Panel: Don't Blame the Working Class: Understanding Class Politics and Racism in the Trump Era
A panel with Thomas Greven (JFKI), Sherry Linkon und John Russo (both Georgetown University)
As pundits and political strategists have tried to make sense of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, most of their analysis has focused on white working-class voters in so-called "flyover country." Often imagined as uninformed, foolish, racist, and angry, the "deplorables" of the white American working class have been defined as "Trump's base." But this narrative leaves out some important parts of the story. What does that analysis get wrong? How do class, race, and place work together to shape political attitudes and the way we talk about them? And what does this mean for the 2020 election?
Time & Location
Nov 11, 2019 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Lansstr. 7-9
14195 Berlin
Room 201