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Job Postings in the Culture Department (41 Hours/Month)

News from Jun 10, 2016

John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies

Department of Culture

2 Positions
Student Assistant (41 Hours/Month)
limited to 2 years
Identification: HiWi_Kultur


  • Assisting the chairholder in the Department of Culture with research (e.g. selection and compilation of bibliographies)
  • Helping preselect books
  • Proofreading
  • Preperation of seminars


  • Student of North American Studies (BA)
  • At least 4 Fachsemester or MA in North American Studies

Applications with relevant documents and the given identification should be sent as a PDF by June 27, 2016, to (Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter): culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de or by mail to: 

Frei Universität Berlin
Zentralinstitut John-F.-Kennedy-Institut
Herrn Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter
Lansstr. 7-9
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

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