Prof. Dr. Margit Mayer (a.D.)

Department of Political Science
Curriculum Vitae
Visiting Professor / Research Fellow, Gothenburg University, Sociology Dept./Gothenburg Centre of Globalization and Development
since 2014
Associate Professor, Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS), TU Berlin
Visiting Professor, New York University, Dept. of Sociology, and Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Preservation
Visiting Professor, San Francisco State University, Dept. of Political Science, San Francisco, CA
Visiting Professor, Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris/Sciences Po and CEVIPOF, Paris
Visiting Professor, Institute for Political Economy, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Visiting Professor, New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, New York, NY
since 1990
Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Dept. of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
Professor, Otto-Suhr-Institut for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
Visiting Scholar, Board of Studies in Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
Visiting Professor, Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley, CA
Habilitation, Dept. of Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M.
Ph.D., Dept. of Political Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M.
- U.S. political system: parties, interest groups, institutions, and social movements
- Cities in comparative perspective: Los Angeles - New York - Berlin
- Federal politics and the politics of urban development in the U.S.; Global Cities
- Urban politics in international comparative perspective
- State-civil society relations in the U.S.
- New Social Movements: empirical research, U.S.-German comparative perspective
- Welfare State restructuring in the U.S. and Germany; labor market and social policy reforms
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond)
International Graduate Research Program “Berlin - New York – Toronto, The World in the City: Metropolitanity and Globalization from the 19th Century to the Present“ (DFG-sponsored Cooperation project between Technische Universität & Humboldt Universität in Berlin, CUNY, Columbia University, York University, U of Toronto.
Freie Universität Berlin, Support from CED for Excellence Cluster Application ‘Urban Times: How Globalizing City Regions Cope with Crises and Generate Innovation’
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Research Sabbatical in the context of the Transatlantic Graduate Program New York-Berlin (GRK 1015/1)
Transatlantic Graduate Research Project “Berlin – New York” with Technische Universität, Humboldt Universität, Freie Universität Berlin, New York University, Columbia University.
DFG Research Project: „From Welfare to Work: A German-American Comparison of Local Social and Employment Policies considering in particular the Third Sector in Berlin and Los Angeles"
with Volker Eick, Britta Grell, Jens Sambale
The Freie Universität’s Research Committee: „New forms of cooperation and approaches to action in the politics of urban development and the labor market. The cases of Berlin and Los Angeles"
with: Volker Eick, Britta Grell, Thomas Franke
Berlin Research, Freie Universität: "The New Face of Metropolitan Homelessness. Urban Development and Homelessness between Global Constraints and Local Action"
with Jens Sambale und Dominik Veith
Berlin Research, Freie Universität: „Whose City Center? An Analysis of Decision-Making Processes in Urban Development: the Cases of Alexanderplatz and Friedrichstraße"
with Karin Lenhart, Jürgen Ungerer
Since 1994
ERASMUS project: "Social movements, conflicts, and political action"
in cooperation with Prof. Bert Klandermans, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands, and 10 other European universities
Academic and Administrative Functions
- Committee to Advance Female Graduates and Junior Faculty, Freie Universität Berlin, 1992-93
- J.F.K. Institute, Research Committee, Chair, 2003-2014
- J.F.K. Institute Department Council, Member, 1991-2014; Vice-Chair 1995-97; Director 1997-1999
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Blackwell Publishers, 1987-2002
- Editorial Board, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Guilford Press, 1990-2010
- Associate Editor, Urban Affairs Review (formerly Urban Affairs Quarterly), 1995-98
- Editorial Board, Mobilization, 1995-
- Editorial Board, Prokla, Journal for Critical Social Science, 1995-1999
- Editorial Committee, Book Series "North American Studies", Campus, 1995-2008
- Board of Officers, Research Committee, "Social Movements and Social Classes" within the International Sociological Association (ISA), 1994-98
- Co-Chair, Section on Local Politics within the German Association for Political Science, 1996-2000
- Trustee, Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies, Oxford, 1996-2001
- Advisory Board, Institute for socio-ecological research, Frankfurt/M., 1993-2006
- Advisory Board, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Western Europe-North America, 1998-2003
- Advisory Board, Centre for European Studies of Territorial Development, University of Durham, U.K., 1998-2005
- Advisory Board, Critical Urban Sustainability Hub, 2014-2018
- Academic Advisory Board, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation, 2008-
- Member, Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung
Selected Publications
Die US-Linke und die Demokratische Partei: Über die Herausforderungen progressiver Politik in der Biden-Ära. Berlin: Berlin: Bertz + Fischer, 2022 (1st chapter) (last chapterl)
Mayer, M., "Urban Social Movements and the State." Oxford: Basil Blackwell (forthcoming).
Eick, V., Grell, B., Mayer, M., Sambale, J., "Nonprofits und die Transformation lokaler Beschäftigungspolitik" [Nonprofits and the Transformation of Local Employment Policies]. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2004.
Mayer, M., Die Entstehnung des Nationalstaats in Nordamerika [The Emergence of the Nation State in North America]. Frankfurt: Campus 1979.
