Dr. Jayme Gomes
John F. Kennedy Institute
Sociology Department
Assistant Professor
Professional and Academic Experience
Since 2024 Assistant Professor, John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin.
2019 – 2020 Visiting Scholar, International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL – Spain)
2017 – 2022 Research Assistant, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
2013 – 2016 Research Assistant, University of São Paulo
2017 – 2022 Doctoral degree in Sociology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
2013 – 2016 Master’s degree in Sociology, University of São Paulo
2007 – 2012 Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, University of São Paulo
First semester, 2019: Lineages of Sociological Thinking (open course), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
First semester, 2019: Epistemology of Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Second semester, 2016: Philosophical Aspects of Classical Sociology, University of São Paulo
First semester, 2016: Social Theory and Action Systems (open course), University of São Paulo
First semester, 2014: Sociology III (Émile Durkheim), University of São Paulo
Second semester, 2013: Sociology II (Karl Marx), University of Sao Paulo
Research Interests
- Sociological Theory
- History of Sociology
- Cultural Sociology
- Sociology of Religion
- Human Rights
(2022) In Search of a Theoretical Synthesis: Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action.Doctoral Thesis (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) available at: https://lume.ufrgs.br/handle/10183/239037
(2016) Durkheim, Kant and the Categories of Thought. Master Thesis (University of São Paulo) available at: https://doi:10.11606/D.8.2016.tde-25082016-133717
Articles in peer-reviewed journals (English)
(2023) Rethinking Sociological Theory Through Aesthetics. The American Sociologist, forthcoming. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12108-023-09580-5
(2021, with Raquel Weiss) Talcott Parsons and the Sociology of Morality. The American Sociologist, 52 (1): 107-130 Available at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12108-020-09466-w
Articles, Book Chapters, and Reviews (Portuguese)
(2021) O 'Totemismo' como Operador do Discurso Durkheimiano. In: Benthien, R.; Sobral, L. F. (Eds). Durkheim, É. Sobre o Totemismo. 1ed. São Paulo: Edusp, v. 8, p. 159-179.
(2020). Por uma Reconstrução da Tradição Durkheimiana. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 35, p. 01-18, 2020.
(2019). A Teoria Social no Século XX: novas 'vinte lições'. Revista de Sociologia e Antropologia, v. 9, p. 321-325.
(2019) Voluntarismo e Ambição Crítica no Jovem Parsons: Uma leitura política d' A Estrutura da Ação Social. In: Farias, A. L. C. de; Magnelli, A. (Eds). Cartografias da Crítica: Balanços, Perspectivas e Textos. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Ateliê de Humanidades, v. 1, p. 293-324.
(2018) As Categorias Socio-lógicas do Pensamento: Durkheim, Herdeiro Crítico de Kant. In: Gomes Neto, J.; Magnelli, A.; Weiss, R. (Eds.). Durkheim, Apesar do Século: Novas Interpretações entre Sociologia e Filosofia. São Paulo: Annablume, 2018, p. 241-327