Prof. Dr. Winfried Fluck

Department of Culture
Room 324
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Appointments by mail:
Curriculum Vitae
Current Positions
Professor and Chair of American Studies, John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, i.R.
Member of the Executive Board of the Graduate School (Graduiertenschule) of North American Studies.
Co-Director, Dartmouth Instiute "The Future of American Studies", Dartmouth College.
Special Candidacy Studies, University of California, Berkeley
Special Candidacy Studies Harvard University
Studies of English, American and German Literature at Freie Universität Berlin
Academic Degrees
Habilitation Freie Universität Berlin, Venia Legendi: American Literature and American Culture
Ph.D. Freie Universität Berlin
Academic Career
Spring Term 2013
Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College
Spring Term 2012
Elected Member Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe)
Spring Term 2011
Harris Visiting Professor, Dartmouth College
Spring Term 2010
Tocqueville Visiting Professor at the University of Richmond, funded by the Mellon Foundation
Director of the Graduate School for North American Studies of the John F. Kennedy-Institute at Freie Universität Berlin
Since 2007
Co-Director Dartmouth “Futures of American Studies”- Institute
Founding Member of the interdisciplinary Graduate School for North American Studies at the John F. Kennedy-Institute, funded by the German Government as part of its “Initiative of Excellence”.
Member of the Executive Board.
Senior Advisor, Summer Residency Program of the Terra Foundation of American Art, Giverny, France
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Irvine
Since 2005
Selection Committee for the Fellowship Program of the Terra Foundation for American Art
Elected Member and Chair of the Research Reviewing Committee of Research Projects (Fachkollegium) in Literary Studies, Drama and Media Studies of the German Research Council (DFG).
Since 2006 Chair of the committee.
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Irvine
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Irvine
Visiting Scholar, University of California, Irvine
Faculty Member, Dartmouth Summer Institute in American Studies
Guest Professor, Princeton University
Director or Deputy Director of the John F. Kennedy Institute
Guest Professor, Universitat Autònoma, Barcelona, Spain
Founding Member and Director of the 'Graduiertenkolleg' (Graduate Program) "The U.S. and the Problem of Democracy" at the John F. Kennedy Institute; since 1994 Director of the Kolleg.
Chair of the International Fellowship-Program of the Kennedy-Institute
Since 1989
Professor of American Culture, John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Professor of English and American Literature, Universität Konstanz
Habilitation Freie Universität Berlin, Venia Legendi American Literature and Culture
Visiting Scholar, Yale University
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University
Research Fellowship German Research Council (DFG)
Faculty Member Salzburg Seminar in American Studies
Assistant Professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute
Honors, Research Funding and Scholarships
Elected Member Academia Europaea (Academy of Europe)
2-year grant by the Terra Foundation for American Art for the establishment of a Visiting Professorship in American Art
Research Grant by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) for a 3-year research project on the subject of “Cosmopolitanism”
International Transcoop-Project “Transnational American Studies”. A joint project between Freie Universität, Humboldt Universität, Universität Potsdam, the University of Southern California, and Dartmouth College, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, with matching funds by the University of Southern California and Dartmouth College.
Funding by the Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago, USA for an international conference on "Narratives About American Art" at the John F. Kennedy Institute.
Successfull Grant Proposal (with Prof. Ulla Haselstein) for the establishment of a Graduate School in North American Studies funded by the German Government as part of its "Initiative of Excellence".
Research Fellowship, Internationales Forschungszentrum für Kulturwissenschaften (IFK), Wien, Austria
Research Fellowship German Research Council (DFG)
Transcoop-Project “The German-American Tradition” in co-operation with Prof. Werner Sollors (Harvard University), funded by the Humboldt-Foundation, with matching funds by Harvard University.
Fellow at the Advanced Studies Center, Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio, Italy
Research Fellow (Mellon-Fellowship) at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina
Member of the Konstanz Research Group (Forschergruppe) „Konstitution und Funktion literarischer Texte“, funded by the German Research Council and the State of Baden-Württemberg
Research Grant (Habilitationsstipendium) German Research Council (DFG).
Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and Yale University
Harkness Fellowship of the Commonwealth Fund
Special Candidacy Studies at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley
REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature
Nordamerikastudien, Campus Verlag
Berliner Beiträge zur Amerikanistik, John F. Kennedy-Institut
Advisory Board
New Literary History
Journal of Transnational Studies
Reviewer of Research Projects for
German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft),
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung,
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD),
Fulbright Program,
Rockefeller Foundation,
Austrian Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Swiss National Science Foundation,
Terra Foundation for American Art
Schwerpunkte in der Lehre
- Kulturtheorien und Theorie der American Studies;
- Perioden und Themen der amerikanische Kulturgeschichte;
- Film und amerikanische Populärkultur;
- Amerikanische Malerei.
Dissertations supervised by Prof. Fluck:
doctoral & postdoctoral dissertations (current and finished)
Magister- & Staatsexamina with distinction
Ästhetische Theorie und literaturwissenschaftliche Methode. Eine Untersuchung ihres Zusammenhangs am Beispiel der amerikanischen Huck Finn-Kritik. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1975.
Populäre Kultur. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1979.
Theorien amerikanischer Literatur. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag, 1987.
Inszenierte Wirklichkeit. Der amerikanische Realismus 1865-1900. München: Fink, 1992.
Das kulturelle Imaginäre: Funktionsgeschichte des amerikanischen Romans, 1790-1900. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1997.
Romance with America? Essays on Culture, Literature, and American Studies. Heidelberg: Winter, 2009 (American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume 179).
Dialogues with Winfried Fluck. Essays and Responses on American Studies, eds. Laura Bieger and Johannes Voelz. REAL 38 (2023).
Under contract:
Amerikanische Kulturgeschichte (UTB).