Edited Volumes
Briata, Paola, Claire Colomb, Margit Mayer, eds., Bridging across difference in contemporary social movements: Urban space and territory as catalysts for 'super-diverse' mobilizations and cross-movement divergence. Special Issue of Territory, Politics, Governance, 2020.
Mayer, M., Catharina Thörn, Håkan Thörn, eds. Urban Uprisings: Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2016.
Künkel, J., Mayer, M. (eds.), Neoliberal Urbanism and its Contestations. Crossing Theoretical Boundaries. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Brenner, N., Marcuse, P., Mayer, M. (eds.), Cities for People, Not for Profit: Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City. Routledge, 2012.
Hamel, P., Lustiger-Thaler, H., Mayer, M. (eds.), "Urban Movements in a Globalizing World." London: Routledge, 2000.
Lang, S., Mayer, M., Scherrer, Chr. (eds.), „Jobwunder USA – Modell für Deutschland?" [Model USA: Social Justice through Growing Employment?] Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 1999.
Mayer, M., J. Ely, (eds.), "The German Greens: Paradox between Movement and Party." Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998.
Heinelt, H., Mayer, M. (eds.), „Modernisierung der Kommunalpolitik. Neue Wege zur Ressourcenmobilisierung" [Modernization of Municipal Politics. New Paths towards Resource Mobilization]. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1997.
Heinelt, H., Mayer, M. (eds.), „Politik in europäischen Städten. Fallstudien zur Bedeutung lokaler Politik" [Politics in European Cities. Case Studies on the Significance of Local Politics]. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1993.
Borst, R., Krätke, S., Mayer, M., Roth, R., Schmoll, F. (eds.), „Das neue Gesicht der Städte. Theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde" [The New Face of Cities: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings]. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1990.
Mayer, M., R. Roth, V. Brandes (eds.), Stadtkrise und soziale Bewegungen: Texte zur internationalen Entwicklung [Urban Crisis and Social Movements: Contributions to the International Debate]. Köln/Frankfurt: Europäische Verlagsanstalt, 1978.
Book Chapters and Journal Articles
Mayer, M. (2025). Die USA am Vorabend einer neuen Ära. PROKLA. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft, (OF), OF 1–24.
Mayer, M. “Geschichte und Struktur sozialer Bewegungen in den USA,“ Handbuch Politik USA, Springer, 2024, pp 57-73, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-658-04125-0,
Mayer, M. “Soziale Bewegungen der Gegenwart: Progressive und rechte Bewegungen,“ Handbuch Politik USA, Springer 2024, pp 399-416, DOI : 10.1007/978-3-658-04125-0,
Güntner, S., A. Holm, D. Madden, M. Mayer, H. Silver, “Soziale Bewegungen, die Wohnungsfrage und kritische Theorie – ein Gespräch in Erinnerung an Peter Marcuse,” Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 36/1, pp. 112-128, 2023,
Mayer, M., J. Hitschler, “Die Demokraten haben sich nicht fundamental gewandelt,“ Interview, Neues Deutschland, March 25, 2023, Print: pp. 14-15, online:
Mayer, M., J. Hitschler, “Die Demokraten sind nicht nach links gerückt,“ Interview, Jacobin, March 26, 2023,
Mayer, M., J. Künkel, “Black Lives Matter,“ CILIP (Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte & Polizei), 127 (December 2021), pp. 64-69;
Mayer, M., “Demokratische Mehrheiten in Washington und eine erneuerte US-Linke? Teil 2 : Die Politik der Biden-harris-Regierung und die Linke, p. 719-740 (Themenschwerpunkt ‘Die USA vor, mit, und nach Trump’), 2021
Mayer, M., “Demokratische Mehrheiten in Washington und eine erneuerte US-Linke? Teil 1: Die Linke unter Biden,” Prokla 51/2, Heft 203 (Themenschwerpunkt ‘Die USA vor, mit, und nach Trump’), 2021,
Mayer, M., "Riots as Contestations of Neoliberal Urbanism," in: Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn and Niloufar Tajeri, eds., Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound, New York: Columbia University Press, 2021, pp.145-161,
René Kreichauf, Mayer, M., "Negotiating Urban Solidarities: Multiple Agencies and Contested Meanings in the Making of Solidarity Cites," Urban Geography, 2021,
Interview with Margit Mayer, “Black Lives Matter,” CILIP (Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechte & Polizei), 127 (December 2021), pp. 64-69;
Mayer, M., “Amerikas Progressive Bewegungen angesichts von Pandemie und rassistischer Polizeigewalt,” Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 34/1 (Themenschwerpunkt ‘Die USA nach der Wahl’), 2021, 76-102,,
Mayer, M., “Deep Divides: The Fault Lines Actually Disrupting American Democracy,” Special Issue AmerikaStudien / American Studies, 66/1 (‘Common Ground’), Winter Verlag, 2021,
Mayer, M., “Soziale Protestbewegungen in der Stadt der Gegenwart,” Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung ‘Stadt’ des Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz, 2021, 150-159.
