Boris Vormann
Boris Vormann is a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer in political science at Freie Universität’s John- F.- Kennedy Institute for North American Studies and an associated researcher at the Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Études Québécoises et Canadiennes (CRÉQC), Université du Québec à Montréal. He is also a member of the NYLON research network at New York University’s Institute for Public Knowledge, Humboldt Universität, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Vormann received his PhD in political science from Freie Universität and his M.A. in cultural studies, literature, and linguistics from Technische Universität Dresden. His research foci include the relationship between urbanization and globalization; nationalism and nationbuilding; and changes in state-market relations. He has conducted extensive research on urban planning strategies in North American global cities, the rise of an international supply chain security regime, and nationalism in North America and Europe. In addition to articles and book chapters in German- and English-language publications, Boris Vormann has recently published the monograph Zwischen Alter und Neuer Welt. Nationenbildung im transatlantischen Raum (2012) and has co-edited the volume Québec. Staat und Gesellschaft (2011). His monograph Global Port Cities in North America: Urbanization and Global Production Networks (Routledge) and his co-edited handbook Handbuch Politik USA (Springer VS) are currently in print.