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Curd Knüpfer about US Media phenomena centered around the ongoing Presidential Election

Prof. Curd Knüpfer has been featured as an expert on US media phenomena sourrounding the ongoing presidential election campaigns in an article on 1&1.de as well as The Conversation and as a recurring guest on the podcast Die Schicksalswahl by the Recherche-Netzwerk-Deutschland.

News from Sep 30, 2020

1&1 - Wie Troll-Farmen im US-Wahlkampf Stimmung für Trump machen

"Turning Point USA" will weniger: Steuern, Staat, Regulierung. Vor allem möchte die Organisation Donald Trump weiter im Präsidentenamt sehen. Um die Stimmung im Wahlkampf zu beeinflussen, bezahlen sie sogar Jugendliche für Troll-Postings.

To access the (german) article please click here.

RND - Steuertricks und TV-Debatten

Das erste TV-Duell im US-Wahlkampf steht kurz bevor. Während sich beide Kandidaten darauf vorbereiten, enthüllt die New York Times Auszüge aus den Steuerunterlagen von Donald Trump. Doch die Recherchen sind nur eines von vielen Themen, die im aktuellen Wahlkampf für Zündstoff sorgen.

To access the (german) podcast episode click here.

Fox News uses the word ‘hate’ much more than MSNBC or CNN

`Fox News is up to five times more likely to use the word “hate” in its programming than its main competitors, according to our new study of how cable news channels use language.

Fox particularly uses the term when explaining opposition to Donald Trump. His opponents are said to “hate” Trump, his values and his followers.

Our research, which ran from Jan. 1 to May 8, 2020, initially explored news of Trump’s impeachment. Then came the coronavirus. As we sifted through hundreds of cable news transcripts over five months, we noticed consistent differences between the vocabulary used on Fox News and that of MSNBC.

While their news agendas were largely similar, the words they used to describe these newsworthy events diverged greatly.

To access the article please click here.

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