Mayer, M., “Wie verstehen wir die 2020 Wahl in den USA?” November 2020,
Mayer, M. “Soziale Bewegungen: Zwischen kommunitärer Solidarität und Gleichheitsversprechen,” in: Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, Boris Vormann, eds., Handbuch Politik USA, updated and expanded edition, Springer VS 2020, pp. 347-364., DOI 978-3-658-23845-2_19, © 2020
Mayer, M., "Riots as Contestations of Neoliberal Urbanism," in: Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn and Niloufar Tajeri, eds., Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound, New York: Columbia University Press, 2020
Briata, Paola, Claire Colomb, Margit Mayer, eds., Bridging across difference in contemporary (urban) social movements: territory as a catalyst. Special Issue of Territory, Politics, Governance, 8/4, 451-460, 2020;;
Mayer, M. "What does it mean to be a (radical) urban scholar-activist, or activist scholar, today?" CITY. Analysis of Urban Trends, 24/1-2, 2020, pp. 35-51,
Mayer, M., “Promise and Limits of Participatory Discourses and Practices," in: Bariş Ülker, Maria do Mar Castro Varela, eds., Doing Tolerance. Democracy, Citizenship and Social Protests. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Verlag, 2020, pp. 72-93,
Georgi, Fabian, Margit Mayer, Roland Roth, Dirk Vogelskamp, Markus Wissen. "Herrschaftskritik und radikale Demokratie. Zum Tod von Wolf-Dieter Narr 1937-2019," Prokla, Heft 197, 49/4, pp. 645-650,
Mayer, M. "Chancen und Grenzen der 'Solidarischen Stadt'," in: Ayse Caglar, ed., Urbaner Protest. Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt. Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2019, pp. 143-170,
Mayer, M., "Geflüchtete in der Stadt – Wandel im Interaktionsfeld zwischen (engagierter) Zivilgesellschaft und Kommune," in: Thomas Wagner / Christine Resch, eds., Migration als soziale Praxis. Kämpfe um Autonomie und repressive Erfahrungen, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2019, pp.76-97,
Gesemann, Frank, Alexander Seidel, Margit Mayer, Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit von Willkommensinitiativen (Abschlussbericht im Auftrag des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung), Berlin: vhw, 2019
Gesemann, Frank, Margit Mayer, Alexander Seidel, Integration und Unterstützung von Geflüchteten als Urban Governance: Initiativen, Netzwerke und kommunale Kooperationen im Wandel, Berlin: DESI Working Papers, 2019, 978-3-8794-992-0
Mayer, M., "Bewegung in der unternehmerischen Stadt: Wie sich das Terrain verändert hat," LuXemburg 2-2019 (June 2019), pp. 12-19 <>
Mayer, M., Thörn, H., Mitchell, D., Camp J., "Protestens historiska geografi – ett samtal om politisk kamp i USA 1968–2018" Ord & Bild, May 9, 2018
Mayer, M., Thörn, H., Mitchell, D., Camp J., "The long historical struggles over the geographies of our lives. A conversation about protest in the US, 1968-2018," Eurozine May 9, 2018
Mayer, M., "Neoliberalism and the Urban," in: The Sage Handbook of Neoliberalism, ed by Damien Cahill, Martijn Konings, Melinda Cooper and David Primrose. London and New York: Sage 2018, pp. 483-495.
Mayer, M. "Citizen participation in big renewal projects: Why so complicated?" in: Slussen – a critical case of urban renewal in Stockholm City. Reports from seminars on contested urban development and democracy, Autumn 2017. Stockholmia essä 2018:10, Stockholms stad: Stockholmia förlag, pp. 12-21
Mayer, M. "Die deutsche Politikwissenschaft hat einen ihrer hervorragendsten und streitbarsten Köpfe verloren," Campus.Leben 01.03.2018,
Mayer, M. "Cities as sites of refuge and resistance," European Urban and Regional Studies, 25/3, 2018, pp 232–249,
Mayer, M. "Critical Urban Studies and Neoliberal Urban Development," bypolitisk organiserung, 2017.
Mayer, M., “Whose City? From Ray Pahl’s Critique of the Keynesian City to the Contestations around Neoliberal Urbanism,” Sociological Review, 2016. doi/10.1111/1467-954X.12414
Mayer, M., "Re-Thinking Urban Social Movements, 'Riots' and Uprisings: An Introduction," in: M. Mayer/ H. Thörn/ C. Thörn (eds.) Urban Uprisings. Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan 2016, pp. 3-55.
Mayer, M., "Neoliberal Urbanism and Uprisings across Europe," ch.2 in M. Mayer/ H. Thörn/ C. Thörn (eds.). Urban Uprisings. Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan 2016, pp. 57-92.
Mayer, M., Thörn, H., Thörn, C., "Afterword: Spatialized Social Inequalities and Urban Collective Action," in: M. Mayer/ H. Thörn/ C. Thörn (eds.) Urban Uprisings. Challenging Neoliberal Urbanism in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan 2016, pp. 333-339.
Mayer, M., "The Politics of Dispossession and Reappropriation in the Neoliberal City," ch. 5 in: Chiara Belingardi and Federica Castelli, eds., Città. Politiche dello spazio urbano. IAPh (International Association of Women Philosophers, Italy) 2016, pp. 102-130.
