René Kreichauf
14195 Berlin
René Kreichauf is an urban researcher from Berlin, Germany. He studied urban planning and urban sociology at the Technical University Berlin as well as urban studies within his international master's program at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Universität Wien, Københavns Universitet, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. As a research assistant, he has worked at several university and research institutions, such as the Department for Urban and Regional Sociology at TU Berlin and the Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning. In 2011, René lived and worked in Chicago and Detroit investigating social polarization processes and urban shrinkage. His research and publication activities focus on urban transformation trends, social inequality, urban minorities and migration. His PhD project investigates the arrival and integration of refugees and asylum seekers in European and North American cities.
Work Experience
03/18-07/18 | Special Visiting Scholar at Rutgers University - The State University of New Jersey |
10/15-07/16 | Lecturer in Sociology at Technical University Berlin |
04/15-07/15 | Research Assistant at Department for Urban Sociology, Bauhaus University Weimar |
03/13-08/13 | TA and Research Assistant at Department for Sociology, Technical University of Vienna |
11/12-02/13 | Intern at Heinrich Böll Foundation – European Union |
04/09-09/12 | TA at Department of Urban Sociology, Technical University Berlin |
10/09-07/10 | Student Research Assistent at Department for Urban Regeneration at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space |
07/2015 | John Lewis Fellowship on Civil And Human Rights, Humanity in Action, Atlanta (USA) |
03/2013 - 07/2013 | – Center for Urban Dialogue and European Policy, research fellowship, Vienna (Austria) |
06-07/17 | Fellowship Concordia University Montreal for participation in the summer school The Policy and Politics of Refugee Resettlement in Canada (Montreal, Canada) |
04/2013-09/2014 |
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Scholarship Recipient for Master studies |
08/2014 |
Short-term scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes for attending the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in San Francisco (USA) and the Annual Congress of the European Regional Science Association in St. Petersburg (Russia) |
03/2014-07/2014 |
KWA scholarship of the University of Vienna for studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
09/2013-02/2014 |
ERASMUS grant for studies at the Københavns Universitet |
06/2017 | 2017 IMISCOE - Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award for From Forced Migration to Forced Arrival: The Campisation of Refugee Accommodation Centres in European Cities (750 Euro) |
11/2012 | 1st Prize of the Balg Mächler Award for Urban Studies and Urban Development from the Ilse Balg Foundation Germany for Bachelor Thesis (2,500 Euro) |
Media Appearances
02/2016 | René Kreichauf on the current challenges of housing refugees in Germany (Interview Deutschlandradio Kultur): Flucht, Architektur und Stadtplanung. Bauen im Aufnahmezustand [Link] |
11/2015 | René Kreichauf on integrating and housing refugees (Interview Deutschlandradio Kultur): Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen - Es geht um Isolation, Abschreckung und Kontrolle [Link] |
02/2012 | René Kreichauf on migration and ethnic segregation in German small towns (Interview Volksstimme): Überhöhte Wahrnehmung - Klein-Moskau liegt nicht am Kanal [Link] |
Towards Urban Asylum. Policies, Approaches and Consequences of the Reception of Refugees in European and US American Cities (Dissertationsprojekt)
Dissertation in Politik
Mentoring Team:
First supervisor: Prof. Markus Kienscherf
Second supervisor: Prof. Bas Van Heur
Third supervisor: Prof. David Bassens
Forced migration is a global phenomenon, which is politically regulated on supranational and national levels. However, it is the city where the arrival, accommodation and integration of refugees take place. Whereas current research explores the failures of nation-states to address the needs of refugees and to provide solutions to the challenges of housing and integration, there is a lack of studies on how urban policies will be central to refugee resettlement, housing challenges and integration practices. This PhD extends the debate towards the city’s abilities to handle and integrate refugees in European and US-American migration regimes. To do so, it focuses on 1) the relation between state authority and urban autonomy and the development of national and local housing and integration policies, 2) the local implementation of housing forms and their objectives, 3) built and social urban (infra-)structures as well as 4) the refugees’ perception on the consequences of housing and integration practices. Applying a qualitative research approach consisting of policy and stakeholder analysis, interviews with experts, local authorities and persons affected as well as spatial analyses of refugee infrastructures, the thesis plans to clarify the role of the urban in the face of different political systems and national approaches towards refugees in arrival cities in Europe and the US. It assumes that metropoles, as traditional migrant destinations, develop particular practices – despite national frameworks – towards urban asylum systems.
- Kreichauf, R. (2018): From forced migration to forced arrival: the campization of refugee accommodation in European cities. In: Comparative Migration Studies, 6 (7), DOI 10.1186/s40878-017-0069-8.
