Prof. Dr. Christian Lammert

Department of Political Science
Professor of North American Politics and Policy
Room 212
14195 Berlin
Office hours
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Check out my new blog on the U.S. presidential election (in German):
Christian Lammert is a Professor of Political Science with a focus on Political Systems in North America at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies (JFKI) at Freie Universität Berlin . He received his PhD in political science from Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main) in 2002.
Lammert's academic journey at the JFKI began in 2010 when he started teaching as a Guest Professor. In 2012, he assumed his current role as Professor of Political Science, specializing in Political Systems in North America within the Department of Political Science at the JFKI.
As of 2024, Lammert holds several prestigious positions:
- President of the German Association for American Studies
- Board Member of the Foundation "Toleranz und Humanität"
- Board Member of the Foundation on German-American Academic Relations
- Board Member of the Association of German-American Centers
- Member of the Board of Trustees for the John McCloy Transatlantic Forum at Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
Lammert has played a crucial role in shaping the JFKI:
- Served as Institute Director from 2017-2019 and again from 2020-2023
- Member of the Board of Directors from 2013-2023
- MA-Advisor for North American Studies from 2011-2017
His leadership extends to other academic associations:
- Executive Board Member of the German Association of American Studies (DGfA) since 2019
- Executive Board Member of the German Association of Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries (GKS) from 2015-2024
Lammert's expertise is recognized internationally:
- Country Expert for the USA in the Sustainable Governance Indicators project by Bertelsmann Stiftung since 2013
- Former Chair of Research Council 39: Welfare States and Developing Countries, International Political Science Association (IPSA) from 2011-2013
- Speaker of the Working Group "Comparative Welfare State Research" for the German Political Science Association from 2009-2015
Professor Lammert's career reflects a deep commitment to fostering transatlantic understanding and advancing research in comparative political science, with a focus on North American political systems and social policy.
Professor Lammert's research encompasses a wide range of topics, including:
- Inequality
- State-market relations
- Social and health policy
- Democracy from a transatlantic perspective
His primary research focus is on income and wealth inequality, particularly examining how advanced welfare regimes in the transatlantic region attempt to redistribute economic resources through tax and transfer systems
Lammert recently completed a book project titled "The Promise of Equality: Legitimacy and the Boundaries of Democracy". This work likely reflects his ongoing interest in issues of equality and democratic governance.
Contact Information
For those interested in reaching out to Professor Lammert, he can be contacted at:John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Lansstrasse 7-9
14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 83852854
Lammert in the News:
Media contributions: please click here
Invited Talks and Conference Papers
- "Besser als ein Ruf. Das Wohlfahrtsregime in den USA", Vortrag an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, sozialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Wuppertal, 28. Januar 2019.
- "The Liberal Roots of Populism", Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops "Contesting Liberalism: The Global Politics of Populism", Forum for the Study of Global Conditions, Leipzig, 25. Januar 2019
- Inequality, Responsiveness, and the Viability of Democratic Rule, Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der DGfA-Sektion Politikwissenschaft, Passau, 26. November 2018.
- Die Krise der Demokratie, Vortrag, Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung, Westerkappeln, 8. November 2018.
- Das Ende des amerikanischen Traums? Ungleichheit und soziale Mobilität in den USA, Vortrag an der Münchener Volkshochschule /Amerikahaus München, München, 30. 10. 2018.
- Amerika unter Trump - Demokratie in der Krise? Öffentlicher Vortrag am DAZ Stuttgart, Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung, vhs Stuttgart. Stuttgart, 25.101.2018
- Spiegel-Gespräch Live im Literaturhaus Güttingen. "Nachruf auf Amerika." Diskussion mit Klaus Brinkbäumer (Der Spiegel) und Christian Lammert (JFKI)
- Die Krise der Demokratie, SummerSchool USA, Atlantische Akademie, Lambrecht (Pfalz), 1. August 2018
- Crisis of Democracy, Summer European Academy, Universität Passau, 5. Juni 2018.
- The Welfare State and the Crisis of Democracy: Paths into tjhe Crisis and ways out!, Presentation at Columbia Global Centers, Paris, 29.5.2018.
- Yes We Did - What's Left of Obamas legacy?, Public Talk, Museum "The Kennedys", Berlin, January 18, 2018.
- Crisis of Democracy, Panel and Book Presentation (Die Krise der Demokratie und wie wir sie überwinden können, Aufbau Verlag 2017), New York University Berlin, November 30, 2017.
- "The End of the American Dream: Inequality and Social Mobility in the U.S., Talk at the Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (Section Political Science), PfalzAkademie, Lambrecht, November 10, 2017.
- Die Krise der Demokratie. Panel auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse, Vorwärts, "Politiker trifft Buch". Diskussion mit Ralf Stegner, 14. Oktober 2017.
- "Die USA 1 Jahr nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen", Öffentlicher Vortrag Gedenkstätte Ahlem, Hannover, 24. August 2017.