Mayer, M., " Movements and Politics in the Metropolitan Region," in: Julie-Anne Boudreau, Pierre Hamel, Roger Keil, Stefan Kipfer, eds., Governing Cities through Regions: Transatlantic Perspectives. Wilfrid Laurier University Press 2016, pp. 39-61.
Mayer, M. "Urban social movements in times of austerity politics," in: Sebastian Schipper, Barbara Schöning (eds.) Urban Austerity: Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Cities in Europe. Berlin: Verlag Theater der Zeit 2016, pp. 219-241
Mayer, M. "Afterword: Creative city policy and social resistance," in: Jun Wang, Tim Oakes, Yang Yang (eds.) Making Cultural Cities in Asia. New York & London: Routledge 2016, pp. 234-250
Mayer, M. "Cities in the making: social movements, neoliberal urbanism and critical practices," Interview, Diffractions – Graduate Journal for the Study of Culture, Issue 5: Urban Imaginaries. Fall 2015
Mayer, M., "Das Recht auf Stadt ohne Armut" [The Right to the City without Poverty] in: ÖGFA, ed., Das Geschäft mit der Stadt. Zum Verhältnis von Ökonomie, Architektur und Stadtplanung, UmBau 28 [Doing Business with the City: On the relationship of the Economy to Architecture and Urban Planning]. Vienna: Birkhäuser 2015, pp. 14-27.
Mayer, M. “Soziale Bewegungen in den USA: Zwischen kommunitärer Solidarität und Gleichheitsversprechen des Amerikanischen Traums” [Social Movements in the US: In between Communitarian Solidarity and the American Dream's Promise of Equality], in: Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, Boris Vormann, Hg., Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS 2015
Mayer, M., "Towards Glocal Movements? New Spatial Politics for a Just City," in: Volker Eick, Kendra Briken, eds., Urban (In)Security. Policing in Neoliberal Times, Ottawa: Red Quill Books 2014, pp. 27–59.
Mayer, M., "Soziale Bewegungen in Städten - städtische soziale Bewegungen" [Social Movements in Cities - Urban Social Movements] in: Norbert Gestring, Renate Ruhne, Jan Wehrheim, eds. Stadt und soziale Bewegungen [City and Social Movements]. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2014, pp. 25-42
Mayer, M. "Against and beyond the crisis: The role of urban social movements,” Geografies 22, 2013
Mayer, M. "New Lines of Division in the New Berlin," reprint in Matthias Bernt, Britta Grell, Andrej Holms, eds., The Berlin Reader. A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism. Berlin: transcript 2013, pp. 95-106.
Mayer, M., "Urbane soziale Bewegungen in der neoliberalisierenden Stadt" [Urban Social Movements in the neoliberalizing City], sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 1/ 2013 (Summer), pp. 155-168
Mayer, M., "Was können urbane Bewegungen, was kann die Bewegungsforschung bewirken? Replik zu den fünf Kommentaren", sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 1/ 2013 (Summer), pp. 193-204
Mayer, M., "Multiscalar mobilization for the just city: New spatial politics of urban movements," in: Walter Nicholls, Byron Miller, Justin Beaumont, eds., Spaces of Contention: Spatialities and Social Movements, Aldershot: Ashgate 2013, pp. 163 - 196.
Mayer, M., "Preface," in: Squatting Europe Kollektive, ed., Squatting in Europe: Radical Spaces, Urban Struggles, Wivenhoe / New York: Minor Compositions / Autonomedia 2013, 1-9
Mayer, M., "First World Urban Activism: Beyond austerity urbanism and creative city politics," City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 17/1 (February), 2013, 5-19.
Mayer, M. "Crisis City: Die Krise der amerikanischen Stadt" [Crisis City: The Crisis of the American City], in: Marco Althaus, Gerhard Göhler, Cornelia Schmalz-Jacobsen, Christian Walther (Hg.) Medien, Macht und Metropolen. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2012, S. 67-82.
Mayer, Margit, "Neil Smith. A Tribute from Berlin," City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 16/6, (December) 2012, 689-691
Mayer, Margit, "Metropolitan Research in Transatlantic Perspective: Differences, Similarities, and Conceptual Diffusion," in: Dorothee Brantz, Sasha Disko, Georg Wagner-Kyora, eds., Thick Space: Approaches to Metropolitanism. Bielefeld: transcript 2012, 105-122.
Mayer, Margit, "Moving beyond ‘Cities for People, not for Profit’," City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 16/4 (August) 2012, 481-483.
Mayer, M., "Besetzen als politische Aktionsform seit den 1970er Jahren" [Squatting as a Political Form of Action since the 1970s], in: Martina Nussbaumer/Werner Michael Schwarz, eds., Besetzt! Kampf um Freiräume seit den 70ern. Wien: Czernin Verlag und Wien Museum 2012, pp. 44-51.
Mayer, M. and Julie-Anne Boudreau, "Social Movements in Urban Politics: Trends in Research and Practice," in: Oxford Handbook on Urban Politics, Oxford UP 2012, 273-291.
