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Curd Knüpfer on WDR MONITOR: Trump´s legacy: The eternal anti-democrat

News from Jan 26, 2021

Donald Trump's term as US president is history. For his supporters, however, the president-elect remains an idol and an eternal promise for the overthrow of a system they hate. Worldwide right-wing extremist networks such as QAnon continue to celebrate Trump as one of their own - and are counting on his return as the savior of their fascist ideology. Does Trump's departure obscure the view of a radicalization of the U.S. that began well before him and will continue well beyond him? How lasting is the impact of his administration on liberal societies around the world? How have his lies and rabble-rousing changed our view of reality? And how much does he miss right-wing populists, nationalists and right-wing extremists as a guiding figure at the center of power - including parties like the AfD in Germany?
MONITOR editorial director Georg Restle discusses these and other questions in "StudioM" with author and publicist Carolin Emcke; with Prof. Curd Knüpfer, who researches U.S. politics and media at the John F. Kennedy Institute at the Free University of Berlin; and with right-wing extremism researcher and director of the Institute for Democracy and Civil Society Matthias Quent. They all agree on one thing: The spook is far from over. The Trump phenomenon is having an impact far beyond his time in office.

To the broadcast.

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