American Studies in the Teaching of English. Berlin: Materialienreihe des John F. Kennedy-Instituts, 1976.
Young Mr. Lincoln. Der Text der 'Cahiers du Cinéma' und der Film von John Ford. Ergebnisse und Materialien eines Seminars. Berlin: Materialienreihe des John F. Kennedy-Instituts, 1978.
Forms and Functions of History in American Literature. Essays in Honor of Ursula Brumm, eds. W. Fluck, J. Peper and W. P. Adams. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1981.
History as Fiction. Special Issue of the journal Amerikastudien/American Studies, 28:3 (1983), eds. W. Fluck and H. Ickstadt.
The Historical and Political Turn in Literary Studies. REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 11 (1995).
Pragmatism and Literary Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 15 (1999).
German? American? Literature? New Directions in German-American Studies, eds. Winfried Fluck and Werner Sollors. New York: Peter Lang, 2002.
Wie viel Ungleichheit verträgt die Demokratie? Armut und Reichtum in den USA, eds. Winfried Fluck und Welf Werner. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2003. Nordamerikastudien, Band 17.
Theories of American Culture. Theories of American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 19 (2003), eds. Winfried Fluck and Thomas Claviez.
Comparative American Studies 1:3 (2003). Special Issue on Violence and Human Dignity, ed. with Werner Sollors.
Transnational American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 23 (2007), eds. Winfried Fluck, Stefan Brandt and Ingrid Thaler.
Transcultural Spaces: Challenges of Urbanity, Ecology, and the Environment. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 26 (2010), eds. Stefan L. Brandt, Winfried Fluck and Frank Mehring.
Emory Elliott, National Dreams and Rude Awakenings. Essays on American Literature, from the Puritans to the Postmodern. Ed. by Matt Eliott and Winfried Fluck. Heidelberg: Winter, 2010 (American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume 194).
States of Emergency - States of Crisis. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 27 (2011), eds. Winfried Fluck, Katharina Motyl, Donald E. Pease and Christoph Raetzsch.
American Dream? Eine Weltmacht in der Krise. Eds. Andreas Etges und Winfried Fluck. Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus Verlag, 2011. (Nordamerikastudien, Band 30).
Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck, Donald E. Pease, and John Carlos Rowe. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011 (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies).
American Studies Today. New Research Agendas. Eds. Winfried Fluck, Erik Redling, Sabine Sielke und Hubert Zapf. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014 (American Studies A Monograph Series, Volume 230).
Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck and Donald Pease. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 30 (2014).
Reading Practices. Eds. Winfried Fluck, Günter Leypoldt, and Philipp Löffler. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 31 (2015).
The Return of the Aesthetic in American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 35 (2019), eds. Winfried Fluck, Rieke Jordan and Johannes Voelz.
"Das ästhetische Vorverständnis der American Studies." Jahrbuch für Amerikastudien 18 (1973): 110-129.
"American Literary Criticism in Search of Literary Theory." Kritikon Litterarum, 3 (1974): 313-320.
"'A whole cultural history.' Zu einigen neueren Versuchen kulturwissenschaftlicher Synthese." Amerikastudien/American Studies 20 (1975): 337-353.
"Studying and Teaching Popular Culture." American Studies in the Teaching of English, ed. W. Fluck. Berlin: Materialreihe des John F. Kennedy-Instituts, 1976, 51-78.
"Three Working Papers on Interdisciplinarity." Ibid, 137-150.
With Thomas Elsaesser, "Zur Problematik der Interpretation populärer Kultur: Raoul Walsh's Film The Roaring Twenties." Amerikastudien - Theorie, Geschichte, interpretatorische Praxis, eds. Martin Christadler, Günter Lenz. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1977, 161-178.
"Aesthetic Premises in American Studies." Other Voices, Other Views: An International Collection of Essays from the Bicentennial, ed. Robin W. Winks. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1978, 21-30.
"Die 'New Hollywood'-Produktion der siebziger Jahre: Authentischere und kritischere Versionen Amerikas?" Fremdsprachliche Literaturwissenschaft und Massenmedien Englands und der USA, ed. Edmund Nierlich. Meisenheim: Hain, 1978, 107-139.
"'Powerful, but extremely depressing books': Raymond Chandlers Romane." Amerikastudien/American Studies 23 (1978): 271-298.
"Citizen Kane als 'filmischer' Text und als Text der amerikanischen Kultur." Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 13:4 (1980): 296-321;
repr.: Film und Literatur in Amerika, eds. Bettina Friedl and Alfred Weber, Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchgesellschaft, 1988, 96-118.
"The Restructuring of History and the Intrusion of Fantasy in Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." Forms and Functions of History in American Literature, ed. W. Fluck et al. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1981, 134-148.
"Tentative Transgressions: Kate Chopin's Fiction as a Mode of Symbolic Action." Studies in American Fiction 10:2 (1982): 151-171.
"Literature as Symbolic Action." Amerikastudien/American Studies 28:3 (1983): 361-371.
"Zur Modernität Huckleberry Finns." Samuel L. Clemens: A Mysterious Stranger. Tübingen Essays in Celebration of the Mark Twain-Year 1985, eds. H. Borchers and D. Williams. Frankfurt/Main: Lang, 1986, 93-113.
"Fiction and Fictionality in American Realism." Amerikastudien/American Studies 31 (1986): 101-112.
"Popular Culture as a Mode of Socialization. A Theory about the Social Functions of Popular Cultural Forms." Journal of Popular Culture 21:3 (1987): 31-46.
"Fiction and Fictionality in Popular Culture. Same Observations on the Aesthetics of Popular Culture." Journal of Popular Culture 22:1 (1988): 49-62.
"'No Figure in the Carpet' - Die amerikanische Postmoderne und der Schritt vom Individuum zum starken Signifikanten bei Donald Barthelme." Poetik und Hermeneutik XIII. München: Fink, 1988, 541-568.