Mayer, M., J. Künkel, "Introduction: Neoliberal Urbanism and its Contestations – Crossing Theoretical Boundaries," in: J. Künkel, M. Mayer, eds., Neoliberal Urbanism and Its Contestations – Crossing Theoretical Boundaries. London: Palgrave Publishers, 2012, 3-26.
Mayer, M., J. Künkel, "Conclusion: Implications of Urban Theory for Social Movements," in: J. Künkel, M. Mayer, eds., Neoliberal Urbanism and Its Contestations – Crossing Theoretical Boundaries. London: Palgrave Publishers, 2012, 208-224.
Mayer, M., "Krise der Stadt - Stadt in der Krise" [Crisis in the City - City in Crisis], in: A. Etges, W. Fluck, eds., American Dream? Eine Weltmacht in der Krise. Frankfurt: Campus 2011, pp. 111-135.
Brenner, N., P. Marcuse, M. Mayer, "Cities for People, not for profit: an introduction," in: Brenner et al., eds., Cities for People, not for Profit. Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City. London: Routledge 2012, pp. 1-10.
Mayer, M., "The 'right to the city' in urban social movements," in: N. Brenner, P. Marcuse, M. Mayer, eds., Cities for People, not for Profit. Critical Urban Theory and the Right to the City. London: Routledge 2012, 63-85 (Published in Turkish: "Kentsel Toplumsal Hareketlerde 'Kent Hakki'," in: Education Science Society/Egitim bilim toplum [Ankara], 9/35, Autumn 2011: 153-182).
Mayer, Margit, “'Recht auf Stadt'-Bewegungen in historisch und räumlich vergleichender Perspektive” [Right to the City Movements in Historically and Spatially Comparative Perspective], in Andrej Holm/Dirk Gebhardt, eds., Initiativen für ein Recht auf Stadt. Zur Theorie und Praxis städtischer Aneignungen [Initiatives for a Right to the City. Theory and Practice of Urban Appropriations]. Hamburg: VSA Verlag, 2011, 53-77.
Mayer, M., "Das neue Elend der US-Städte: Eine avancierte Form des Klassenkampfs von oben" [The new distress of US Cities: Advanced Class Struggle from Above], Prokla. Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialwissenschaft 41/2, 2011, 253-272.
Mayer, M., "Activating Policies in Employment and Community Development," in: …ment, journal for contemporary culture, art and politics 1, 2011, 23-32
Mayer, M., "Neoliberal Urbanization and the Politics of Contestation," in: Tahl Kaminer, Miguel Robles-Duran, Heidi Sohn, eds., Urban Asymmetries. Studies and Projects on Neoliberal Urbanization. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers, 2011, 46-61. Republished in Swedish [Nyliberal urbanisering och motståndets politik. Intervju med Margit Mayer] in: Catharina Thörn and Helena Holgersson, eds., Gentrifiering. Lund: Studentlitteratur 2014, 269-283.
Mayer, M., “Social Movements in the (Post-)Neoliberal City,” Civic City Cahier 1, London: Bedford Press, 2010, 15-45.
Mayer, M., "Punishing the Poor – a Debate. Some Questions on Wacquant’s Theorizing the Neoliberal State, " Theoretical Criminology, vol. 14 no. 1, 2010, 93-103; "Noen problemer ved formuleringen av en ny statsteori," Materialisten. Tidsskrift for Forskining, Fagkritikk og Teoretisk Debatt (Oslo) vol. 37 no. 4, 2009, 41-53; "Труднощі при нарисі теорії неоліберальної держави," Spil’ne № 1, 2010 – Криміналізація соціальних проблем, 18-23.
Mayer, M., "Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Stadtforschung und städtischer Bewegungen" [Perspectives and Challenges of Urban Research and Urban Movements], derive. Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung 40/41 (October 2010) ISSN 1608-8131, 116-123.
Mayer, M., "Social Cohesion and Anti-Poverty Policies in US Cities," in: Harlan Koff, ed., Social cohesion in Europe and the Americas/ Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas, Bern: Peter Lang Publishing, 2009, 311-334.
Margit, M., "Combating Social Exclusion with ‘Activating Policies’: Lessons from Recent German Policy Reforms," The Urban Reinventors, 3/09 (November 2009), 1-36
Mayer, M., "Das 'Recht auf die Stadt' – Slogans und Bewegungen" ['The ‘right to the city' – Slogans and Movements]Forum Wissenschaft 26/1, March 2009, 14-18.
Mayer, M., Johannes Novy, "As 'Just' as it Gets? The European City in the "Just City" Discourse," in: Peter Marcuse et al., eds., Searching for the Just City. New York: Routledge 2009, 103-119.
Neil Brenner, Peter Marcuse, Margit Mayer, "Cities for people, not for profit: an introduction," City. Analysis of Urban Trends 13/2-3, July 2009, 176-184 (extracted and translated as "La critique urbaine, une discipline fondamentale" in: Dossier Penser la Ville avec Marx? Mé 13/5/2011.
Mayer, M., "The ‘Right to the City’ in the Context of Shifting Mottos of Urban Social Movements," City. Analysis of Urban Trends 13/2-3, July 2009, 362-374.