- "Gesellschaft in der Krise. Neue Ungleichheiten in den USA", Vortrag im WBZ Ingelheim, eine Veranstaltung der Fridtjof-Nansen-Akademie, 23.6.2017
- "Besser als sein Ruf. die komplexe Realität des US-amerikanischen Wohlfahrtsstaates, Vortrag im WBZ Ingelheim, eine Veranstaltung der Fridtjof-Nansen-Akademie, 23.6.2017
- Panelist auf dem Panel "Zur Lage der Nation: Wissenschaft, Kultur und Politik in den Zeiten von Trump", DGfA Jahrestagung Hannover, 10. Juni 2017.
- "Trump und die Krise der Demokratie in den USA", Vortrag an der Universität Passau, Passau, 4. Mai 2017.
- "Das Phänomen Trump", Dinner Speech at 10th. Institutional Money Congress 2017, Alte Oper, Frankfurt am Main, 21. Februar 2017
- "Einkommens- und Wohlstandsungleichheit und der Zustand der Demokratie in den USA", Vortrag auf der Tagung "Die USA nach den Wahlen", Passau, 4. Februar 2017
- "Trumps Amtseinführung", Kommentar und Diskussion, Atlantik Brücke, Berlin, 20. Januar 2017
- "Der US-amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat. Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik von Obama zu Trump", öffentlicher Vortrag an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 13. Dezember 2016.
- "The United States Elected a New President: What's Next?" Joint Panel FU Speakers Series (together with Jean C. Robinson), 17.11.2016, Berlin.
- "Die USA nach der Wahl", Symposium des Übersee-Museums Bremen, 9. November 2016, Bremen.
- "Trump, Clinton, and the Crisis of Democracy in the United States", öffentlicher Vortrag an der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 25.10.2016.
- "Vor der Wahl!", OSI Clubabend am 12.10.2016 mit Christian Lammert und Oliver Ziegler, Berlin
- "Zwischen Markt und Staat. Entwicklungstendenzen im US-amerikanischen Gesundheitssystem", öffentlicher Veranstaltung des BKK Dachverbands, 20.9.2016, Berlin.
- "Die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen", COM DEBATTE der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Politikberatung, Berlin, 19.9.2016
- "US Presidential Elections and Domestic Politics", Vortrag und Workshop, Schülertagung an der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, 'After Obama: US Presidential Elections ans their impact!, 8- bis 10. August 2016
- "National Conventions: die Entscheidung der US-Präsidentschaftswahl?. Öffentlicher Vortrag am DAZ Stuttgart, 12. Juli 2016.
- "Fakten Check: Die Gesundheitsreform der Obama-Administration", Presentation at the Seminar-Conference: " Obama Gut - alles Gut? Eine Bilanz. Die USA vor den Wahlen 2016, Studienhaus Wiesneck, April 12, 2016.
“Obamas Gesundheitsreform in der Phase der Politikimplementierung“. Presentation at the Conference „Die USA am Ende der Präsidentschaft Obamas – eine erste Bilanz, Universität Passau, January 24/25 2015
„Social Policy, Political Participation and Trust“. Presentation Ringvorlesung “Trust", JFKI, FU Berlin, January 28, 2015
“Accommodating Diversity: Models of Nationhood, Citizenship and Belonging in Canada”. Presentation at the 36thAnnual Conference of the Germen Association of Canadian Studies, Grainau, February 6-8, 2015.
Was (Wer) kommt nach Obama? Die USA auf dem Weg zur Präsidentschaftswahl 2016". Public Talk Römer Frankfurt am Main, October 30. Organized by the Exchange Program Hessen Wisconsin/Massachusetts.
"Exceptionalism Unbound: Income Inequality in the United States in a Comparative Perspective". Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Political Science Section - German Association for American Studies, Lambrecht (Pfalz), November 13/14, 2015
"Change we can believe in? Obamas Gesundheitsreform zwischen Wandel und Widerstand, Public Talk organized by the Amerikazentrum Hamburg and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Hamburg, November, 16. 2015
“The Path to Health Care Reform: Obama und die Reform des amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems, Presentation at the Conference “A Transformational Presidency? Die Ära Obama in den USA, Tutzing, December 11-13, 2015.
“Social Policy and Citizenship: Negotiators and social cement between rich and poor.” Lecture at Columbia University, New York, November 5.
“A New American Exceptionalism? The Politics of Inequality after the Cold War”. Lecture at Brown University, Providence, November 3.
“Is there a Conservative State?“, Presentation at the Annual Conference of the DGfA (Section Political Science): “Conservatism in the United States”, Lambrecht (Pfalz), November 14.
“The Hidden Welfare States Matters”: Die Entwicklung und Entfaltung des Wohlfahrtsstaates in den USA“ Presentation at the Conference „Lessons from America. Was wir politikwissenschaftlich voin den USA kernen können“. Atlantische Akademie und Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, Tutzing ,June 21.
“Privatization and Self-Responsibility: Patterns of Welfare State Development in Europe and the U.S. since the 1990s, Presentation at the international Workshop “Shifting Notions of Social Citizenship: The “Two Wests”, Paris, Reid Hall, June 12.
“Aktuelle Probleme in der Politik und Gesellschaft der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika“, Presentation at the iDA-Seminar on ‘Regionalkompetenz USA’, DAAD, Berlin, April 7.
