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Simon Strick successful in funding initiative "Original – isn't it?" by Volkswagen Foundation

News from Jul 09, 2018

Dr. Simon Strick of the culture department at the JFK-Institute has been successful in the third round of the Volkswagen Foundation's funding initiative "Original – isn't it?" ("Originalitätsverdacht?"). This new funding programme supports scholars in the humanities and cultural studies to embark on projects of groundbreaking originality. Dr. Simon Strick receives a one-year stipend and generous research budget as an individual researcher, giving him the opportunity to explore his idea and formulate his findings in an long-form essay. The Volkswagen Foundation supports the project with 80,000 EUR. Strick's project "Feeling (Alt)Right: Identity and Affect Politics of Rightwing Extremism Online" is among 17 successful projects that were selected from over 170 applications.

Read more about the project here.

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