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Invitation to the public part of the online workshop “Economics, Models, Narrative”

News from May 05, 2022

The DFG Research Network “Model Aesthetics – Between Literary and Economic Knowledge” is inviting you to join us for the public portion of our online workshop “Economics, Models, Narrative” on Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14

Mary Morgan (LSE) will be speaking on May 13 at 3 pm (CET) about "Narrative Practices with Models.”

Jane Elliott (King’s College London) will hold her talk, "Live Models and the Agony of Allocative Choice,” on May 14 at 2 pm (CET).


Both talks will be followed by a Q&A. The lectures will be held on Zoom and all are welcome to attend.


For more on the event and how to register, please visit the homepage of the research network: https://model-aesthetics.com/events/


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