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Registration Procedures

Since there are a limited number of places, we encourage you to register your participation as soon as possible. To register for the conference, please send an e-mail to gsnas.conference2011@gsnas.fu-berlin.de
by May 24 at the latest, stating your name, contact details and institution.

The registration fee of €20 (€10 concession rate) is to be paid on May 27, at the registration desk. Fee Waiver for faculty and students of the John F. Kennedy Institute.

In order for us to provide food and drink we kindly ask all participants to pay the registration fee upon arrival.

Parents in need of child care during the conference (for children 12 and under) should contact the conference organizers no later than Tuesday, May 20th. Requests should include the name and age of the child as well as the sessions during which he/she would require supervision. Please be aware that any requests after the aforementioned date cannot be accommodated.

If you have any questions concerning registration, please contact us at gsnas.conference2011@gsnas.fu-berlin.de

Dahlem Research School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft