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Workshop with Prof. Moore

News from Jun 13, 2014

Following his public lecture in Berlin, on the 18th June, Professor Jason W. Moore will be leading a workshop at the JFKI on the 19th June.
Please confirm your participation by sending an email to office@gsnas.fu-berlin.de

Workshop on Capitalist World Ecology:

Thursday 19th June 2014.
13.00 – 16.00 hrs.
Room 305.
Lansstraße 7-9
JFK Institute for North American Studies, Free University 14195, Berlin.
(U-Bahn Dahlem-Dorf, U3)


This workshop will be on his concept of ‘Capitalist World-Ecology’, which joins the accumulation of capital, the pursuit of power and the co-production of nature in dialectical unity. Students, staff and others who are interested in the dynamics of the crisis of capital and ecology are welcome at this workshop.


The suggested readings for the workshop are:

The Capitalocene:

Part I: On the Nature & Origins of Our Ecological Crisis Part II: Abstract Social Nature and the Limits to Capital These are vailable at Jason Moore’s website.





Jason W. Moore teaches world history and world-ecology in the Department of Sociology at Binghamton University. He is presently completing Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital (Verso) and Ecology and the Rise of Capitalism (University of California Press).


Professor Moore will also deliver a public lecture at the JFKI the evening before the workshop.
‘Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Why Nature Matters in the Making and Unmaking of the Modern World, and Not in the Way You Might Think’

Wed. 18th June;
Lecture room 340.
(See JFKI address above).


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