"Theories of American Literature: Double Structures and Sources of Instability in American Literature." Actas Y Congreso Nacional A.E.D.E.A.N. Zaragoza, 1988, 115-136.
"The Americanization of Literary Studies." American Studies International 28:2 (1990): 9-22.
"Modelle der Relation: American Studies, Theodore Dreisers Roman An American Tragedy und dessen Verfilmungen." Amerikastudien/American Studies 35 (1990): 189-202;
repr.: "Exchanges. Cultural Analysis and Networks of Relation." America Seen From the Outside. Topics, Models and Achievements of American Studies in the Federal Republic of Germany, eds. Brigitte Georgi-Findlay and Heinz Ickstadt. Berlin: John F. Kennedy-Institut, 1990, 99-118.
"Sentimentality and the Changing Functions of Fiction." Sentimentality: Form and Function, ed. W. Herget, Tübingen: G. Narr, 1991, 15-34;
repr.: Hebrew Studies in Literature and the Arts 18 (1990): 5-26;
repr.: "Sentimentalnost i mijenjanje funkcija pripovjedne proze." Knjizevna smotra 20 (1987): 9-16.
"The Masculinization of American Realism." Amerikastudien/American Studies 36 (1991): 71-76.
"American Studies - Möglichkeiten und Probleme einer kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Literaturwissenschaft." Anglistentag 1990. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1991, 7-18.
"Literarische Postmoderne und Poststrukturalismus: Thomas Pynchon." Poststrukturalismus - Dekonstruktion - Postmoderne, ed. Klaus Hempfer. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, 1991, 25-38.
"The Power and Failure of Representation in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin." New Literary History 23:2 (Spring 1992): 319-338.
"Surface Knowledge and 'Deep' Knowledge: The New Realism in American Fiction." Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, ed. Kristaan Versluys. Amsterdam, 1992, 65-85.
"Declarations of Dependence: Revising Our View of American Realism." Victorianism in the United States. Its Era and Its Legacy, eds. Steve Ickingrill and Stephen Mills. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992, 19-34.
"The 'Americanization' of History in New Historicism." Monatshefte 84:2 (1992): 220-228;
repr.: "Die 'Amerikanisierung' der Geschichte im New Historicism." New Historicism. Literaturgeschichte als Poetik der Kultur. Frankfurt/Main: Fischer, 1995, 229-250;
repr.: "Die 'Amerikanisierung' der Geschichte im New Historicism." New Historicism. Literaturgeschichte als Poetik der Kultur, ed. Moritz Baßler, Tübingen: UTB, 2. Auflage, 2001, 229-250.
"Emergence or Collapse of Cultural Hierarchy? American Popular Culture Seen from Abroad." Popular Culture in the United States, eds. P. Freese and M. Porsche, Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1994, 49-74.
"Radical Aesthetics." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 10 (1994): 31-47.
Review of W. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Was Huck Black? Mark Twain and African-American Voices in: Amerikastudien/American Studies 39:4 (1994): 614-617.
"Cultures of Criticism: Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, Expressive Individualism, and the New Historicism." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 11 (1995): 207-28.
"Kate Chopin's At Fault: The Usefulness of Louisiana French for the Imagination." Transatlantic Encounters. Studies in European American Relations, eds. Udo J. Hebel and Karl Ortseifen. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1995, 218-231;
repr.: Creoles and Cajuns. French Louisiana - La Louisiane Française, ed. Wolfgang Binder. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang, 1998, 247-266.
"Literature, Liberalism, and the Current Cultural Radicalism." Why Literature Matters, eds. R. Ahrens and L. Volkmann. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 1996, 211-234.
"Realismus, Naturalismus, Vormoderne (1865-1910)." Amerikanische Literaturgeschichte, ed. H. Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1996, 154-217; 2. Auflage, 2004; 3. aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage 2010, 153-215.
"'The American Romance' and the Changing Functions of the Imaginary." New Literary History 27:3 (1996): 415-457.
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind: American Popular Culture and European Intellectuals." American Studies Warsaw University XV (1997): 7-21;
repr.: Annals of Scholarship 12: 3-4 (1998): 235-251.
"Akkulturation durch kulturelle Rezeption." Aus der Neuen Welt. Streifzüge durch die amerikanische Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts, eds. Annette Kreutziger-Herr and Manfred Strack. Hamburg: LIT, 1997, 247-264.
"Nach der Postmoderne." Projekte des Romans nach der Moderne, eds. Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus and Karlheinz Stierle. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1997, 39-63.
"Power Relations in the Novels of James: The 'Liberal' and the 'Radical' Version." Enacting History in Henry James: Narrative Power, and Ethics, ed. Gert Buelens. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1997, 16-39.
"'Amerikanisierung' der Kultur. Zur Geschichte der amerikanischen Populärkultur." Die Amerikanisierung des Medienalltags, ed. Harald Wenzel. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 1998, 13-52.
"A Political Criticism Without Politics." Amerikastudien/American Studies 43.1 (1998): 172-176.
"Das Individuum und die Macht der sozialen Beziehung: Henry James." Geschichte und Vorgeschichte der modernen Subjektivität, Vol. 2, eds. Reto Luzius Fetz, Roland Hagenbüchle, and Peter Schulz. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1998, 993‑1019.
"The Humanities in the Age of Expressive Individualism and Cultural Radicalism." Cultural Critique 40 (1998): 49-71.
"Stadtlandschaften in der amerikanischen Postmoderne: Thomas Pynchon, Donald Barthelme und Raymond Carver." Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen, Mitteilungsheft Nr. 1 (1999), 5-24.
"Kultur." Länderbericht USA, eds. Willi Paul Adams and Peter Lösche. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1999, 719-803.
