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Lea Espinoza Garrido

Department of Literature


John F. Kennedy Institute
Lansstr. 7-9
Room 303c
14195 Berlin

Lea Espinoza Garrido will be on a research stay at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Stanford University until the end of May 2025.

In urgent cases, please contact her directly via e-mail.

Since 03/2025: Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), North American Literature, John F. Kennedy-Institute of the Freie Universität Berlin

02/2025 – 05/2025: Visiting Research Fellow at UC Santa Barbara and Stanford University 

02/2025: PhD Defense: “Postpost-9/11 Imaginaries: Narrative and Discursive Transformations Beyond the War on Terror” (summa cum laude), University of Wuppertal and Graduate School “Practices of Literature,” University of Münster

10/2024 – 02/2025: Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), Center for Narrative Research University of Wuppertal

10/2021 – 02/2025: Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), American Studies, University of Wuppertal

[04/2020 – 10/2021: Parental Leave]

10/2018 – 04/2020: Assistant Professor (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin), American Studies, University of Wuppertal

10/2017 – 09/2020: Lecturer (Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben), American Studies, University of Münster

2015 – 2016: Visiting Language Fellow at Vassar College, NY

Fellowships, Awards, and Grants (Selection):

02/2025 – 05/2025: DAAD scholarship for a research stay at the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Stanford University

06/2021: Conference grant awarded by the Center for Graduate Studies (ZGS) of the University of Wuppertal for the public event “Erinnern ohne Zeitzeug*innen – Erinnern mit Zweitzeug*innen”

02/2021: Project Grant “Leuchtturmprojekt” awarded by Universitätsgesellschaft Münster e.V. for Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology

02/2020: Conference grant awarded by the Center for Graduate Studies (ZGS) of the University of Wuppertal for the workshop “Ecocriticism as a Current Trajectory for Narrative Research”

09/2019: Conference grant awarded by the Center for Graduate Studies (ZGS) of the University of Wuppertal for the symposium “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research”

02/2019: Research grant awarded by the Universitätsgesellschaft Münster e.V. for Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology

06/2018: DAAD/BMBF smartNETWORK international travel grant for the lecture series „Why Literary Studies Matter Now: Academic Practices in an Anti-Intellectual Climate”

04/2018: DAAD/BMBF smartNETWORK international conference grant for the Anniversary Conference of the Graduate School “Practices of Literature”

03/2018: DAAD travel grant for attending the PCA/ACA Conference in Indianapolis

01/2018: DAAD/BMBF smartNETWORK international Conference Grant for the conference “Negotiating Gender in Popular Culture”

01/2018: Conference grant by the Office for Equality and Inclusion (Gleichstellungsbüro) at the University of Münster for the student conference “Negotiating Gender in Popular Culture”

01/2018: Safir Award for student research projects for “Negotiating Gender in Popular Culture,” University of Münster

10/2017: Travel grant for the conference “Reading American TV Series,” Saarland University

08/2015 – 05/2016: “Language Fellowship” (full scholarship and teaching assistant position) at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY

06/2015: Conference grant by Universitätsgesellschaft Münster e.V. for the student conference “Self in the Making – Narrative and Performative Constructions of Identity”


Committee Work and External Functions

Since 06/2022: Postgraduate Representative and Member of the Advisory Board of the German Association for American Studies (GAAS/DGfA)

04/2023 – 02/2025: Board Member of the Center for Narrative Research (ZEF), University of Wuppertal

10/2023 – 02/2025: Evaluation Committee of the Joint Study Committee (Evaluationskommission des Gemeinsamen Studienausschusses), School of Education, University of Wuppertal

04/2019 – 02/2025: Co-Chair of the Narrative Research Group at the Center for Narrative Research (ZEF), University of Wuppertal

04/2019 – 03/2020: Hiring Committee (Berufungskommission) W2-Professorship für “French and Spanish Literary Studies,” University of Wuppertal

01/2019 – 09/2020: Joint Decision-Making Committee (Gemeinsamer beschließender Ausschuss für den Erwerb des Doktortitels in Erziehungswissenschaften), University of Münster

10/2018 – 09/2020: Representative of the non-professorial faculty (Mittelbauvertreterin), Faculty of Philology, University of Münster

