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Simon Strick Receives Book Award for "Rechte Gefühle"

Strick, Rechte Gefühle

Strick, Rechte Gefühle

News from May 26, 2021

Simon Strick's book Rechte Gefühle: Affekte und Strategien des digitalen Faschismus (Bielefeld: transcript, 2021) has been awarded the Hans Bausch Mediapreis of the SWR in cooperation with the Institute of Media Studies at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. In 2018-19, Simon had pursued his research project "Feeling (Alt)Right: Identity and Affect Politics of Rightwing Extremism Online" in our Culture Department, supported by a VW-Stiftung fellowship. The department congratulates him on this wonderful achievement!

More information on the publisher's website

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