"Henry James's Washington Square: The Female Self at Risk." The Self at Risk in English Literatures and Other Landscapes: Honoring Brigitte Scheer-Schäzler on the Occasion of her 60th Birthday, eds. Gudrun M. Grabher and Sonja Bahn-Coblans. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaften, 1999, 75-93.
"'Perpetual Conflicts and Tragedies': Civilizatory Progress and Realist Writing in John William De Forest's Kate Beaumont." American Literary Realism 1870-1910, 31:3 (1999): 63-87.
"The Americanization of Modern Culture." Cultural Policy, or the Politics of Culture?, eds. Agata Preis-Smith and Piotr Skurowski. Warsaw: Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw, 1999, 17-49.
"'Rückkehr zum Puritanismus?' Zur politischen Kultur in den USA am Ende der 90er Jahre." Amerika, quo vadis? Beiträge zur Innen- und Außenpolitik der USA, ed. Helmut Hubel. Jena: Universitätsdruckerei, 1999, 41-55.
"Amerikanisierung und Modernisierung." Transit 17 (1999): 55-71.
"Pragmatism and Aesthetic Experience." REAL Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 15 (1999): 227-242.
"Novels of Transition: From Sentimental Novel to Domestic Novel." The Construction and Contestation of American Cultures and Identities in the Early National Period, ed. Udo J. Hebel. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1999, 97-117.
Review: Yankee Go Home (& Take Me With U): Americanization and Popular Culture, George McKay ed. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997; 190pp.). American Studies /Amerikastudien 44:1 (1999): 181-2.
"'Huckleberry Finn': Liberating An American Classic from Hypercanonization." Annals of Scholarship 13 (1999): 123-126.
"'Money Is God': Materialism, Economic Individualism, and Expressive Individualism." Negotiations of America's National Identity, eds. Roland Hagenbüchle and Josef Raab. Vol. I. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000, 431-46.
with Leo Marx: "Introduction: 'The Materialist Turn.'" Negations of America's National Identity, eds. Roland Hagenbüchle and Josef Raab. Vol. I. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2000, 415-19.
"The Search for Distance: Negation and Negativity in the Literary Theory of Wolfgang Iser." New Literary History 31:1 (Winter 2000): 175-210.
"Containment or Emergence? A Theory of American Literature." Making America: The Cultural Work of Literature, eds. Susanne Rohr, Peter Schneck and Sabine Sielke. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2000, 67-82.
"Die Wissenschaft vom systemischen Effekt. Von der Counter-Culture zu den Race, Class, and Gender Studies." Der Geist der Unruhe. 1968 im Vergleich. Wissenschaft – Literatur – Medien, eds. Rainer Rosenberg, Inge Münz-Koenen and Petra Boden. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2000, 111-124.
"John Deweys Ästhetik und die Literaturtheorie der Gegenwart." Philosophie der Demokratie. Beiträge zum Werk von John Dewey, ed. Hans Joas. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2000, 160-193.
"From Aesthetics to Political Criticism: Theories of the Early American Novel." Early America Re-Explored. New Readings in Colonial, Early National, and Antebellum Culture, eds. Klaus H. Schmidt and Fritz Fleischmann. New York: Peter Lang, 2000, 225-268.
Beiträge über Samuel Langhorne Clemens [Mark Twain], John William DeForest, William Dean Howells, Henry James in Metzler Lexikon Amerikanischer Autoren, eds. Bernd Engler and Kurt Müller. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2000, 139-142; 173-174; 343-346; 360-363;
repr.: Beitrag über Henry James in: Englischsprachige Autoren, eds. Bernd Engler, Eberhard Kreutzer, Kurt Müller und Ansgar Nünning. Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2004, 146-148.
"Internationalizing American Studies: Do We Need An International American Studies Association and What Should Be Its Goals?" European Journal of American Culture 19:3 (2000): 148-155;
repr.: "Internationalizing American Studies: Do We Need An International American Studies Association and What Should Be Its Goals?" aedean. Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos" November 2001, 52-60.
"Crime, Guilt, and Subjectivity in Film Noir." Amerikastudien/American Studies 46:3 (2001): 379-408.
"Realism in Art and Literature." American Cultural and Intellectual History, eds. Mary Kupiec and Peter W. Williams. New York: Scribner's, 2001, Vol. 1, 565-572.
Review: America Noir: Underground Writers and Filmmakers of the Postwar Era by David Cochran. (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000. xiv, 280 pp.), The Journal of American History 88:3 (2001): 1147-48.
Review: Mark Twain and the Novel: The Double Cross of Authority by Lawrence Howe. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 265 pp.), Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 49:2 (2001): 194-196.
"The Humanities, the Individual and the 'System'." Postmodernism and the 'Fin de Siècle', eds. Gerhard Hoffmann and Alfred Hornung. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2002, 109-124. American Studies: Vol. 81.
"Aesthetics and Cultural Studies." Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age, eds. Emory Elliott, Louis Freitas Caton and Jeffrey Rhyne. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, 79-103.
"The Modernity of America and the Practice of Scholarship." Rethinking American History in a Global Age, ed. Thomas Bender. Berkeley, Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 2002, 343-366.
"The Man Who Became Weary of America: Ferdinand Kürnberger's Novel Der Amerika Müde (1855)." German? American? Literature? New Directions in German-American Studies, eds. W. Fluck and Werner Sollors. New York: Peter Lang, 2002, 171-206.
"Theories of American: Culture: A Comment on Helmbrecht Breinig's Review of Winfried Fluck's Das kulturelle Imaginäre (Frankfurt am Main 1997) in ZAA 4 (1999) 389-393", in: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 49:3 (2001): 277-281.
"Emotional Structures in American Fiction." American Vistas and Beyond; A Festschrift for Roland Hagenbüchle, eds. Marietta Messmer and Josef Raab. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2002, 65-93.
