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Christopher Prömel's abstract was selected for the final round of UNA's Global Governance Research Competition

News from May 10, 2021

Christopher Prömel’s abstract paper proposal to UNA’s Global Governance competition, “Dialogues between policy-makers and academia,” has been named as a top-5 finalist entry. As part of his nomination, Mr. Prömel will attend a 2-day conference later this month hosted by Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain).

At the conference, which will be attended by top policymakers such as the Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization, Mr. Prömel will defend his abstract. First-place prize will consist of a 1.500 € award, and second-place will consist of a 750 € award.

If selected as a top-two winner, Mr. Prömel will have the chance to collaborate with UNA’s network of academics on a full-length paper, the goal of which is to supply policymakers with empirically-minded solutions to pressing contemporary issues.

Read more about UNA's competition here.


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