10/2018 – 09/2020: Deputy Member of the faculty council (Fachbereichsrat) Faculty of Philology, University of Münster

10/2018 – 12/2019: Hiring Committee (Berufungskommission) W2-Professorship “Book Studies,” University of Münster

04/2018 – 10/2018: PhD Student Representative and Member of the Executive Board of the Graduate School “Practices of Literature,” University of Münster

10/2017 – 09/2018: Selection Committee (Auswahlkommission) Graduate School “Practices of Literature,” University of Münster

03/2017 – 05/2023: Co-editor of Textpraxis: Digital Journal for Philology

07/2016 – 09/2020: Coordination of the “Language Fellow Program” with Vassar College, NY, University of Münster

TEACHING (Selection)

  • Temporalities in/of Crisis (from the Early Republic to the Anthropocene) | University of Wuppertal
  • Representing 9/11: Literature, Media, Culture | Augsburg University (Blockseminar, WS 2024/25)
  • Critical Theory | University of Wuppertal
  • (Trans)Formations in North American Literature and Culture | University of Wuppertal
  • Narrating the Climate Crisis – Empathy, Responsibility, (Dis)Trust | University of Wuppertal
  • Introduction to Literary Studies | University of Wuppertal
  • Zombie Narratives | University of Münster
  • Complex TV | University of Münster
  • Hotspots in Literary/Cultural Studies and Linguistics | University of Münster
  • The African American Literary Tradition | University of Wuppertal
  • Madness in American Fiction | University of Münster
  • Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies | University of Münster
  • Gender in/and Horror Movies | University of Münster
  • Communicating Texts and Theories: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter | University of Münster
  • Academic Skills | University of Münster
  • Communicating Texts and Theories: Slavery on Page and Screen | University of Münster
  • Race and Gender in Contemporary American Film and Fiction | University of Münster

Current Activities and Projects

    • Postpost-9/11 Imaginaries: Narrative and Discursive Transformations Beyond the War on Terror [completed PhD thesis, currently in preparation for publication]
    • (Un)Doing Trust in North American Life Writing: Crisis, Affect, Citizenship [PostDoc/habilitation project]
    • More-than-Human Entanglement(s) in North American Literature
    • Narrating the Climate Crisis


Talks and Guest Lectures (Selection)

