Ernst Fraenkel Lectures - Chronological List
Here is a list of all lectures, some of which have not been published:
WORSTER, Donald (University of Kansas): Facing Limits - Abundance, Scarcity, and the American Way of Life. May 2011.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
FOSTER, Hal (Princeton University): The Catastrophe of Minimalism. April 2011.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
MARX FERREE, Myra (University of Wisconsin, Madison): Intersectionality, Inequality, and the Politics of Discourse. May 2010.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
WHITE, Eugene (Rutgers University, New Jersey): Bank Supervision in the United States: A Historical Perspective on its Role in the Recent Crisis. May 2010.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
LEFFLER, Melvyn (University of Virginia): Reassessing the Cold War: Lessons for Today. May 2010.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
ZELIKOW, Philip (Universitiy of Virginia): Reflections on the Unification of Germany. October 2009.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
PECK, Jamie (University of Britisch Columbia, Vancouver): Obamanomics and the postwelfare state. November 2009.
A video of the lecture can be accessed here.
WINTER, Jay (Yale University: "Remembering the Great War): Trans-National Perspectives. June 2009.
VARIAN, Hal (University of California, Berkley and Chief Economis at Google): The Advertising World Through Google's Goggles. June 2009.
PIVEN, Frances Fox (City University of New York): Globalization and Labor Power. June 2009.
FRASER, Nancy (New School for Social Research, NY): Feminism, Capitalism, and the Cunning of History. May 2009.
HORTON, James O. (George Washington University) und Lois E. HORTON (George Mason University): Slavery and the Making of America: The Legacy of a Contradiction. October 2008.
CRONON, William (University of Wisconsin Madison): Telling Tales on Canvas: Landscapes of Frontier Change. June 2008.
GILBERT, Sandra (UC Davis): Modern Death, Millennial Mourning: the Challenge of 21st- Century Grief. June 2008.
MOODY, Kim (Centre for Research in Employment Studies, University of Hertfordshire): New York: The Neoliberal Transformation of a City. February 2008.
MICHAELS, Walter Benn (University of Illinois at Chicago): The Trouble with Diversity. January 2008.
FRIEDMAN, Benjamin M. (Harvard University): The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth. July 2007.
DEAR, Michael (University of Southern California): Altered States: US-Mexico Borderlands as a Third Nation. November 2007.
TAUSSIG, Michael: Benjamin's Finger and the Theater of Gesture. April 2007.
SOBCHAK, Vivian: Chasing the Maltese Falcon: On the Fabrications of a Movie Prop. April 2007.
GOWAN, Peter: Can America Lead the World in a Positive Direction? December 2006.
MARKOVITS, Andrei S.: Unique among American Sports - Unique in the International Arena of Team Sports. June 2006
SALDÍVAR, Ramon: The US/Mexico Borderlands and the Origins of the Tansnational Imaginary. June 2006.
FREEMAN, Richard B.: Economic and Social Policy in the New Globalization. January 2006. [pdf]
SILVERMAN, Kaja: Divine Wrong: Thoughts for Our Times on Death and War. November 2005.
de LAURETIS, Teresa: 9/11, Freud, Djuna Barnes, and the Death Drive. June 2005.
HAYDEN, Tom: Empire versus Democracy. May 2005.
SMITH, Michael, P.: Mexican Migrant Associations in California Cities and Transnational Urban Politics. May 2005.
CHOMSKY, Noam: Illegal but legitimate: A dubious doctrine for the times. March 2005.
published in Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (08/2005).
SHUSTERMAN, Richard: Pragmatism and East-Asian Thought. November 2004.
WOLFE, Alan: The Transformation of American Religion. October 2004.
AMBROSIUS, Lloyd: Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy: From Woodrow Wilson to George W. Bush. July 2004.
REYNOLDS, David: D-Day and the Origins of the Atlantic Alliance. May 2004.
STIGLITZ, Joseph E.: The Roaring Nineties. Der Entzauberte Boom. January 2004.
PEASE, Donald E., Jr.: Pip: Figuring the Limits of Ahab’s Rhetoric of Persuasion. January 2004.
OREN, Ido: Our Enemies and US. America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science. November 2003.
