Dr. Silke Chorus
14195 Berlin
Care-Seiten (in) der politischen Ökonomie: Die Kommodifizierung von Fürsorge, Pflege und Betreuung im Postfordismus aus der Perspektive einer integralen, feministischen Ökonomietheorie.
(The Commodification of Care in Postfordism)
Dissertation in Politics
Mentoring team:
First supervisor: Prof. Margit Mayer
Second supervisor: Prof. Friederike Maier
Third supervisor: Prof. Bodo Zeuner
In her dissertation (Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2012 u.d.T.: Chorus, Silke: Care-Seiten (in) der politischen Ökonomie), Silke Chorus analyzes the question "who cares?" with political-economic and feminist methodology. She synthesizes the feminist care debate, regulation-theoretical approaches and the theoretical concept of social reproduction. Theoretically and with the example of care work in New York City, she shows that the increasingly private-economical organization of care-work is of considerable economic and social relevance. The book is available under the title: „Care-Ökonomie im Postfordismus. Perspektiven einer integralen Ökonomietheorie.“ (publisher: Westfälisches Dampfboot)
"It is clearly a continuing and challenging contribution to political-economic, feminist and socio-political research on care work and care economies." Prof. Margit Mayer, JFK of the FU Berlin