„Obamas Gesundheitsreform – Was lief schief?“ Lecture at the DAI Nürnberg, April 22.
“The Role of Presidential Popularity”, Presentation Ringvorlesung “America the Popular”, John-F.-Kennedy-Institute, Berlin, October, 30th
“Die Qualität der Demokratie in den USA: Der Sustainable Governance Indicator”, Public Presentation at the Goethe-University on Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, February, 2nd.
"Obamas Social Policy: Continuity or Change? An Evaluation of the First Term", Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Political Science Section of the German Society for American Studies, Lambrecht, November 9-11
"Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik der USA", Presentation at the Conference organized by the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Baden Würtemberg, Title "Change we can believe in? Die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen und der amerikanische Traum", Bad Urach, November 3
"The United States of America before the election 2012", Presentation at the Conference "Restoring America: The United States of America facing the 2012 Presidential Election, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Juli. 25
“ObamaCare: Why Health Care Reform now?, Paper presented at the Biennial Conference: of the European Association of American Studies: “The Health of Nations”, Izmir, March 30-April 2
“Reponse” to the Paper `Globalization` by Ulfried Reichardt, Conference: “American Studies Today: Recent Developments and New Perspectives, John F.-Kennedy-Institute, FU Berlin, November 5.
“Multiculturalismus in Kanada – Ein Modell für Deutschland?, Public Lecture, Interkulturelles Haus in Pankow, funded bei the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, October, 13.
“Québéc: A Nation within Canada – Is a reasonable accommodation possible?”, Presentation to the 32nd Annual Conference of the GKS: Rethinking Post/Colonialism, Grainau, February, 25-27 2011.
„I am Canadian – Regionalism and Identity in Canada“, presentation to the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Institute for Canadian Studies, University of Augsburg, December 8 - 11, 2010.
„Tea Party Movement: Zwischen Protestbewegung und Grassroots-Mobilisierung“, Public Lecture at the German - American Institute in Stuttgart, November 29, 2010.
„Obamas Progressive Health Care Reform?”, Presentation to the Annual Conference of the Political Science Section in the DGfA, Lambrecht, November 12-14, 2010.
“Verblasst der Mythos Obama”, Public Presentation organized by the Volkshochschule Uelzen/Lüchow-Dannenberg, September, 20, 2010, Lüchow.
“Gesundheitsreform und Wirtschaftskrise in den USA, Presentation on the Panel „Bringing the Welfare State Back In, organized for the Conference “Regieren, Government, Governance – Institutionen, Akteure und Politikfelder in Vergleichender Perspektive, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Section: Comparative Politics, Duisburg, September 2010.
“Obamas Gesundheitsreform – Mission Accomplished?”, Presentation to the Annual Conference of the German Association of American Studies, May, 29th 2010, Berlin
„Das US-amerikanische Gesundheitssystem und dessen Reform, Public Presentation to the symposium „The health care status quo is unsustainable. Zur Reform des amerikanischen und deutschen Gesundheitssystems“. Atlantische Akademie, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung and US-Consulate, at the Main Administration of the Bundesbank, Mai, 28, 2010, Frankfurt am Main
“ Die USA unter Präsident Obama”. Public Presentation organized by the Volksbank Salzwedel und Uelzen, April, 20 and 27, Salzwedel and Uelzen.
“Stadt, Land, Fluß. „Die Olympischen Spiele zwischen Ahornblatt und Murmeltier“, Public Presentation to the Symposium: “Blickpunkt Vancouver. Ein Olympischer Countdown“, Deutsche Olympische Akademie, Presse Club, Frankfurt am Main, January, 13th. (2010)
Moving Towards Universal Health Care? Die Reform des amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems, Presentation to the Annual Conferece of the Political Science Section of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA), Pfalzakademie Lambrecht, November, 13/14 (2009)
„Obamas innenpolitische Reformagenda und ihre Erfolgsaussichten: Das zentrale Reformprojekt der Gesundheitspolitik und die Neuorientierung in der Umwelt- und Bildungspolitik.“ Fridtjof-Nansen Akademie, Ingelheim: Wind of Change. Die Fixpunkte der amerikanischen Politik unter Barack Obama, September, 18 /19 (2009)
„Unified Government: Vorteil oder Belastung für Obamas Reformagenda? – Zum Verhältnis von Kongress und Präsident in den USA“, Fridtjof-Nansen Akademie, Ingelheim: Wind of Change. Die Fixpunkte der amerikanischen Politik unter Barack Obama, September, 18/19 (2009).