"Von der Bestie zum Konsumenten: Der etwas andere Weg des amerikanischen Naturalismus in die Moderne." Fin De Siècle, eds. Rainer Warning and Winfried Wehle. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2002, 27-46.
"The Humanities in the Age of Expressive Individualism and Cultural Radicalism." The Future of American Studies, eds. Donald E. Pease and Robyn Wiegman. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002, 211-230.
"The Role of the Reader and the Changing Functions of Literature: Reception Aesthetics, Literary Anthropology, Funktionsgeschichte." European Journal of English Studies, 6 (2002): 253-271.
"The Americanization of Modern Culture." Professional for Cooperation 5 (2002): 113-137 (in Russian).
"Film and Memory." Sites of Memory in American Literatures and Cultures, ed. Udo J. Hebel. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003, 213-229.
"What is so bad about being rich? The representation of wealth in American culture." Comparative American Studies, 1 (2003): 53-79.
"Fiction and Justice." New Literary History 34:1 (2003): 19-42;
repr.: “Fiction and Justice.” Papers of The Second International Conference for Literary Criticism, ed. Ezz Eldin Ismail. Kairo, 2003, 635-663.
"Was ist eigentlich so schlecht daran, reich zu sein? Zur Darstellung des Reichtums in der amerikanischen Kultur." Wie viel Ungleichheit verträgt die Demokratie? Armut und Reichtum in den USA, eds. Winfried Fluck and Welf Werner. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2003, 267-303.
"Einführung" (with Welf Werner). Wie viel Ungleichheit verträgt die Demokratie? Armut und Reichtum in den USA, eds. Winfried Fluck and Welf Werner. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2003, 7-19.
"Gibt es eine amerikanische Kultur?" Konstruktionen nationaler und individueller Identität in Großbritannien und Amerika, eds. Sabine Volk-Birke and Hans-Jürgen Grabbe. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2003, 153-186.
with Thomas Claviez: "Introduction." Theories of American Culture. Theories of American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, 19 (2003): IX-XII.
"American Culture and Modernity: A Twice-told Tale." Theories of American Culture. Theories of American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, 19 (2003): 65-80;
repr.: "American Culture and Modernity: A Twice-told Tale." Fifty Years of English Studies in Spain (1952-2002): A Commemorative Volume, eds. Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez, María José Lopez Couso, Elena Seoane Posse. Santiago De Compostela: Universidade De Santiago De Compostela, 2003, 31-46.
with Werner Sollors: "Introduction." Comparative American Studies 1:3 (2003): 259-262 (Special Issue on Violence and Human Dignity).
"Aesthetic Experience of the Image." Iconographies of Power. The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation, eds. Ulla Haselstein, Berndt Ostendorf and Peter Schneck. Heidelberg: Winter, 2003, 11-41.
"’California Blue’. Amerikanisierung als Selbst-Amerikanisierung.“ Globalisierungswelten. Kultur und Gesellschaft in einer entfesselten Welt, eds. Marcus S. Kleiner and Hermann Strasser. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2003, 102-123;
repr.: Amerika und Deutschland. Ambivalente Begegnungen, eds. Frank Kelleter and Wolfgang Knöbl, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2006, 54 – 72;
repr.: Amerikanisierung – Globalisierung. Transnationale Prozesse im europäischen Alltag, eds. Ute Bechdolf, Reinhard Johler, Horst Tonn. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 9-30.
“Stuart Hall: From New Left Politics to the New Cultural Politics of Difference.” ZAA Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik (4) 2002, 331-352.
"The Americanization of German Culture? The Strange, Paradoxical Ways of Modernity." German Pop Culture. How "American" Is It?, ed. Agnes C. Mueller. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2004, 19-39.
"Ästhetische Erfahrung und Identität." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 49:1 (2004), 9-28.
"Kultur." Länderbericht USA, eds. Peter Lösche/Hans Dietrich von Loeffelholz. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, aktualisierte und neu bearbeitete Auflage, 2004, 698-787.
"Widerstand leisten? Wo ist der Ausgangspunkt der Kulturwissenschaft und wie umkehrbar ist die Blickrichtung?" Ästhetik und Kommunikation, 35 (2004), 17-21.
"Imaginary Space; or, Space as Aesthetic Object." Space - Place - Environment, eds. Lothar Hönnighausen, Julia Apitzsch, Wibke Reger. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 2004, 15-30.
"Resistance! Cultural Studies and the Question of Cultural Change." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 20 (2005): 11-26.
"California Blue. Americanization as Self-Americanization." Americanization and Anti-Americanism. The German Encounter with American Culture after 1945, ed. Alexander Stephan. New York: Berghahn Books, 2005, 221-237.
Review: American Literary Studies. A Methodological Reader. Ed. By Michael A. Elliott and Claudia Stokes (New York: New York UP 2003, 349 pp.), CLIO - A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History 34:1-2 (2004/5): 229-235.
"Funktionsgeschichte und ästhetische Erfahrung." Funktionen von Literatur. Theoretische Grundlagen und Modellinterpretationen, eds. Marion Gymnich und Ansgar Nünning. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2005, 29-53.
"Reading Early American Fiction." A Companion to the Literatures of Colonial America, eds. Susan Castillo and Ivy Schweitzer. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 566-586.
"Imaginary Space; Or, Space as Aesthetic Object." Space in America, eds. Klaus Benesch and Kerstin Schmidt. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2005, 25-40.
"Profanität und Hyperrealität: Die Stadt in der amerikanische Postmoderne." Städte der Literatur, eds. Roland Galle and Johannes Klingen-Protti. Heidelberg: Winter, 2005, 211-229.
"Morality, Modernity, and 'Malarial Restlessness': American Realism in its Anglo-European Contexts." A Companion to American Fiction 1865-1914, eds. Robert Paul Lamb and G.R. Thompson. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, 77-95.
