorlesung: Popular Culture, Media, and Politics in the US

Ringvorlesung WS19-20

Ringvorlesung WS19-20

News from Oct 15, 2019

The interdisciplinary lecture series will zoom in on popular forms of culture, media, and politics in the US in the past and present. It brings together scholars both from the social sciences and the humanities to explore practices and aesthetics of US popular culture and its global reach and to examine forms of political communication and the relationships between popular media and politics. The series will analyze changes that have occurred in the US media system over the past decades and centuries, while investigating the cultures and media of populism at various historical moments as well as the current resurgence of populist rhetoric and political styles. The interdisciplinary lens is specifically aimed at the intersection of popular culture, diverse forms of media representation, and the political landscape of the US.

This lecture series has been organized by Curd Knüpfer (Political Science Department) and Christina Meyer (Culture Department).

The program can be downloaded here. The first session will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019.

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