    • 12/2024: Entanglement, Kinship, and Ethics in a More-than-Human World. “Amorphous Bodies: Lecture-Praxis Series in Critical Posthumanist Dis/ability Studies,” Münster.
    • 12/2024: Paradigms of (Dis)Trust in American Literature and Culture. LitCult Kolloquium, Freiburg.
    • 11/2024: Affects, Ethics, Entanglements. Symposium “Conceptualizing More-than-Human Relationalities,” Wuppertal.
    • 05/2024: (Dis)Trust, Crisis, and Cruel Optimism in the American Literary Imagination. Joint American Studies Colloquium (Düsseldorf, Wuppertal, Siegen), Wuppertal.
    • 12/2024: (Un)Dead Tissue of Quotation: (Genre) Memory and the Agency of Matter in Contemporary (Zombie) Fiction. Workshop “More-than-Human Studies,” Online.
    • 09/2023 Memory, Space, and the Agency of Matter in (Contemporary) Zombie Narratives. “Dead Or Alive: The Current State of Zombie Studies,” Frankfurt.
    • 06/2023: Transmedia Practices and Political Meaning-Making in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Freiburg.
    • 06/2023: Televisionary Club: The Marvel TV Universe (with Sarah Wagner, René Freudenthal, and Sabine Pawletta). Carl-Schurz-Haus / Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut e.V., Freiburg.
    • 06/2023: Unsettling Art, Land, and Property: (Post)Human Entanglements in Rita Indiana’s Tentacle. Annual Meeting of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), Rostock.
    • 05/2023: Transcending Conquistador Humanism: More-than-Human Entanglements in Contemporary Caribbean Fiction. Symposium “More-than-Human Studies,” Karlstad.
    • 10/2022: Coexistence, Cooperation, Composition: Reflections on More-than-Human Art. Workshop “More-than-Human Studies,” Online/Karlstad/Göttingen/Wuppertal.
    • 07/2022: Keynote Lecture: Post-9/11 Politics of Memory and Politics of Forgetting in Colson Whitehead’s Zone One. Workshop “Cultural Memory and Literature: Research in Dialogue,” Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
    • 07/2022: Through the Eyes of the White, Innocent Child – Communicating Risk, Vulnerability and (Environmental) Crisis in Lauren Tarshis’ I Survived Series. Conference “Natural Catastrophes in the United States: Making Sense of Risk and Vulnerabilities,” Heidelberg.
    • 06/2022: Relational Responsibility/Responsible Relationality in a More-than-Human World. Symposium: “Articulations of the Nonhuman Turn in Theory, Literature, and the Arts,” Göttingen.
    • 06/2022: Towards a Postpost-9/11 Mode? Narrative and Discursive (Trans)Formation Beyond the War on Terror. Düsseldorf.
    • 05/2022: Negotiating Social and Environmental Justice in U.S. American Pop Music. Seminar “Environmental Justice,” Potsdam.
    • 05/2022: More-than-Human Representations in Contemporary North American Film and Television. Lecture Series “Critical Futures: The Humanities in a More-than-Human World,” Wuppertal.
    • 04/2022: Desert Power, Desert Thinking – New Epistemologies of the Wasteland in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune (2021). European Association of American Studies (EAAS), Madrid.
    • 03/2022: Posthuman Anxieties in Contemporary American Pop Culture: Re-Visiting Altered Carbon’s Gothic Mode(s). Workshop “More-than-Human Studies,” Göttingen/Wuppertal/Karlstad.
    • 02/2022: Affect, (Non)Belonging, and Crisis: American Literature as a Literature of (Dis)Trust?. Workshop “Trust, Crisis, Catastrophe,” Wuppertal.
    • 12/2021: Agency, Voice, and Silence in the Anthropocene – Navigating the Challenges of Posthumanism, Postcolonialism, and the Climate Crisis in Contemporary Life Writing. Symposium “Silence – Catastrophe – Crisis,” Münster.
    • 11/2021: Roundtable: The Migrants That (Still) Don’t Matter. Lecture Series “Talks with Taste,” Wuppertal.
    • 05/2021: Disruptions of/in Queer Life Writing – Fragmentation, Materiality, and the Body in Laura Jane Grace’s Work. Workshop, “Narrated Lives, Remembered Selves,” Regensburg.
    • 03/2020: Race and Gender in Rammstein’s “Deutschland”. Workshop “The Sound of Germany II – Rammstein’s “Deutschland,” Münster.
    • 11/2019: Porous Borders, Porous Bodies – Negotiating Citizenship, Gender and States of Exception in Laila Halaby’s Once in a Promised Land. Symposium “Migrant States of Exception,” Wuppertal.
    • 09/2019: Deconstructing the American Risk Society – Unreliable Narration and Knowledge Production in Showtime’s Homeland. Conference “Current Trajectories in Narrative Research,” Wuppertal.
    • 07/2019: The Gothic Imagination in 21st Century Sci-Fi TV. Seminar “The American Gothic,” Augsburg.
    • 06/2019: Posthuman Dystopian Fictions. Narrative Research Group, Center for Narrative Research, Wuppertal.
    • 06/2019: Transmediality, Commodification, and Diversity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Lecture “North American Popular Cultures,” Wuppertal.
    • 06/2019: Meditations on Authorship: Narrative Opacity in Sherley Anne Williams’ Neo-Slave Narrative. Annual Meeting Society for the Study of Narrative, Pamplona [cancelled due to illness].
    • 03/2019: US American Pop Music and the Legacy of Slavery, Conference “The Sound of Germany – Wie politisch ist der Pop?,” Münster.
    • 11/2018: (Post)Memory, Trauma, and the City in Contemporary Zombie Narratives. Hotspots Lecture Series, Münster.
    • 06/2018: Beyond the War on Terror: Marvel’s Postpost-9/11 Television. Poster presentation, Graduate School “Practices of Literature,” Münster.
    • 03/2018: Feminist Challenges to Post-9/11 Nationalism in Dan Trachtenberg’s 10 Cloverfield Lane. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association (PCA/ACA), Indianapolis.


Conference and Workshop Co-Organization (Selection):

Edited Volumes, Monographs, and Special Issues


Journal Articles and Book Chapters


Reviews and Interviews


Editorial Work