Mayer, M., "Schwierigkeiten einer Theoretisierung des neoliberalen Staats. Nachfragen zu Wacquant" [Some difficulties in theorizing the neoliberal state], Das Argument, 51/3, Nr. 281, 2009, 493-502.
Neil Brenner, John Friedmann, Margit Mayer, Allen J. Scott, Edward W. Soja, "Urban Restructuring and the Crisis: A Symposium," Critical Planning, vol. 16, summer 2009, 35-59.
Mayer, M., “Städtische Soziale Bewegungen,” [Urban Social Movements] in: Roland Roth, Dieter Rucht, eds., Die Sozialen Bewegungen in Deutschland seit 1945. Ein Handbuch [Social Movements in Germany since 1945. A Handbook]. Frankfurt: Campus 2008, 293-318.
Mayer, M., "To what end do we theorize sociospatial relations?," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26/3, 2008, 414-419.
Mayer, M., "Schutz der Heimat - Die Aushöhlung des Rechtsstaates," in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, ed., Quo vadis, Amerika? Die Welt nach Bush, Berlin: Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft 2008, 151-160.
Mayer, M., "Armutspolitik in amerikanischen Städten" [Poverty Politics in American Cities] Prokla 38/4, no. 153, December 2008, 569-593.
Mayer, M., "Drittsektor-Organisationen als neue Partner der Verwaltung in der Restrukturierung lokaler Sozialpolitik?" in: Heike Walk, Lillian Schwalb, eds., Local Governance - mehr Transparenz und Bürgernähe? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2007, 169-182.
Mayer, M., "Transatlantic Metropolitan Studies - A joint Ph.D. program between New York and Berlin Universities," Columbia University Institute for the Study of Europe Newsletter, Featured Article, Spring 2007, 2-7.
Mayer, M., "Movimenti urbani nell’era neoliberista: i casi degli Stati Uniti e della Germania ("Urban Movements in the Neoliberal Era: the cases of Germany and the United States") in: Tommaso Vitale, ed., In nome de chi? Partecipazione e rappresentanza nelle mobilitazioni locali/ Participation and Representation in Urban Movements, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2007, 41-72.
Mayer, M., "Multi-skalare Praxen städtischer Bewegungen," (Multi-scalar practices of urban movements") in: Markus Wissen et al., eds., Politics of Scale: Räume der Globalisierung und Perspektiven emanzipatorischer Politik. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot 2007, 268-289.
Mayer, M., “New Lines of Division in the New Berlin,” in: Friedrich Ulfers, Günter Lenz, Antje Dallmann, eds., Towards a New Metropolitanism: Reconstituting Public Culture, Urban Citizenship, and the Multicultural Imaginary in New York City and Berlin (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006), 171-183. Republished in M. Bernt, B. Grell, A. Holm, eds., The Berlin Reader. A Compendium on Urban Change and Activism. Berlin: transcript, 2013, pp. 95-106.
Mayer, M. "Berlin Nonprofits in the Reshaping of Welfare and Employment Policies," German Politics and Society, 24/4 Winter 2006, 131-144.
Mayer, M., "Contesting the Neoliberalization of Urban Governance," in: Helga Leitner, Jamie Peck, Eric Sheppard, eds., Contesting Neoliberalism; The Urban Frontier. New York: Guilford Press, 2007, 90-115.
Mayer, M., "Urban Social Movements in an Era of Globalization," in: Neil Brenner/Roger Keil, eds., The Global Cities Reader. Routledge, 2006, pp. 296-304.
Mayer, M., “Manuel Castells’ The City and the Grassroots,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 30/1, march 2006, 202-206.
Mayer, M., “Combattre l’exclusion sociale par l’empowerment: le cas de l’Allemagne, ” Geographie Economie Societé 8/1, march 2006, 37-62.
Mayer, M., "Metropolitan Research in Transatlantic Perspective," CMS Working Paper Series No 002-2006, <>
Mayer, M., R. Keil, J. Essletzbichler, Ch. Schmid, M. Castells, D. Harvey, R. Bittner, "Steinbrüche der Theoriebilding. Manuel Castells, David Harvey, und die Widerstände in der kapitalistischen Stadt. Ein E-mail Gespräch," AnArchitektur Beilage zu Heft Nr. 16/17, Oktober 2006.
Mayer, M., "Ein anderes Rezept. Fundraising und Ethik in Frauengesundheitsorganisatione. Vorwort," in: Breast Cancer Action Germany, ed., Anne Rochon Ford's Ein anderes Rezept. Nachdenkliche Betrachtungen zum Pharmasponsoring.
Mayer, M., “Von der Protestkultur zum Dritten Sektor/From Protest Culture to the Third Sector,” in: Elisabeth Kremer, ed., Die anderen Städte/ The Other Cities. IBA Stadtumbau 2010 vol. 2: Zivile Kultur/Civic Culture, Leipzig: Jovis, 2005, 77-98.
Mayer, M., “Drittsektor-Organisationen in der Politik gegen soziale Ausgrenzung - neue Partner der Verwaltung in der Restrukturierung lokaler Sozialpolitik? ,” Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 18/3, 2005, 58-68.