„Towards a Universal Health Care System? Die Gesundheitspolitik der ObamaAdministration, Summer School: Regieren in den USA. Reading the Obama-Administration, Lambrecht (Pfalz), July 29 (2009)
„Zwischen ‚founding nations’ und Multikulturalismus. Kanada auf der Suche nach einernationalen Identität“, Public Lecture Series: Geschichte Nordamerikas seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, Wien, Juni 16. (2009) and Frankfurt am Main, July, 7. (2009)
„Die USA nach der Wahl: Kontinuität und Wandel unter Barack Obama“, Philipps Universität Marburg, Collegium Philippinum, Marburg, Mai, 6 (2009)
A More Compassionate America? Die Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik nach der Ära Bush, Public Lecture Series: Change or more of the Same: Amerika hat die Wahl, Winterterm 2008/2009, Frankfurt am Main, November, 27 (2008)
„Das Politische System der USA und die Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA 2008“, Pubic Presentation VolksHochSchule Hochtaunus, Oberursel, Oktober, 31 (2008)
„The End of the Activist State? – Präsident Bush’s Pläne zur Teilprivatisierung von ‘social security’“, Annual Conference of the Section“Politics and Economy”of the German Association of Political Studies and the working group on Comparative Welfare State Research September, 4/5 (2008), Cologne.
„Mehr Armut? Mehr Ungleichheit? – Der US-amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat in der Ära George W. Bush“, Atlantisches Forum, January, 22 (2008), Kaiserlautern 2007
„Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft - Eine Einführung“, Public Lecture Series, Goethe University Frankfurt „Einführung in das sozialwissenschaftliche Studium, December, 13 (2007), Frankfurt am Main
„It’s the tax system, stupid!– Steuer- und Sozialpolitik im entwickelten Wohlfahrtsstaat“, Presentation to the Annual Conference of the Section Comparative Political Sciences of the German Association of Political Science, November, 9 -11 (2007) in Delmenhorst
„Der US-amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat. Historische Entwicklung, Prinzipien und Strukturen“, Fridtjof-Nansen-Akademie für Politische Bildung, Amerikanische und europäische Visionen im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und sozialer Verantwortung. Das Beispiel der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, September, 14/15 (2007), Ingelheim
„Umverteilung, Armut und die Reform der Wohlfahrtstaaten in den USA und Kanada im internationalen Vergleich“, Fridtjof-Nansen-Akademie für Politische Bildung, Amerikanische und europäische Visionen im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und sozialer Verantwortung, September, 14/15 (2007), Ingelheim
“Welfare State Reform in Canada and Germany”, Issues and Topics in Contemporary Canadian and German Politics at the Eve of the 2007 G-8 Summit in Heiligendamm, Gesellschaft für Kanada.-Studien, Embassy of Canada in Berlin, April, 26/27 (2007), Berlin 2006
“New Instruments of Social Policy: Taxation and Liberal Welfare Regimes in Canada and the United States,” 4th Annual Espanet-Conference September, 21-23 (2006), Bremen
„End of ‚Big Government?’ Der amerikanische Wohlfahrtsstaat“, Summer School: USA in der Ära George W. Bush, Pfalzakademie Lambrecht, July 2005 and July 2006
„A More Compassionate Conservatism? Die Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik der Bush Administration“, Deutsch-Amerikanischen Zentrum / Byrnes Institut, February, 10 (2005), Stuttgart
„Still Liberal Welfare-States? The Reform of Welfare Policy in Canada and the USA during the 1990s”, Colloquium: Convergence and Divergence in North America: Canada and the United States", Simon Fraser University, Harbour Centre Campus, October 29-30, 2004, Vancouver
“Accommodating National and Regional Diversity In Canada and France: Québec compared to Corsica”, Conference on: "Constitutionalism and Cultural Pluralism: Lessons to Canada", Canadian Studies Centre at the University of Edinburgh, 27-29 April, 27-29 (2004), Edinburgh
“Canadian Tax Policy in a Globalizing World”, Conference on “Canada in the Globalizing World”, Seventh Biennial Conference of the Russian Association for Canadian Studies, Institute of the USA and Canada, June 25-27 (2003), Moscow
Writing a Bachelor or Master thesis
If you plan to write your Bachelor or Master thesis under my supervision there are a few thinks that I expect from you:
- You should have taken at least the following module at the JFKI (just applicable for students of our North American Study Programs):
Bachelor: Orientierungsmodul Politik
Master: Modul A: Theories and Methods - You should have taken at least one of my classes/courses (graded)
- You have to hand in an Exposé for your Bachelor of Master thesis that outlines the main research question, the main argument, the research design (including methods and an outlook on the material that you will use/analyze and the structure of your thesis) - altogether approx. 2 pages. Please make sure that the topic fits into my research expertise.
- We will talk about your Exposé in my office hours (real or virtual) before I will sign any kind of registration documents.
- Please bring all the paperwork (filled-out) to the office hours, so that I have just to sign it.
Classes taught at the JFKI:
Summer 2024
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Presidential Elections in the United States, Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Presidential and Congressional Elections in the United States, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course/GSNAS: Research Colloquium Social Science, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2023/24
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Political Systems in North America, Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Political Polarization in the US, Political Science, John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: American Political Development, Political Science, John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course/GSNAS: Research Colloquium Social Science, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2023
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: The Quality of Democracy. The United States in Comparative Perspective, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Understanding North America B, Political Science, John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: The Politics of Redistribution in the US, Political Science, John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course/GSNAS: Research Colloquium Social Science, Political Science, John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2022/23
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Partisan Polarization in the US , Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Democratic Backsliding? The United States in Perspective, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course/GSNAS: Research Colloquium Social Science, , Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2022
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Understanding North America UNA B , Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: US Congress, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Mastercolloquium Political Science, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Congress and Congressional Elections, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Research Colloquium Political Science/Sociology, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2021/22
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Introduction to Political Science. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: B.A. Colloquium (Economics, History, Political Sciences, Sociology).[Co-taught with Anne Nassauer] . Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin.
