Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kohl

John F. Kennedy Institute
Institute Director
Head of the Sociology Department
Room 303a
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Wednesdays form 4 - 5 p.,m. Please register here:
Since 2021
Professor in the Sociology of North America, John-F.-Kennedy Institute, Free University of Berlin
2019 - 2020
John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
Since 2017
Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
2015 - 2017
Researcher at Uppsala University and the Institute for Housing and Urban Research
2014 - 2015
Postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Cotutelle Doctoral Researcher, Sciences Po Paris & International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE)
2010-2014 Double doctoral degree in sociology (“cotutelle”), Sciences Po Paris, Cologne University
2008-2009 Master, Organizational Sociology, Sciences Po, Paris
2007-2011 Magister (MA equivalent), Philosophy, Political Science and French, University of Cologne
2005-2008 Diplom (MA equivalent), Economics and Sociology, University of Cologne
Google Scholar
(2017) Homeownership, Renting and Society: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. London: Routledge.
Selected articles
(2021, with S. Hadziabdic) “Is the Left Right? The Creeping Embourgeoisement of Social Democracy through Homeownership” European Journal of Political Research
(2020, with T. Ergen), “Rival views of economic competition: A reconstruction of an eroded moral debate”, In: Socio-economic Review, Online first
(2020), “Too much mortgage debt? The effect of housing financialization on housing supply and residential capital formation”, In: Socio-economic Review, Online first
(2020, with M. Grothe-Hammer), “The Decline of Organizational Sociology? An empirical analysis of research trends in leading journals across half a century“, Current Sociology, Online first
(2020, with M. Schularick, T. Baldenius): "Die neue Wohnungsfrage. Gewinner und Verlierer des deutschen Immobilienbooms.” In: Leviathan, Online first
(2018), “The Political Economy of Homeownership: a Comparative Analysis of Homeownership Ideology through Party Manifestos”, Socio-economic Review, Online first
(2018), “More mortgages, more homes? The effect of housing financialization on homeownership in historical perspective“ Politics & Society, 46 (2), 177-203.
(2017, with T. Blackwell) "The Origins of National Housing Finance Systems: A comparative investigation into historical variations in mortgage finance regimes", Review of International Political Economy, 25 (1), 49-74