Mayer, M., “Das Konzept des Sozialkapitals in der stadtpolitischen Diskussion,” (“The Concept of Social Capital in Urban Politics Discourse”) Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, 9/10, 2005, pp. 589-597.
Mayer, M., "Glocalizing Protest: Urban Conflicts and Global Social Movements,", in Jan Lin, Christopher Mele, eds., The Urban Sociology Reader, Routledge 2005, pp.746-764.
Eick, V., Grell, B., Mayer, M., "Handlungsansätze von Nonprofit-Organisationen in der lokalen Beschäftigungspolitik – Erfahrungen aus Los Angeles und Berlin" [Approaches of Nonprofits in the Politics of Local Employment – Experiences from Los Angeles and Berlin], in: Sandra Kotlenga, Barbara Nägele, Nils Pagels, Bettina Ross (eds.), Der Dritte Sektor: Chancen für Beschäftigung. Göttingen: Talheimer Verlag, 2005.
Manning, St., M. Mayer, "Praktiken informeller Ökonomie: Eine Einführung" [Practices of Informal Economy: An Introduction], in: Manning, St., M. Mayer (eds.), Praktiken informeller Ökonomie – Explorative Studien aus Berlin und nordamerikanischen Städten, Working Paper No. 2, Abteilung Politik, JFK Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, 2004, 4-14.
Eick, V., Grell, B., Mayer, M., "Zwischen Sozialintegration und Arbeitszwang: Gemeinnützige Beschäftigungsinitiativen in den USA und der Bundesrepublik" [Between Social Integration and Mandatory Work: Nonprofit Employment Initiatives in the U.S.A. and Germany], WSI-Mitteilungen 11, 2004, 610-616.
Mayer, M., "Vom Versprechen lokaler Kohäsion. Blindstellen in der internationalen Debatte" [The Promise of Local Cohesion. Some Blind Spots in the International Debate], in: Fabian Kessl, Hans-Uwe Otto (eds.), Soziale Arbeit und soziales Kapital. Zur Kritik lokaler Gemeinschaftlichkeit. Wiesbaden: VS, 2004.
Mayer, M., "Schutz der Heimat. Über die Aushöhlung der Bürgerrechte in den Vereinigten Staaten" [Homeland Security. On the Erosion of Civil Rights in the U.S.], Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 7. Juli 2003, 843-852.
Mayer, M., "The Onward Sweep of Social Capital: Causes and Consequences for Understanding Cities, Communities, and Urban Movements," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 27/1, March 2003, 110-132.
Mayer, M., H. Heinelt, "Local Politics Research in Germany. Developments and Characteristics in Comparative Perspective," European Urban and Regional Studies 10/1 (January) 2003, 39-47.
Mayer, M., „Soziales Kapital und Stadtentwicklungspolitik – ein ambivalenter Diskurs" [Social Capital and the Politics of Urban Development – an Ambivalent Discourse], in: Michael Haus (ed.), Lokale Politik, soziales Kapital und Bürgergesellschaft. Opladen: Leske+Budrich, 2002, 33-58.
Mayer, M., "Urban Movements and Urban Theory in the Late 20th Century," in: Sophie Body-Gendrot & Bob Beauregard (eds.), The Urban Moment. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999, 209-239.
Mayer, M., "Social Movements in European Cities: Transitions from the 1970s to the 1990s," in: Arnaldo Bagnasco , Patrick LeGalès (eds.), Cities in Contemporary Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999, 131-152.
Mayer, M., „Städtische soziale Bewegungen" [Urban Social Movements], in: Ansgar Klein, Hans-Josef LeGrand, Thomas Leif (eds.), Neue soziale Bewegungen - Impulse, Bilanzen, Perspektiven. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1998, 257-271.
Mayer, M., „Kritische Stadtforschung" [Critical Urban Research], in: Ch. Görg, R. Roth (eds.), Kein Staat zu machen. Zur Kritik der Sozialwissenschaften. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, 1998, 427-445.
Mayer, M., "Global City Berlin?" Prokla 109, 1997, 519-543.
Mayer, M., „Postfordistische Stadtpolitik. Neue Regulationsweisen in der lokalen Politik und Planung" [Postfordist Urban Politics. New Modes of Regulation in Local Politics and Planning], Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Jg.40, Heft 1-2, 1996, 20-27.
Mayer, M., R. Roth, "New Social Movements and the Transformation to Post-Fordist Society," in: Marcy Darnovsky, Barbara Epstein, Richard Flacks (eds.), Cultural Politics and Social Movements. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
Mayer, M., "Post-Fordist City Politics." In: Ash Amin (ed.), Post-Fordism: A Reader. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1994.
Mayer, M., "The ‘Career’ of Urban Social Movements in German Cities." In: Robert Fisher and Joseph Kling (eds.), Mobilizing the Community: Local Politics in a Global Era. Newbury Park: Sage, 1993.
Mayer, M., "Social Movement Research and Social Movement Practice: The U.S. Pattern." In: Dieter Rucht (ed.), Research on Social Movements. The State of the Art in Western Europe and the USA. Frankfurt/M.: Campus/Westview, 1991.