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: The State in American Political Development, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Democracy, Inequality, and Public Policy, Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, B.A./M.A. Course: Lecture Series WHAT STANDS BETWEEN US AND WHAT STANDS BEFORE US - Pasts, Presents and Futures of (In-)Equality in the US. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer M.A. Course: Research Colloquium Politics/Sociology [co-taught with Sebastian Kohl]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2021
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: ]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course, The System of Checks and Balances. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course, Inequality and Redistribution. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course, Democracy and the State. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course, Dimensions of Inequality: Race, Class, Gender. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2020
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Understanding North America UNA B [Co-taught with Max Steinhardt and Markus Kienscherf]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Presidential Elections in the U.S. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Current topics in American Politics. [Co-taught with Lora Anne Viola]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2019/20
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Introduction to Political Science: Theories, Methods, Research Design. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: Political Parties and Polarization. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Political Science in the U.S. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Tax and Transfer Systems in the U.S. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2019
Lecturer, Grad School Course: Theories and Methods in Political and Social Science Research." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Understanding North America B." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Democracy in Crisis: Inequality, Global Markets, Political Polarization." [Co-taught with Max Steinhardt]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2018/19
Lecturer, Master Course: “Transformation or Erosion of Democracy?" Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Social Research" [Co-taught with Anne Nassauer] Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2018
Lecturer, Master Course: The Evolution of North American Publics: From the Bourgois Public Sphere to Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles" [Co-taught with Alexander Starre]. Political Science & Culture. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Understanding North America B." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Democracy in Crisis: Inequality, Global Markets, Political Polarization." [Co-taught with Irwin Collier]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2017/18
Lecturer, Master Course: Political Parties." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Master Course: " Man vs. Machine: Work 4.0" [Co-taught with Julia Püschel] Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Theories and Methods in Political and Social Science Research." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer 2017
Lecturer, Master Course: "Democracy and the State in the US." [Co-taught with Boris Vormann] Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Inequality and the welfare state in the United States." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "The Canadian Political System." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Understanding North America B." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Democracy in America." [Co-taught with Irwin Collier]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2016/17
On Sabbatical
Summer 2016
Lecturer, Master Course: "Enlightenment Trajectories: Continuities and Ruptures." [Co-taught with Florian Sedlmeier]. Political Science & Literature. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Understanding North America B." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Advanced Theories and Methods." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Democracy in Crisis: Inequality, Global Markets, Political Polarization." [Co-taught with Julia Püschel]. Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Winter 2015/16
Lecturer, Master Course: "Introduction to Theories and Methods in Political Science." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Bachelor Course: "Politics and Policy in the U.S." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Grad School Course: "Theories and Methods in Political and Social Science Research." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer, Colloquium: "Mastercolloquium Politics." Political Science. John-F.-Kennedy Institute/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Freie Universität Berlin
Research Areas
- Comparative Political Science
- Politics and Policy in Canada and the United States
- President and Congress
- Comparative Welfare State Research
- Tax Policy
- Theories of Nationalism and Multiculturalism
Supervision of Dissertations
- Cowburn, Mike. Intra-Party Polarization: Factional Primaries as Mobilization Strategies. (AT).
- Kettel, Lara. Municipal Responses to Homelessness under Policy Convergence. (AT)
- Thiele, Lasse. Making Nature Work for Capital in the 21st Century? The Green Economy and the Prospects of “Green” Capitalism in World-Ecology Perspective. (AT).
- Williams, Jeremy. Between the Idea and the Reality: New Public Spaces in the United States (AT).
- Rohmann, Guido. Geographies of Discontent - Public Goods Provision and Anti-Establishment
Voting in the US, UK, and Germany. (AT). - Matthias, Lisa. Politicians in Robes? Partisan Media Framing and Public Perception of the Supreme Court. (AT).
- Leimbigler, Betsy. Success and Failure of Health Care Reform in the United States: The Role of Strategic Framing in Policy Development at Three Critical Junctures from 1960-2013. (AT).
- Güse, Christian. Guaranteeing the Flow ─ A Critical Analysis of the U.S. State as Market Maker and Compensator within the Transportation Sector. (AT).
- Thielgels, Sonja. Constructing Climate Change in the U.S.-Rust Belt. Political Discourse, the Medie and Climate Policy Frames in Michigan and Indiana. (Completed 2019).
- Keßels, Nikolas. The Financial Stability Board's Influence on Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation between the U.S. and the EU. (Completed 2018).
- Stolarov-Demuth, Guergana. Systemic Pressures, Dynamic Coalitions and Contested Legislative Rules. Health Insurance Reforms in Switzerland, the United States and the Netherlands. (Completed 2018).
- Jaursch, Julian. Transatlantic Multilayered Relations. A Qualitative Analysis of (Inter)National Interest Representation by U.S. States. (Completed 2018).
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris. 2024. Legitimizing Authority: American Government and the Promise of Equality. Routledge: Oxfordshire.