"Theatricality and Excess. A European Look at American Landscape Painting." New World. Creating an American Art. Katalog. Bucerius Kunst Forum. Hirmer Verlag, 2007, 90-101;
repr.: "Theatralität und Exzess. Ein europäischer Blick auf die Huson River School." Neue Welt. Die Erfindung der amerikanische Malerei, 90-103.
"The Fallen Hero: John F. Kennedy in Cultural Perspective." John F. Kennedy and the 'Thousand Days', eds. Manfred Berg and Andreas Etges. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007, 277-300 (American Studies No. 144)
"The Search for an 'Artless Art': Aesthetics and American Culture." The Power and Politics of the Aesthetic in American Culture, eds. Klaus Benesch and Ulla Haselstein. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007, 29-44.
"Theories of American Culture (and the Transnational Turn in American Studies)." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 23 (2007): 59-77.
mit Stefan Brandt und Ingrid Thaler: "Introduction: The Challenges of Transnational American Studies." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 23 (2007): 1-7.
"Genteel Tradition." Encyclopedia of American Studies, ed. Miles Orvell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2007.
"Die Kulturwissenschaft und die Pluralisierung von Anerkennungsansprüchen." Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 1 (2007), Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 67-83.
"Inside and Outside: What Kind of Knowledge Do We Need? A Response to the Presidential Address." American Quarterly 59:1 (2007): 23-32.
"Wie Alexis de Tocqueville uns helfen kann, die weltweite Resonanz der populären amerikanischen Musik zu verstehen." Globaler Gesang vom Garten der Freiheit. Anglo-amerikanische Populärmusik und ihre Bedeutung für die US-Außenpolitik, Werner Kremp (Hg.). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2008, 33-49 (Atlantische Texte, Band 28).
"Playing Indian. Media Reception as Transfer." figurationen 2 (Intermedialität/ Transmedialität) (2007), 67-86.
"Das utopische Versprechen "Amerikas." Amerika – Amerikas: Zur Geschichte eines Namens von 1507 bis zur Gegenwart. Ursula Lehmkuhl und Stefan Rinke (Hg.). Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, 2008, 109-129. (Historamericana 18).
"Ästhetische Konzepte in der Geschichte der US-amerikanischen Populärkultur." Die Schönheit des Populären. Ästhetische Erfahrung der Gegenwart. Kasper Maase (Hg.). Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2008, 58-76.
"American Literary History and the Romance with America". American Literary History. Spring 2009, Volume 21, No. 1. 2009, 1-18.
"Playing Indian: Aesthetic Experience, Recognition, Identity." American Studies as Media Studies. Frank Kelleter, Daniel Stein (Hg.). Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg, 2008, 73 – 92.
"Kultur." Länderbericht USA, ed. Peter Lösche. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, aktualisierte und neu bearbeitete Auflage, 2008, 712-812.
"Die deutsche Kultur als Prüfstein amerikanischer Demokratie: Ferdinand Kürnbergers Roman Der Amerika Müde." Europa trifft Amerika. Andreas Etges (Hg.). Münster: LIT, 2008, 12-46. Studien zu Geschichte, Politik und Gesellschaft Nordamerikas, Band 27.
"The 'Imperfect Past': Vietnam According to the Movies" The Merits of Memory. Concepts, Contexts, Debates. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, Sabine Schindler (Hgs.). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2008, 353-85.
"Constructing America: Theories of American Culture after the Transnational Turn." Ideology and Rhetoric: Constructing America. Bozenna Chylinska (Hg.). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd, 2009, 379-96.
"'Every man therefore behaves after his own fashion?': American Manners and Modernity." Civilizing America. Manners and Civility in American Literature and Culture. Dietmar Schloss (Hg.). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009, 277-98.
"Hawthorne's Blithedale Romance and Utopian Communities." A New Literary History of America. Greil Marcus and Werner Sollors (eds.). Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard UP, 2009, 292-297.
"American Studies in Germany." Encyclopedia of American Studies. Miles Orvell (ed.),, 2009.
"Der gefallene Held. Der Kennedy-Mythos aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht." Mythen Europas. Schlüsselfiguren der Imagination. John Andreas Fuchs, Michael Neumann (eds.). Regensburg: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2009, 68-95
"Der gefallene Held. Der Kennedy-Mythos aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht." Mythen Europas. Schlüsselfiguren der Imagination. John Andreas Fuchs, Michael Neumann (eds.). Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet 2009, 68-95
"Crossing the Threshold: Realism and the Expression of Emotions." Siting America/Sighting Modernity: Essays in Honor of Sonja Bašić. Jelena Šesnić (ed.). Zagreb: FF press 2010, 25-42.
"The Romance With America: Approaching America Through Its Ideals" American Studies/Shifting Gears. Birte Christ et al. (eds.), Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2010, 301 -325.
"Introduction: Transcultural Spaces" (zusammen mit Stefan L. Brandt und Frank Mehring). Transcultural Spaces: Challenges of Urbanity, Ecology, and the Environment. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 26 (2010), eds. Stefan L. Brandt, Winfried Fluck and Frank Mehring. ix-xviii.
"The Fallen Hero: John F. Kennedy in Cultural Perspective." American Cultural Icons. The Production of Representative Lives. eds. Günter Leypoldt and Bernd Engler. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2010, 467-490 (ZAA Monograph Series – Band 11).
"Poor Like Us: Poverty and Recognition in American Photography." Amerikastudien /American Studies. Volume 55, No 1, ´Heidelberg: Winter, 2010, 63-93.
"Multiple Identities and the New Habitus: Figurational Sociology and American Studies." Civilizing and Decivilizing Processes. Figurational Approaches to American Culture, eds. Christa Buschendorf, Astrid Franke and Johannes Voelz. New Castle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, 305-329.