- Kreichauf, R. (2018). Das Siedlungsverfahren von Spätaussiedler_innen in ostdeutschen Kleinstädten [Settlement patterns of late repatriates in East German small towns]. In Dönninghaus, V., Panagiotidis, J. & Petersen, H.-C. (Eds.), Jenseits der „Volksgruppe“: Neue Perspektiven auf die Russlanddeutschen zwischen Russland, Deutschland und Amerika [New perspectives on Russian Germans between Russia, Germany and America], Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, Band 68. Berlin, Basel, Boston, München, Peking: De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Kreichauf, René (2017): Between Economic Revival and Social Disruption: The Redevelopment of Greater Downtown and the emergence of new socio-spatial Inequalities. In Doucet, Brian (Ed.): Why Detroit matters - Decline, renewal and hope in a divided city. Bristol: Policy Press University of Bristol.
- Kreichauf, René (2017): Michel Foucault – Raum als relationales Mittel zum Verständnis und zur Produktion von Macht. In: Eckardt, Frank (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung. Springer VS: Heidelberg.
- Kreichauf, René (2016): Europäische Lagerlandschaften - Die Sozialräumliche Exklusion Asylsuchender in Berlin, Kopenhagen und Madrid. In: Altrock, Uwe (eds.): Jahrbuch Stadternerung. Springer VS: Heidelberg.
- Kreichauf, René (2016): Flucht, Stadt und Rassismus – Geflüchtete in europäischen Städten. In: Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2/2016.
- Blaser, Laurenz; Holzer, Jakob; Kreichauf, René; Schute, Paulina; Steinhauer, Hannes (2016): Asyl und kommunale Flüchtlingspolitik. Das Lehrprojekt Fürsorgliche Exklusion am ISR der TU Berlin. In: PLANERIN, 2/2016.
- Kreichauf, René (2016): Schrumpfen um zu Wachsen – Regenerierung, Kapitalakkumulation und sozialräumliche Disparitäten in schrumpfenden Städten. In: Lange, Jan; Müller, Jonas (eds.): Wie plant die Planung? Kultur- und planungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Praxis der räumlichen Planung. Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge 71, RH 3/2016, Berlin: Panama.
- Kreichauf, René (2016): From Fortress Europe to the European Fortress City – The Translation of EU Asylum and Border Policies into Space. In: Seyfarth, René; Eckardt, Frank (eds.): Urban Minorities Bauhaus Urban Studies, Bd. 6. Verlag Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg.
- Kreichauf, René (2016): Das Flüchtlingslager – Raumtheoretische Zugänge. In: Ludwig, Joachim; Ebner von Eschenbach, Malte; Kondratjuk, Maria (eds.): Sozialräumliche Forschungsperspektiven – Disziplinäre Ansätze, Zugänge und Handlungsfelder. Verlag Barbara Budrich: Opladen, Berlin, Toronto.
- Kreichauf, René (2015): Ghettos in Small Towns? The Research on Ethnic Segregation and Stigmatisation Processes in Small Town Germany. In: Barberis, Eduardo; Pavolini, Emmanuele (eds.): Symposium: Rescaling Immigration Paths: Emerging Settlement Patterns beyond Gateway Cities, Sociologica – Italian Journal of Sociology, 2/2015.
- Kreichauf, René (2015): Migrationsrealität und Stigma-Bildung am Beispiel von deutschen Kleinstädten. In: Bäuerliche Zukunft. Nr. 339, Nr. 4/2015.
- Kreichauf, René (2015): Die Grenzen der Schrumpfung: Gestalterische Perspektiven oder Sterbehilfe für schrumpfende Städte?! In: Dangschat, Jens S. et al. (eds.): Raumplanung. Jahrbuch des Departments für Raumplanung der TU Wien 2015. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag: Wien.
- Kreichauf, René (2014): In die Kleinstadt gezwungen – Spätaussiedler_innen in Genthin zwischen Integration und Isolation. In: 99ProzentUrban. No. 2. Berlin.
- Kreichauf, René (2014): Die Großstadt in der Kleinstadt – Ethnische Segregation in kleinen Städten. In: PLANERIN, 4/2014.
- Kemmer, Laura; Adebar, Philip; Bergmann, Malte; Ehrlich, Kornelia; Freiermuth, Mira; Jansen, Hendrik; Kreichauf,René; Kühnel, Sandy; Müller, Frank; Nitsche, Tobias; Petzold, Knut; Vogel, Johanna; Günzel, Marian (2014): Conference Report: Nachwuchsnetzwerk [Young Academics Network] NWNW8 – Diversity and Plurality. Theory and Practice in Spatial Science. In: Forum Qualitative Social Research. Berlin.
- Kreichauf, René (2013): Who is afraid of Detroit City? In: Stadtaspekte. No. 1. Berlin.
- Kreichauf, René (2012): Kleinstadt und Zuwanderung. Zur Theorie und Empirie ethnischer Segregation in kleinen Städten. In: Graue Reihe (Online-Publication of the Technical University of Berlin). Berlin.
- Kreichauf, René; Meuel, Jan (2010): Altstadt Berlin: Verkehr, Innovationen, Neubauten und Konflikte – Quellen zur Stadt, Bürobauten verdrängen die Altstadthäuser. In: Nentwig, Franziska; Bartmann, Dominik (eds.): Berlins vergessene Mitte – Stadtkern 1840-2010. Berlin.