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Grants and scholarships awarded to members of the culture department

Kathleen Loock, Alexander Starre and Maria Sulimma have recently been awarded prestigious grants to support their (post-)doctoral work.

News from Jul 06, 2016

Kathleen Loock was accepted into the P.R.I.M.E. program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The program provides support for the international mobility of postdocs and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Union. Starting in October, it allows her to do research and continue the and work on her second book project – a cultural history of Hollywood’s remaking practice – first at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (12 months) and at the John F. Kennedy Institute in Berlin (6 months).

Alexander Starre has been awarded a Feodor Lynen fellowship for post-doctoral researchers by the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. He will spend the academic year 2016/17 as a visiting scholar at Brown University, working on his second book on American knowledge cultures at the turn of the 20th century.

Maria Sulimma has received an Elsa-Neumann scholarship funded by the State of Berlin to support her work on her dissertation on serial discourses of gender in contemporary U.S. television series. 

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