Deutschlandfunk interviews Christian Lammert on "Trump's Cultural War" and reports on the Department's participation in "The US after the Election"-conference
News from Feb 14, 2017
On the 3rd of February, Christian Lammert, Boris Vormann, Curd Knüpfer, and Betsy Leimbigler have participated in a conference titled "The US after the Elections," organized by the Political Science research chair of the University of Passau. The German radio station Deutschlandfunk has attended the conference and conducted interviews with our Department members. Their report was aired in on the 9th of February between 8.10 and 9.00pm in the context of the show "Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften" and can be listened to here.
Furthermore, Christian Lammert was invited by Deutschlandfunk to discuss "Trump's Cultural War" in the context of their "Kulturgespräch" show on February 10th. Together with Mara Delius, Mathias Greffrath, and host Michael Köhler he talked not only about current events such as the "Women's march on Washington" but also about the effects Trump's presidential style have on art and culture in a general and a more specific sense. The podcast can be accessed here.