Mayer, M., "Bewegung in der unternehmerischen Stadt: Wie sich das Terrain verändert hat," LuXemburg 2-2019 (June 2019), pp. 12-19 <
Gesemann, Frank, Margit Mayer, Alexander Seidel, Integration und Unterstützung von Geflüchteten als Urban Governance: Initiativen, Netzwerke und kommunale Kooperationen im Wandel, Berlin: DESI Working Papers, 2019, 978-3-8794-992-0
Gesemann, Frank, Alexander Seidel, Margit Mayer, Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit von Willkommensinitiativen (Abschlussbericht im Auftrag des vhw – Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung), Berlin: vhw, 2019
Mayer, M. "Chancen und Grenzen der 'Solidarischen Stadt'," in: Ayse Caglar, ed., Urbaner Protest. Revolte in der neoliberalen Stadt. Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2019, pp. 143-170,
Georgi, Fabian, Margit Mayer, Roland Roth, Dirk Vogelskamp, Markus Wissen. "Herrschaftskritik und radikale Demokratie. Zum Tod von Wolf-Dieter Narr 1937-2019," Prokla, Heft 197, 49/4, pp. 645-650,
Mayer, M., "Promise and Limits of Participatory Discourses and Practices," in: Bariş Ülker, Maria do Mar Castro Varela, eds., Doing Tolerance. Democracy, Citizenship and Social Protests. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich Verlag, 2020,
Mayer, M. “Soziale Bewegungen in den USA: Zwischen kommunitärer Solidarität und Gleichheitsversprechen des Amerikanischen Traums,” in: Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert, Boris Vormann, eds., Handbuch Politik USA, updated and expanded edition, Springer VS 2020, pp.
Mayer, M. "What does it mean to be a (radical) urban scholar-activist, or activist scholar, today?" CITY. Analysis of Urban Trends, 24/1-2, 2020, pp.
Mayer, M., "Riots as Contestations of Neoliberal Urbanism," in: Natasha Ginwala, Gal Kirn and Niloufar Tajeri, eds., Nights of the Dispossessed: Riots Unbound, New York: Columbia University Press, 2020.
Confrence papers given
Enacting citizenship and solidarity in Europe “from below”: Local initiatives, intersectional strategies, and transnational movements” (ECSEuro), Hamburg University, Roundtable: Enacting Solidarity and Citizenship at Urban Scales, October 2024.
ECSEuro - Enacting Citizenship and Solidarity in Europe "From Below": Local Initiatives, Intersectional Strategies, and Transnational Networks , “Urban Social Movements – Discussion with Margit Mayer”, 2023, (Audio)
Plenary Lecture: "The Role of Social Movements in contemporary urban crises", Conference “Housing in Times of Crisis”, Uppsala Universitet, October 2023.
Zeitenwende – Welche Zeitenwende? Umbrüche im globalen Kapitalismus, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Plenum 2: Geoökonomische Umbrüche und neue imperialistische Rivalitäten, “Die USA – Der absteigende Hegemon zwischen innerer Faschisierung und äußerer Aggression”, July 2023
"From 'Arrival Cities' to 'Solidarity Cities'?", Indiana University Europe Gateway, Conference 'Infrastructures of Refugee Arrival: Spaces, Politics and Negotiations of Asylum'
"Dynamics of neoliberal urban governance and their significance for social movements " (keynote address), Transformative Urban Governance Conference, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University, Melbourne, 26 -27 June 2019
"Mobilisierung und (Selbst)Organisation in der neoliberalen Stadt", Panel 'Recht auf Stadt oder Recht auf Stuck? Selbstverständnis und Deutung urbaner sozialer Bewegungen im Kontext von autoritärem Populismus, radikaldemokratischen Ansprüchen und Hauptwiderspruchsdebatten,' 2. Regionalkonferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Jena, June 2019.
Invited Lectures
“How context and periodization matter in the assessment of protest movements since the 1960s”, Seminar “Organizing for Social Justice” by Eddie Yuen, California Institute for Integral Studies, Dept of Anthropology and Social Change, March 2024
Zur innenpolitischen Situation in den USA und zu Herausforderungen für linke Kräfte, Helle Panke, February 2024.
Commentator to Lecture by Brett Christophers, Our Lives in their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers own the World, JFK-Institute, FU Berlin, November 2023
“Can urban social movements keep up with the neoliberal city’s crisis management?, Södertörn University, Stockholm, October 2023.
"Bewegung in der neoliberalen Stadt", Büro für urbane Unordnung u.a., Düsseldorf, Dec. 2019.
"Recht auf Stadt – Soziale Kämpfe in der neoliberalen Stadt", Textil- und Industriemuseum Augsburg, SchoenerScheitern, Petra-Kelly-Stiftung, Augsburg, Oct. 2019
"Chancen und Grenzen der 'Solidarischen Stadt'", CMS Public Lecture, TU Berlin, Oct. 2019.
"Spatialized Social Inequalities and Urban Collective Action", URBEUR PhD Program, University Milano-Bicocca (Cities and Territories/City square, protest and violence), April 2019.
"Contextualizing Liebig36 in the Contemporary Squatting Movement", SO36 Berlin, Jan. 2019.