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Zeitschrift für Politik just published the 11th special volume

News from May 24, 2023

The Journal of Politics has just published the 11th special volume titled "The U.S. - A Liberal Democracy and Its Anachronisms." GSNAS and JFKI have been vigorous contributors here. For example, former GSNAS graduate and current professor of political science at Bard College Berlin Boris Vormann is one of the two editors:inside. In addition, two other former GSNAS doctoral students contributed to the volume. Maren Freudenberg contributed an article on "The Black Churches in the United States: A Contemporary Institution of Democratic Practice" and Laura Kettel on "Housing Policy in Transition: Between Democratic Ideal and Reality." Christian Lammert wrote an article for the volume. His topic, "Welfare as Political Equality: On the Renegotiation of the Welfare State in Transatlantic Perspective." Here is the link to the publication: https://www.nomos-shop.de/nomos/titel/die-usa-eine-liberale-demokratie-und-ihre-anachronismen-id-114766/

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