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Free University of Berlin

The Free University has a helpful website with information on how to get to Dahlem and a downloadable PDF map of the campus. 

Link: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/redaktion/orientierung/dahlem/index.html

John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies

Free University of Berlin
Lansstr. 7-9
10625 Berlin

The closest U-Bahn station is "Dahlem Dorf". All of the talks will take place in room 340.

Link: http://www.jfki.fu-berlin.de/en/index.html

How to get there: http://www.jfki.fu-berlin.de/en/information/visitingjfki/index.html

Seminaris Campus Hotel

The conference hotel is right across the street from the JFK Institute.

Takustr. 39
14195 Berlin

Link: http://www.seminaris.de/en/hotels/seminaris-campushotel-berlin.html 

John F. Kennedy Institute