MARX, Leo: Recovering the “Ur” – Theory of American Studies. June 2003.
GILMORE, Michael: Words and Deeds: A Reinterpretation of the American Renaissance. June 2003.
MOLOTCH, Harvey: Product Design, Ecological Threat and Hopes for Reform of the US Consumption System. January 2003.
VOIGT, Karsten D.: Der gegenwärtige Stand der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Beziehungen. January 2003.
KROSZNER, Randall S.: The American Economy in a Period of Turbulance. Current State and Prospects. November 2002.
MEYROWITZ, Joshua: Post-Privacy America. June 2002.
GAMSON, Joshua: Producing 'Freaks': Daytime Talk Shows and Sexual Boundary Marking. May 2002.
LACQUER, Thomas W.: The Festive and the Rational: Race and the Resurgence of Capital Punishment in the United States. December 2001.
BENNETT, W. Lance: Civic Engagement Crisis? Social Change and the Rise of Global Activism. November 2001.
PERLOFF, Marjorie: The Conceptual Poetics of Marchel Duchamp. November 2001.
APPLEBY, Joyce: Telling the Truth about History: Recent Historiographical and Cultural Conflicts. April 2001.
SULEIMAN, Susan Rubin: Other People's Memories and the Filmmaker's Self: Marcel Ophuls' Hotel Terminus between Europe and America. February 2001.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 8.
NOVICK, Peter: Is the Holocaust an American Memory? February 2001.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 8.
ROGERS, Daniel T.: Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age. January 2001.
LABOV, William: The Explosion of Regional Diversity in North American English. October 2000.
KRUGMAN, Paul: Has the New Economy Reached Europe? July 2000.
SCHLESINGER, Arthur M., Jr.: Reflections an the Multiethnic Society: The American Case.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 7.
NAU, Henry R.: America's Staying Power - Does Europe Need a Partner?
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 7.
McCULLOCH, Rachel: The Impact of Foreign Ownership an U.S. Business.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 6.
SEARS, David O.: Ethnic Conflict and Racial Integration in the U.S..
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 6.
COLEMAN, James S.: Issues in American Schooling: Rights of Parents to Choice of School.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 6.
HOFFMANN, Stanley/ NYE, Joseph: The United States and Europe in the 1990's: Bound to Lead and Bound to Follow? (Or: No Grand Desgins, Just Cries and Whimpers)
ROSECRANCE, Richard N.: A New Concert of Europe?
KRASNER, Stephen D.: Stability in a New Era of European-American Relations.
KATZENSTEIN, Peter J.: Amerika und Europa: Ein neuer Regionalismus in der Weltpolitik?
PUTNAM, Robert D.: Domestic Politics and Transatlantic Relations: Two-Level Games in an Era of Change.
KELLEHER, Catherine M.: Europe and America 1990 to 2000: The Security Dimension.
KERBER, Linda K.: Paradoxes of Women's Citizenship in the United States.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 5.
FRANKLIN, John Hope: What Europeans Should Understand About the History of African Americans.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 5.
DORNBUSCH, Rüdiger: The Decline of the U.S. in World Trade and Finance? Policy Issues in Foreign Trade, Debt and the Dollar.published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 4.
SARGENT, Thomas J.: Explaining the Reagan Deficits.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 4.
BALDWIN, Robert E.: Recent U.S. Trade Policy at the Multilateral and Bilateral Levels.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 4.
NEUSTADT, Richard E.: The American Presidential Transitions: Constitutional Requirements and Policy Risks.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 3.
POLSBY, Nelson W.: The American Election of 1988: Outcome, Process, and Aftermath.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 3.
SCHNEIDER, William: The Political Legacy of the Reagan Years.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 2.
INGLEHART, Ronald: Changing Religious, Social and Sexual Norms in the United States and Elsewhere: Is the Moral Majority a Rising or Declining Force?
GINSBERG, Benjamin: How Democratic Institutions Change Over Time: The U.S. Presidency From the New Deal to Ronald Reagan.
STEINFELS, Peter: The Short Happy Life of Neoconservatism.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 1.
LIPSET, Seymour Martin: Neoconservatism: Myth and Reality.
published in Ernst Fraenkel Vorträge, Volume 1.