Below you can find a selection of recently published journal articles and book chapters by our faculty members.
Journal Articles
Lammert, Christian. 2016. “The Path to Health Care Reform: Obama und die Reform des US-amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems.” Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Special Issue: The Obama Legacy. (forthcoming)
Lammert, Christian (with Betsy Leimbigler). 2016. “Why Health Care Reform Now? Strategic Framing and the Passage of Obamacare.” Social Policy and Administration 50 (4): 467-481.
Lammert, Christian, and Boris Vormann. 2015. “Has Quebecois Separatism Run its Course? New Chances for Cooperative Arrangements in Canada.” Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien 35: 45-62.
Vormann, Boris. 2015. “Infrastructures of the Global: Adding a Third Dimension to Urban Sustainability Discourses.” European Journal of American Studies, 10 (3): 2-11.
Vormann, Boris. 2015. “Toward an Infrastructural Critique of Urban Change. Obsolescence and Changing Perceptions of New York City’s Waterfront.” City 19 (2-3): 356-364.
Vormann, Boris. 2015. “Urban Diversity: Disentangling the Cultural and the Economic Case.” New Diversities 17 (2): 119-129.
Lammert, Christian, and Boris Vormann. 2014. “A Paradoxical Relationship? Regionalization and Canadian National Identity.” American Review of Canadian Studies 44 (4): 385-399.
Viola, Lora Anne (with Thomas Rixen). 2014. “Putting Path Dependence in its Place: Toward a Taxonomy of Institutional Change.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 26 (3): 1-23.
Vormann, Boris. 2014. “Infrastrukturen der globalen Stadt. Widersprüche des urbanen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses am Beispiel Vancouvers.” [“Infrastructures of the Global City. Contradictions of Urban Sustainability Discourses in the Case of Vancouver.”] Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien 34: 62-86.
Vormann, Boris. 2014. “Who Needs American Studies? Globalization, Nationalism, and the Future of Area Studies.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 59 (3): 387-406.
Vormann, Boris (with Gina Caison). 2014. “The Logics and Logistics of Urban Progress. Contradictions and Conceptual Challenges of the Global North-South-Divide.” The Global South 8 (2): 65-83.
Book Chapters
Greven, Thomas. 2016. “Zwischen Plutokratie und Rassismus: Der sehr amerikanische Populismus der Tea Party-Bewegung.” [“Between Plutocracy and Racism: The Very American Populism of the Tea Party Movement.”] In Die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2012. Analysen der Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft [The U.S. Presidential Election of 2012. Analyses of Political and Communications Science.], edited by Christoph Bieber and Klaus Kamps. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian. 2016. “Obamas Gesundheitsreform in der Phase der Politikimplementierung: Problematischer Erfolg inmitten einer gespaltenen Öffentlichkeit.” In Die USA am Ende der Präsidentschaft Barack Obamas. Eine erste Bilanz, edited by Winand Gellner and Patrick Horst. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian. 2016. “Privatization and Self-Responsibility: Patterns of Welfare State Development in Europe and in the United States Since the 1990s.” In Shifting Notions of Social Citizenship: The 'Two Wests', edited by Alice Kessler-Harris and Maurizio Vaudagna. Columbia University Press. (forthcoming)
Viola, Lora Anne (with Thomas Rixen). 2016. “Historical Institutionalism and International Relations: Towards Explaining Change and Stability in International Institutions.” In Historical Institutionalism and International Relations: Explaining Institutional Development in World Politics, edited by Thomas Rixen, Lora Anne Viola, and Michael Zürn. Oxford University Press.
Vormann, Boris. 2016. “Beneath and Beyond the Sustainable City.” In America After Nature: Democracy, Culture, Environment, edited by Catrin Gersdorf and Juliane Braun. Universitätsverlag Winter.
Vormann, Boris. 2016. “Greater than the Sum of its Parts. The Unrealized Potentials of Interdisciplinary American Studies.” In American Studies – A Monograph Series, edited by Alfred Hornung, Anke Ortlepp, and Heike Paul. Universitätsverlag Winter. (in print)
Lammert, Christian. 2015. “A Progressive Health Care Reform? Die Gesundheitsreform im Spiegel der öffentlichen Debatte.” [“A Progressive Health Care Reform? Health Care Reform and Public Opinion.”] In Always on the Defensive? Progressive Bewegung und Progressive Politik in den USA in der Ära Obama [Always on the Defensive? Progressive Movement and Progressive Policy in the U.S. During the Obama Era], edited by Michael Dreyer et al. WVT.
Lammert, Christian, and Boris Vormann. 2015. “Nordamerika.” [“North America.”] In Regionen und Regionalismus in den internationalen Beziehungen [Regions and Regionalism in International Relations], edited by Simon Koschut. Springer VS. (in print)
Viola, Lora Anne. 2015. “The Governance Shift: From Multilateral IGOs to Orchestrated Networks.” In Negotiated Reform: The Multilevel Governance of Financial Reform, edited by Renate Mayntz. Campus.
Viola, Lora Anne. 2015. “Orchestration by design: the G20 in international financial regulation.” In International Organizations as Orchestrators, edited by Kenneth W. Abbott et. al. Cambridge University Press.
Viola, Lora Anne (with Duncan Snidal and Michael Zürn). 2015. “Sovereign (In)equality in the Evolution of the International System.” In The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, edited by Stephan Leibfried et al. Oxford University Press.
Knüpfer, Curd. 2014. “Die Medien in den USA: Vierte Gewalt oder Sprachrohr der Macht?” [“The Media in the U.S.: Fourth Estate or Mouthpiece of Power?”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian. 2014. “Sozialpolitik in den USA: Zwischen Staat und Markt.” [“U.S. Social Policy between State and Market.”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian, and Boris Vormann. 2014. “Gesellschaft in der Krise? Neue Ungleichheiten in den USA.” [“Society in Crisis: New Inequalities in the United States.”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian, and Boris Vormann. 2014. “Kommunalpolitik in den USA.” [“Local Politics in the United States.”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Lammert, Christian, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. 2014. “Fremde Vertraute: traditionelle Leitbilder und neue Herausforderungen der US Politik.“ [“Intimate Strangers: Traditions and Challenges in U.S. Politics.”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Viola, Lora Anne. 2014. “The G-20 and global financial regulation.” In Handbook of Global Economic Governance: Players, power and paradigms, edited by Manuela Moschella and Catherine Weaver. Routledge.
Viola, Lora Anne. 2014. “Die USA und internationale Organisationen: Primus inter pares?” In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.
Vormann, Boris. 2014. “Stadt- und Regionalpolitik in den USA: Globale Ströme und lokale Verankerung.” [“Urban and Regional Politics in the United States.”] In Handbuch Politik USA [Handbook of U.S. Politics], edited by Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, and Boris Vormann. Springer VS.