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris. 2022. Das Versprechen der Gleichheit: Legitimation und Grenzen der Demokratie. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris. 2021. Democracy in Crisis: The Neoliberal Roots of Popular Unrest, University of Pennsylvania Press.
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris. 2019. Contours of the Illiberal State: Governing Circulation in the Smart Economy. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.
Lammert, Christian; Vormann, Boris. 2016. Die Krise der Demokratie und wie wir sie überwinden. Aufbau Verlag: Berlin.
Lammert, Christian, Grell, Britta. 2013. Sozialpolitik in den USA. Eine Einführung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden. ["Social Policy in the USA"]
–––. 2004. Nationale Bewegungen in Quebec und Korsika, 1960-2000. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main. ["Nationalist Movements in Quebec and Corsica, 1960-2000"]
Edited Volumes
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris and Markus Siewert (eds.). 2020. Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS: Wiesbaden. ["Handbook of US Politics and Policy"], second edition.
Lammert, Christian, Vormann, Boris and Markus Siewert (eds.). 2015. Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS: Wiesbaden. ["Handbook of US Politics and Policy"]
–––, Bieger, Laura (eds.). 2013. Revisiting the Sixties. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on America's Longest Decade. Campus: Frankfurt am Main.
–––, Sarkowsky, Katja (eds.). 2010. Travelling Concepts: Negotiating Diversity in Canada and Europe. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
–––, Gräser, Marcus, Schreyer, Söhnke (eds.). 2001. Staat, Nation, Demokratie: Traditionen und Perspektiven moderner Gesellschaften. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht: Göttingen. ["State, Nation, Democracy: Traditions and Perspectives of Modern Societies"]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Broken Social Contract: The Domestic Roots of US Hegemonic Decline in the World (with Welf Werner), in: Hegemonic Transitions, (eds. Welf Werner und Florian Böller), Palgrave 2021, 43-65.
Flirt mit dem Autoritären: Trumpismus als schöpferische Zerstörung (with Markus Siewert and Boris Vormann), in: Populismus an der Macht. Strategien und Folgen populistischen Regierungshandelns eds.. Wolfgang Mund und Christian Pfeiffer, Springer VS: Wiesbaden 2021, 127-156.
"Dream a Little American Dream with Me: Income Inequality and Social Mobility in the United States." Amerikastudien 66, 2021, 111-15.
"Die Präsidentschaft von Donald J. Trump. Krise der Demokratie und Potential zur demokratischen Selbsterneuerung" (mit Markus Siewert und Boris Vormann), in: Handbuch Politik USA, eds. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert und Boris Vormann, Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2020, 3-16.
"Gesundheitspolitik. Zwischen Markt und Staat" (with Betsy Leimbigler, in: Handbuch Politik USA, eds. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert und Boris Vormann, Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2020, 465-479.
"Sozialpolitik. Zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Solidarität", in: Handbuch Politik USA, eds. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert und Boris Vormann, Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2020, 481-496.
"Kommunen: Versuchsräume der Demokratie" with Boris Vormann), in: Handbuch Politik USA, eds. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert und Boris Vormann, Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2020, 286-300.
"Demokratie, Partizipation und Ungleichheit in den Vereinigten Staaten" (with Boris Vormann), in: Handbuch Politik USA, hg. eds. Christian Lammert, Markus Siewert and Boris Vormann, Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2020, 334-346.
"The Crisis of Democracy. The United States in Comparative Perspective", in: The Emergence of Illiberalism. Understanding a Global Phenomenon, eds. Boris V Vormann and Michael Weinman, Routledge 2020, 124-139.
"When Inequalities Matter Most: The Crisis of Democracy as a Crisis of Trust" with Boris Vormann), in: Mobilization, Representation, and Responsiveness in the American Democracy, ed. Michael T. Oswald, Palgrave Macmillan 2020, 139-156
"Assembling the Smart Economy: A Typology of State Intervention" (with Boris Vormann), in: Contours of the Illiberal State. Governing Circulation in the Smart Economy, eds. Boris Vormann and Christian Lammert, Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag 2019, 11-35.
"Disparitäten und soziale Determinanten der Gesundheitsversorgung" (mit Betsy Leimiger), in: Die USA - eine scheiternde Demokratie?, ed. Patrick Horst, Philipp Adorf und Frank Decker, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag 2018, 307-324.
"The Heavenly Chorus Sings with a Strong Upper-class Accent - Geld und Lobbyismus in der US Politik" (zusammen mit Boris Vormann), in: Die USA - eine scheiternde Demokratie?, ed. Patrick Horst, Philipp Adorf und Frank Decker, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag 2018, 235-252.
"Einkommens- und Wohlstandsungleichheit und der Zustand der Demokratie in den USA", in: Die gespaltenen Staaten von Amerika, hg. von Winand Gellner und Michael Oswald, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag 2018, 209-222.
"Privatization and Self-Responsibility: Patterns of Welfare State Development in Europe and in the United States Since the 1990s", in: Shifting Notions of Social Citizenship: The 'Two Wests', ed. Alice Harris-Kessler and Maurizio Vaudagna, New York: Columbia University Press 2018, 107-127.