"Lesen als Transfer. Funktionsgeschichte und ästhetische Erfahrung." Theorien der Literatur. Grundlagen und Perspektiven, Band V, eds. Günter Butzer und Hubert Zapf. Tübingen und Basel: A. Francke Verlag, 2011, 7-31.
"The nineteenth-century historical novel." The Cambridge History of The American Novel, eds. Leonard Cassuto, Clare Virginia Eby, and Benjamin Reiss. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011, 117-34.
"The Romance with America: Approaching America through Its Ideals." E pluribus unum or E pluribus plura? Unity and Diversity in American Culture, eds. Hans-Jürgen Grabbe, David Mauk, Ole Moen. Heidelberg: Winter Universitätsverlag, 2011 35-56 (European Views oft he United States, Volume 3).
"Standards und Normen in der Amerikanistik." Journal of Literary Theory. Volume 5, No 2 Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011, 163-6.
"Are Multiple Identities the Answer, or, How Do We Actually Live 'In-Between' Different Identites?" States of Ermgency - States of Crisis. REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 27 (2011), eds. Winfried Fluck, Katherina Motyl, Donald E. Pease and Christoph Raetzsch, 37-56.
"Men in Boats and Flaming Skies: American Painting and National Self-Recognition." Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. Eds. Winfried Fluck, Donald E. Pease, and John Carlos Rowe. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011, 141-63 (Re-Mapping the Transnational: A Dartmouth Series in American Studies).
"Accelerated Image Mobility – Accelerated Aesthetic Experience?" Moving Images – Mobile Viewers. 20th Century Visuality. Ed. Renate Bosch. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2011, 27-41 (Kultur und Technik, Band 20).
"A New Beginning? Transnationalism." New Literary History 42:3 (2011), 365-84.
"Tocqueville in Zeiten der Krise." American Dream? Eine Weltmacht in der Krise. Eds. Andreas Etges und Winfried Fluck. Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus, 2011, 35-53.
with Fabian Lindner: "Economics and Narrative." In: American Economies. Eva Boesenberg, Reinhard Isensee, Martin Klepper (eds.). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012, 83-101 (American Studies, Volume 219).
"Transatlatic Narratives About American Art: A Chapter in the Story of Art History's Hegelian Unconscious." Art History, 35:3 (2012), 554-573.
"Die amerikanische Gegenwartskultur: Von der Mainstream- zur Patchwork-Kultur." Die Ära Obama. Erste Amtszeit. Peter Lösche, Anja Osterman (Hg.). Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2012, 146-163.
"Filmkunst als Kritik der Macht. Orson Welles: Citizen Kane (1941)." Was lehrt das Kino? Stefan Keppler-Tasaki, Elisabeth K. Paefgen (Hg.). München: edition text + kritik, 2012, 146-172.
"American Cultural Studies." English and American Studies. Theory and Practice. Eds. Martin Middeke, Timo Müller, Christina Wald and Hubert Zapf. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2012, 287-300.
"The Imaginary and the Second Narrative: Reading as Transfer." The Imaginary and Its Worlds: American Studies After the Transnational Turn. Laura Bieger, Ramón Saldívar, and Johannes Voelz (eds.). Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2013, 237-64.
"Reading for Recognition." New Literary History 44:1 (2013), 45-67.
"The Free University Berlin and the John F. Kennedy Institute in the Sixties." Revisiting the Sixties. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on America's Longest Decade. Laura Bieger and Christian Lammert (eds.). Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2013, 111-127.
"Crime, Guilt, and Subjectivity in Dreiser, Mead, and Lacan." Pragmatism's Promise. Susanne Rohr and Miriam Strube (Guest Editors) in: Amerikastudien/American Studies 58:2 (2013), 235-258.
"Thomas Eakins: Superiority and Inferiority as Sources of Symbolic Capital." Intellectual Authority and Literary Culture in the U.S., 1790-1900, ed. Günter Leypoldt. Heidelberg: Winter, 2013, 283-321.
"The Concept of Recognition and American Cultural Studies." American Studies Today. Winfried Fluck, Erik Redling, Sabine Sielke and Hubert Zapf (eds.). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2014, 167-207.
"Lionel Trilling, Jane Austen, and American Literature." Modes and Facets of the American Scene. Essays in Honor of Christina Giorcelli. Ed. Dominique Marcais. Rome, 2014, 223-237.
"Surface Readings and Symptomatic Readings: American Studies and the Realities of America." Towards a Post-Exceptionalist American Studies, eds. Winfried Fluck and Donald Pease. REAL 30 (2014), 41-65.
"Bekenntnisse eines ungezogenen Umerzogenen." Die amerikanische Reeducation-Politik nach 1945, hrsg. von Katharina Gerund und Heike Paul. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2015, 287-298.
"Der gefallene Held. Der Kennedy-Mythos aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht." Menschen, die Geschichte schrieben. Die Moderne, hrsg. Von John Andreas Fuchs und Michael Neumann. Wiesbaden: Marixverlag, 2015, 83-115.
"American Exceptionalism: Ein Schlüssel zum amerikanischen Selbstverständnis." Handbuch Politik USA, hrsg. von Christian Lammert, Markus B. Siewert und Boris Vormann. Wiesbaden: Springer FV, 2015, 15-28 (Springer NachschlageWissen).
"Ästhetische Theorie und American Studies." Handbuch Moderneforschung, hrsg. von Friedrich Jaeger, Wolfgang Knöbl und Ute Schneider. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2015, 49-60.
"Literature, Recognition, Ethics: Struggles for Recognition and the Search for Ethical Principles." Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives, eds. Ridvan Askin and Philipp Schweighauser. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto Verlag, 2015, 119-141 (SPELL, Swiss Papers in English Language and Literatrue, Vol. 32).
