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New Publication: Two Special Issues on the Society of Control

News from Dec 20, 2020

The open access-journal Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power has just released two consecutive special issues dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Gilles Deleuze’s “Postscript on Control Societies.” The issues, co-edited by our former colleague Simon Schleusener (now Postdoc at the FSGS) and Florian Cord (TU Dresden), seek to foster a discussion on the ongoing relevance of Deleuze’s theses.

“Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology” addresses subjects like control and cybernetics, media regimes and technology, digital capitalism and the digital image, and the notion of dividuality. “Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy” is focused on issues such as debt and noopolitics, neo­liberalism and finance, control and the postcolonial, and the politics of preemption.

The contributors are Lea Allers, Armen Avanessian, Simone Bignall, Ian Buchanan, Patricia Ticineto Clough, Florian Cord, Andrew Culp, Shane Denson, Julius Greve, Sabine Hark, Anke Hennig, Bernd Herzogenrath, Elisa Linseisen, Franziska Martinsen, Benjamin Noys, Michaela Ott, Dominic Pettman, Tanja Prokić, Gerald Raunig, Jason Read, Christina Rogers, Marc Rölli, Martin Saar, David Savat, Simon Schleusener, Jens Schröter, Joseph Vogl, Daniela Voss, and Dirk Wiemann.

All essays can be accessed on the journal’s website: https://coilsoftheserpent.org/

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