Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt

John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Economics Department
Principal Investigator
Chair of the Department of Economics
Room 233
14195 Berlin
Journals, books, databases, and economic sources on North American economic policy and history
Current Courses –– Summer Term 2023:
- US Economic Policy (MA) [course information]
- US Economic Policy – Case Studies (MA) [course information]
- Master Colloquium Economics (MA) [course information]
- Research Seminar Applied Microeconomics (MA & PhD) [course description]
Forthcoming Courses –– Winter Term 2023/2024:
- Development of the American Economy (MA)
- Development of the American Economy – Case Studies (MA)
- Master Colloquium Economics (MA)
- Research Seminar Applied Microeconomics (MA & PhD)
Thesis Supervision:
I supervise bachelor, master, and doctoral theses in the areas of labor economics, political economy, economics of migration, and U.S. economic policy. If you are interested, please send an email to indicating your research interest and including a current transcript of records.
Please make sure to consider the formal FU Berlin requirements "Hinweise für das Verfassen von Seminar-, Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Volkswirtschaftslehre".
Max Steinhardt`s primary research interests are in labor economics, political economy, economics of migration, and U.S. economic policy. In his works, he has addressed classical labor market topics such as the impact of immigration on native wages or the role of income for subjective well-being as well as various questions dealing with the integration of immigrants. Moreover, he has a long-term project about the political economy of trade and immigration policy in the United States. Within this project, a rich data set has been constructed containing roll call votes of U.S. House representatives. In another project, he started to analyze the long-term effects of racial diversity in childhood on adult behavior and attitudes. First evidence from U.S. schools suggests that mixing kids in school leads to more mixed-race adult relationships, while it has no effect on educational or labor market outcomes.
Selected publications in refereed journals:
Facchini, G., Hatton, T. J., & Steinhardt, M. F. (2023). Opening Heaven's Door: Public Opinion and Congressional Votes on the 1965 Immigration Act. [Conditionally accepted at Journal of Economic History]
Jahn, V., & Steinhardt, M. F. (2023). Immigration and new firm formation: Evidence from a quasi-experimental setting in Germany. [Forthcoming International Migration Review]
Conconi, P., Facchini, G., Steinhardt, M. F., Zanardi, M. (2020): The political economy of trade and migration: Evidence from the U.S. Congress, Economics & Politics, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 250-278.
Merlino, L., Steinhardt, M. F., Wren-Lewis, L. (2019): More than Just Friends? School Peers and Adult Interracial Relationships, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 37, no. 3: 663-713.
Poutvaara, P., Steinhardt, M. F. (2018): Bitterness in Life and Attitudes towards Immigration, European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 55: 471-490.
Berlemann, M., Steinhardt, M. (2017): Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Migration – A Survey of the Empirical Evidence, CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 63, pp. 353-385.
Jahn, V., Steinhardt, M. (2016): Innovation and Immigration – Insights from a Placement Policy, Economics Letters, Vol. 146, pp. 116-119.
Luik, M., Steinhardt, M. (2016): Immigrant-Native Differences in Stockholding – The Role of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 38, pp. 103-119.
De Coulon, A., Radu, D., Steinhardt, M. (2016): Pane e Cioccolata: The Effects of Native Attitudes on Return Migration, Review of International Economics, Vol. 24: pp. 253-281.
Facchini, G., Patacchini, E., Steinhardt, M. (2015): Migration, Friendship Ties and Cultural Assimilation, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 117: 619-649.
Otto, A., Steinhardt, M. (2014): Immigration and election outcomes – Evidence from city districts in Hamburg, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 45: 67-79.
Steinhardt, M. F. (2012): Does citizenship matter? The Economic Impact of Naturalizations in Germany, Labour Economics, Vol. 19:813-823.
Facchini, G., Steinhardt, M. F. (2011): What drives U.S. immigration policy? Evidence from congressional roll call votes, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 95, pp. 734-743.
Working Papers:
Luik, M. A., Steinhardt, M. F., & Voss, S. (2023). Language proficiency and homeownership: Evidence from US immigrants. DP School of Business & Economics, No. 2023/3.
Danzer, N., Garcia-Torres, S., Steinhardt, M. F., & Stella, L. (2023). Women in Political Power and School Closure during COVID Times, IZA Discussion Paper No. 15975.
Merlino, L., Steinhardt, M., & Wren-Lewis, L. (2022). The Long Run Impact of Childhood Interracial Contact on Residential Segregation, IZA Discussion Paper No. 15538.
Berlemann, M., Haustein, E., Steinhardt, M. F. (2021): From Stocks to Flows – Evidence for the Climate-Migration-Nexus, IZA Discussion Paper No. 14450
Steinhardt, M. F. (2018): The Impact of Xenophobic Violence on the Integration of Immigrants, IZA Discussion Paper No. 11781.
Berlemann, M., Steinhardt, M., Tutt, J. (2015): Natural Disasters and Saving – Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9026.