"Shadow Aesthetics." Reading Practices, eds. Winfried Fluck, Günter Leypoldt, and Philipp Löffler. REAL 31 (2015), 11-44.
"Nachruf auf Professor Ursula Brumm." Amerikastudien/American Studies 60:1 (2015), 5-9.
Review: Deutschland und Amerika aus der Sicht Max Webers by Stephen Kalberg. (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2013. 236 pp.), Amerikastudien/American Studies 60:2/3 (2015).
"American Realism in Its Transatlantic Context." Traveling Traditions. Nineteenth-Century Cultural Concepts and Transatlantic Intellectual Networks, ed. by Erik Redling. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2016, 17-33 (Anglia Book Series, Volume 53).
"Philosophical Premises in Literary and Cultural Theory: Narratives of Self-Alienation." New Literary History 47.1 (2016), 109-134.
Review: American Studies: Disziplingeschichte und Geschlecht by Levke Harders. (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2013. 341 pp.), The Journal of American History 102:4 (March 2016): 1156-1157.
"Hermeneutics of Change." REAL - Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 32 (2016): 15-37 (Literature and Cultural Change).
"Reader." Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis, eds. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen Oxford: Bloomsbury, 2017, 157-167.
"Was ist Freiheit? Der Beitrag der Gegenwartskunst." Literatur und politische Philosophie. Subjektivität, Fremdheit, Demokratie, hg. von Michael G. Festl und Philipp Schweighauser. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, 2017, 51-71.
"Literatur und die Suche nach Anerkennung." Literatur und Anerkennung. Wechselwirkung und Perspektiven, hg. von Andrea Albrecht, Moritz Schramm und Tilman Venzl. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2017, 103-133 (FOLIES, Band 9).
"Picture and Image: Another Look at The Family of Man." The Family of Man Revisited. Photography in a Global Age, ed. by Gerd Hurm, Anke Reitz, Shamoon Zamir. London/New York: I.B.Tauris, 2018, 117-131.
"Narratives About the American South: From Cavalier Myth to New Southern Studies." Projecting American Studies, ed. by Frank Kelleter and Alexander Starre. Heidelberg: Winter, 2018, 51-77.
"Misrecognition, Symptomatic Realism, Multicultural Realism, Cultural Capital Realism: Revisionist Narratives about the American Realist Tradition." Revisionist Approaches to American Realism and Naturalism, ed. by Jutta Ernst, Sabina Matter-Seibel und Klaus H. Schmidt. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018, 1-34 (American Studies, A Monograph Series, Volume 284).
"Post-Americanization? The Changing Role and Function of American Culture." Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989: Miracle Fair, ed. by Małgorzata Zachara. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 203-21.
"Realism and Naturalism." Handbook of the American Novel in the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Christine Gerhardt. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton, 2018, 58-73.
"Narratives About American Democratic Culture." REAL. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature. Democratic Cultures and Populist Imaginaries, ed. Donald E. Pease. Vol.34 (2018), 5-46.
"The Limits of Critique and the Affordances of Form: Literary Studies after the Hermeneutics of Suspicion." American Literary History 31.2 (2019), 229-248.
"A Reply." American Literary History 31.2 (2019), 296-300.
"American Exceptionalism: Vom Exzeptionalismus der Werte zu einem Exzeptionalismus der Stärke." Handbuch Politik USA, Hgg. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, Boris Vormann. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 1-18:
"The Rejection of the Aesthetic as a Search for Freedom." The Return of the Aesthetic in American Studies. REAL – Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature, eds. Winfried Fluck, Rieke Jordan and Johannes Voelz, 35 (2019), 27-47.
„Vom Exzeptionalismus der Werte zu einem Exzeptionalismus der Stärke,“ Handbuch Politik USA. 2.Auflage, hrsg. Christian Lammert, Markus B. Siewert und Boris Vormann. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2020, 19-36.
"Antebellum Period and Romanticism: Definitions and Demarcations.“ Handbook of America Romanticism, eds. Philipp Löffler, Clemens Spahr, and Jan Stievermann. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2021, 9-31.
"The Visual Construction of 'Indianness.'" The Multicultural Modernism of Winold Reiss, 1886-1953, ed. Frank Mehring. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2021, 78-93.
"Recognition, Literature, and Social Dependence: An Inquiry into the Work of Bourdieu and Elias.“ Reading the Social in American Studies, hrsg. Astrid Franke, Stefanie Mueller, and Katja Sarkowsky. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 13-53.
„Crossing National Borders: American Exceptionalism and Transnational American Studies.” Aerican Studies Over_Seas 2: (Multi)Vocal Exchanges Across the Atlantic. In Honor of Teresa Alves and Teresa Cid, eds. Edgardo da Silva, Maragarida de Gato New York: Peter Lang, 2022, 351-363.
Rezension: „Stefan Schubert, Narrative Instability. Destabilizing Identities, Realities, and Textualities in Contemporary American Popular Culture.” Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 63 (2022), 471-473.
“Critical Theories, Populist Utopias, and Unforeseen Diversities: From the Mass Culture Debate to Self-Serve Media.” Dialogues with Winfried Fluck, eds. Laura Bieger and Johannes Voelz. REAL 38 (2023), 375-399.
“American Exceptionalism. Vom Exzeptionalismus der Werte zu einem Exzeptionalismus der Stärke.“ Handbuch Politik USA. Hrsg. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, Boris Vormann, 3. Überarbeitete Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023, 1-19.
„Realismus, Naturalismus, Vormoderne,“ Amerikanische Literaturgeschichte. Hrsg. Hubert Zapf und Timo Möller. 4. Auflage. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2024, 183-256.
Online Database of Winfried Fluck's Publications
(click the icon to access a separate website, offering PDF-versions of articles by Winfried Fluck from 1973 until 2010)