M.A. Program
The course of study for an MA degree in North American literature includes the following courses, seminars, and colloquia:
- Module A: literary history (10 credit points)
This module offers in-depth analysis of some of the main trends in literary history with an emphasis on some of the social and cultural-historical aspects of literary production and reception.
The module consists in an introductory course and a specialized seminar.
Both parts of the module are offered during the winter semester.
- Module B: literary theory (10 credit points)
This module begins with the introductory course on literary theory designed to offer an overview of central issues and paradigms.
The module concludes with an intensive exposure to specific paradigms in a smaller seminar.
The introductory course is offered during the winter semester; the intensive seminar during the summer semester.
- Module C: textual analysis (10 credit points)
This module concentrates on major genres as well as on specific authors and works in the North American tradition.
The module consists in an introductory course and an intensive seminar.
Both parts of the module are offered during the summer semester.