"The Path to Health Care Reform: Obama und die Reform des US-amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems", in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 10 (2), 65-80, 2017, doi:10.1007/s12399-017-0619-z
“Nordamerika” [North America] (mit Boris Vormann), in: Regionen und Regionalismus in den internationalen Beziehungen (ed. Simon Koschut): Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag 2017, 113-126.
"Obamas Gesundheitsreform in der Phase der Politikimplementierung: Problematischer Erfolg inmitten einer gespaltenen Öffentlichkeit", in: Die USA am Ende der Präsidentschaft Barack Obamas. Eine erste Bilanz (ed. by Winand Gellner and Patrick Horst), Wiesbaden: Springer 2016, 323-338.
Lammert, Christian. 2016. “The Path to Health Care Reform: Obama und die Reform des US-amerikanischen Gesundheitssystems." Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Sonderheft: The Obama Legacy 2016.
–––, and Betsy Leimblinger. 2016. “Why Health Care Reform now? Strategic Framing and the Passage of Obamacare." Social Policy and Administration 50(4).
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2015. "Has Quebecois Separatism Run its Course? New Chances for Cooperative Arrangements in Canada." Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien 35: 45-62.
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2014. "A Paradoxical Relationship? Regionalization and Canadian National Identity." American Review of Canadian Studies 44(4): 385-399.
–––. 2010. “Gesundheitsreform in den USA. Im Grundsatz kein Systemwandel." Wirtschaftsdienst. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik 90(4): 212-214.
–––. 2008. “A More Compassionate America? Die Sozial- und Bildungspolitik der Bush Administration." Amerikastudien 53(3): 421-442 (Special Edition: Die Bush Administration – Eine erste Bilanz, ed. Andreas Falke).
–––. 2006. "A New Canadian Social Architecture?: Die Reform des kanadischen Wohlfahrtsstaates in den 1990er Jahren.“ Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 26(1): 9-27.
–––. 2004. "Modern Welfare States Under Pressure: Determinants of Tax Policy in a Globalizing World." Institute for Research on Public Policy (IRPP), Working Paper Series 2004-01.
–––. 2001. "Nationalist Movements and the State in Canada and France: Ethno-territorial Protest Movements in Québec and Corsica." Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien 21(2): 135-151.
Book Chapters
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2019. Assembling the Smart Economy: A Typology of State Intervention", in: Contours of the Illiberal State. Governing Circulation in the Smart Economy, ed. Boris Vormann und Christian Lammert, Frankfurt am Main, Campus Verlag 2019, 11-35.
Lammert, Christian. 2017. “Privatization and Self-Responsibility: Patterns of Welfare State Development in Europe and the United States Since the 1990s.” In: Harris-Kessler, Alice; Vaudag (eds.). Shifting Notions of Social Citizenship: The ‘Two Wests’ (ed. by Alice and Maurizio Vaudagna), Columbia University Press: New York.
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2016. "Kommunalpolitik in den USA." In: Vormann, Boris; Lammert, Christian; Siewert, Markus (eds.). Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 225-240. ["Local Government in the United States"]
–––, and Boris Vormann, Markus Siewert. 2016. "Fremde Vertraute: Die Politik der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika." In: Vormann, Boris; Lammert, Christian; Siewert, Markus (eds.). Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 1-12. ["Intimate Strangers: Politics in the United States of America"]
–––. 2016. "Obamas Gesundheitsreform in der Phase der Politikimplementierung: Problematischer Erfolg inmitten einer gespaltenen Öffentlichkeit.“ In: Gellner, Winand; Horst, Patrick (eds.). Die USA am Ende der Präsidentschaft Barack Obamas. Eine erste Bilanz. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 323-338. ["Obama's Health Care Reform in the Phase of Policy Implementation: A problematic success within a divided public."]
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2016. “Die Region Nordamerika." In: Koschut, Simon (ed.). Regionen und Regionalismus in den internationalen Beziehungen. Springer VS: Wiesbaden. ["The Region North America"]
–––, and Paul J. Quirk. 2015. “USA Report." In: SGI: Sustainable Governance Indicators. Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh.
–––. 2015. “A Progressive Health Care Reform? – Die Gesundheitsreform im Spiegel der öffentlichen Debatte." In: Dreyer, Michael; Lang Trier, Michael. Progressive Bewegung und Progressive Politik in den USA in der Ära Obama. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 147-158. [“A Progressive Health Care Reform?”: Obamacare and Public Opinion].
–––. 2014. “Geleitwort zur deutschen Ausgabe." In: Posner, Eric A.; Vermeule, Adrian (eds.). Die entfesselte Exekutive. Die Krise des liberalen Legalismus. Duncker & Humblot: Berlin, I-XI.
–––, and Boris Vormann. 2014. "Gesellschaft in der Krise? Neue Ungleichheiten in den USA." In: Vormann, Boris; Lammert, Christian; Siewert, Markus (eds.). Handbuch Politik USA. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 601-616. ["A Society in Crisis? New Inequalities in the United States"]
–––, and Paul J. Quirk. 2014. “USA Report." In: SGI: Sustainable Governance Indicators. Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh.
