Dr. Sebastian Jobs
Abteilung Geschichte
14195 Berlin
Degrees and University Education
2009 | Dr. phil., University of Erfurt (summa cum laude) |
2004 | M.A., University of Erfurt |
2002-2004 | Graduate Studies, University of Erfurt and University of California at Berkeley (U.S. History and History of Everyday Life) |
2002 | B.A., University of Erfurt |
1999-2002 | Undergraduate Studies, University of Erfurt and Beloit College, WI (History and Communication Science) |
Fellowships and Research Grants
2012- | Member of the Research Network “The History of Everyday Life in a Transnational Perspective” (founded by the German Research Foundation) |
2009-2012 | Post-doctoral Fellowship, Graduate School “Cultural Encounter and Discourses of Scholarship,” Rostock |
2010-2012 | Post-doctoral Fellowship for North-American History, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC |
2010 | Visiting Scholar, History Department, New York University |
2009 | Doctoral Scholarship, University of Erfurt |
2007 |
Fulbright American Studies Summer Institute, San Francisco Research Grant, John F. Kennedy Institute, Berlin |
2006 | Doctoral Fellowship, German Historical Institute, Washington, DC |
2003 | Graduate Studies Research Grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (research in Berkeley, CA) |
Teaching and Research Fields
- U.S. Cultural History
- History and/of Knowledge
- History of Everyday Life
- Practices and Theories of Memory and Remembering
- History and Performance Theory
Selected Publications
Welcome Home Boys! Military Victory Parades in New York City 1899-1946, Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2012. [also published with University of Chicago Press 2013]
Edited Volumes & Journal Issues
Uncertain Knowledge – a Special Section, in: Rethinking History [forthcoming].
Agents of Transculturation: Boder-Crossers, Mediators, Go-Betweens, ed. with Gesa Mackenthun [forthcoming].
Embodiments of Cultural Encounters, ed. with Gesa Mackenthun, Münster: Waxmann, 2011.
Unsettling History: Archiving and Narrating in Historiography, ed. with Alf Lüdtke, Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2010. [also published with University of Chicago Press 2010]
Articles & Book Chapters
“Unsicheres Wissen und Gewalt – Sklavenaufstände und Praktiken der Vergewisserung im US-amerikanischen Süden,” in: Historische Anthropologie [forthcoming]
“Shiny Happy Warfare – New York Victory Parades and the (In)Visibility of Violence,“ in: Jürgen Martschukat & Silvan Niedermeier (eds.), Violence and Visibility [forthcoming].
“‘As well drilled as Uncle Sam could hope’ – die Siegesparade der ‘Harlem Hellfighters’ als Arena afroamerikanischer Identitätspraktiken,” in: WerkstattGeschichte 54 (2010), 27-38.
Encyclopedia Articles
“American Dream,” “John F. Kennedy,” “Martin Luther King” & “New York City,” in: Metzler Lexikon Moderne Mythen [forthcoming].
Numerous Book Reviews and Conference Reports