–––. 2013. "Congressional Support System“; "Civil religion“; Disability Rights“; “Homelessness”; “Income Distribution”; Social Darwinism”; “Unemployment”; “Gun Control”; “Local Government”; “New Left”; “Old Age”; “Populism”; “Poverty”; “Drugs”; Political Parties”; “Third Parties”; “Health”; “Social Security”; Welfare State.” In: Mauch, Christof; Wersich, Rüdiger B. (eds.). USA-Lexikon. Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin.
–––. 2012. "In den Mühlen des Kongresses: Obamas Gesundheitsreform.“ In: Lösche, Peter; Ostermann, Anja (eds.). Die Ära Obama: Die Erste Amtszeit. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung: Bonn, 103-120.
–––. 2012. "Obamas Health Care Reform – Mission Accomplished?“ In: Klepper, Martin; Isensee, Reinhard; Bosenberg, Eva (eds.). American Economies. Universitätsverlag Winter: Heidelberg, 281-299.
–––. 2012. "Der Einfluss von US-Präsidenten in der Sozial- und Gesundheitspolitik.“ In: Jäger, Wolfgang; Haas, Christopher (eds.). What A President Can – Barack Obama und Reformpolitik im Systemkorsett der USA. Nomos: Oldenbourg, 113-128.
–––. 2012. "Die Rolle des Kongresses in der US-Außenpolitik.“ In: Koschut, Simon; Kurtz, Magnus (eds.). Die Außenpolitik der USA. Budrich Verlag: Opladen, 55-64.
–––. 2012. "Towards a Universal Health Care System? Obamas Gesundheitsreform und der Kongress." In: Wilzewski, Jürgen; Böller, Florian (eds.). Weltmacht im Wandel. Die USA in der Ära Obama. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Trier, 89-114.
–––. 2010. "Die Gesundheitsreform der Obama-Administration: Erfolg oder Misserfolg?“ In: Universitas. Orientierungen der Wissenschaft 65, 769 Sonderheft USA, „No Country for Old Men? Die ‚neuen’ USA, July 2010, 690-704.
–––. 2010. "Fighting Poverty: Eine sozialpolitische Bilanz der George W. Bush-Administration.“ In: Schreyer, Söhnke; Wilzewski, Jürgen (eds.). Weltmacht in der Krise. Die USA am Ende der Ära George W. Bush. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Trier, 75-108.
–––, with Katja Sarkowky. 2010. "Travelling Concepts: Negotiating Diversity in Canada and Europe." In: Lammert, Christian; Sarkowky, Katja (eds.). Travelling Concepts. Negotiating Diversity in Canada and Europe. Springer VS: Wiesbaden, 13-23.
–––. 2010. “Quebec: Between Founding Nation and Sovereignty.” In: Ikas, Karin (ed.). Global Realignments and the Canadian Nation in the Third Millennium. Harrasowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, 129-140.
–––. 2009. “Zwischen Einheit und Desintegration: Geschichte Kanadas seit 1867.” In: Grandner, Margarete; Gräser, Marcus (eds.). Nordamerika. Geschichte und Gesellschaft seit dem 18. Jahrhundert. Pro Media: Wien, 194-213.
–––. 2009. “Social Security under Pressure. Privatisierung und Alterssicherung unter George W. Bush." In: ZENAF Arbeits- und Forschungspapiere (ZAF) 2 / 2009.
–––. 2008. "Sozialstaat: In den USA gibt es keine soziale Sicherheit.“ In: Kremp, Werner; Tönnesmann, Wolfgang (eds.). Lexikon der populären Amerikabilder. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Trier, 141-145.
–––. 2006. "New Instruments in Social Policy: Taxation and the Welfare State.“ In: Froschauer, Karl (ed.). Convergence and Divergence in North America. Canada and the United States. Vancouver: 2006, 555-568.
–––. 2005. "Still Liberal Welfare States? Umverteilung, Armut und die Reform der Wohlfahrtsstaaten in den USA und Kanada." In: ZENAF Arbeits- und Forschungspapiere (ZAF) 1 / 2005.
–––, with Söhnke Schreyer. 2004. "The Culture Wars: Die Rechts- und Innenpolitik der Clinton-Administration." In: Puhle, Hans-Jürgen; Wilzewski, Jürgen (eds.). Supermacht im Wandel. Die USA von Clinton zu Bush. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 93-128.
–––. 2003. “Ethno-Territorial Protest Movements and the Politics of Accommodation in Centralized and Decentralized Political Systems." In: Federal Governance: A Graduate Journal of Theory and Politics 1(2), 1-29.
–––. 2001. “Referendum-Neverendum: Nationalismus und öffentliche Meinung in Québec." In: Gräser, Marcus; Lammert, Christian; Schreyer, Söhnke (eds.). Staat, Nation, Demokratie. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht: Göttingen, 60-76.
–––. 1999. "Globalisierung, Regionalisierung und die Zukunft des kanadischen Bundesstaates. Kritische Anmerkungen zur Globalisierungsdebatte." In: ZENAF Arbeits- und Forschungspapiere (ZAF) 1 / 1999.