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Interdisciplinary Forum for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows of the JFKI and the GSNAS

News vom 28.05.2014

Wednesday, 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. (s.t.)
Seminar room, Graduate School of North American Studies, Lansstr. 5

The Interdisciplinary Forum at the Graduate School of North American Studies invites all doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows at the Graduate School of North American Studies and the John F. Kennedy Institute to participate. The Forum hosts workshops in which members present and discuss their work. It consists of researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds including cultural studies, political science, sociology, literary studies, economics, and history. This interdisciplinary approach is part of a conscious effort to overcome disciplinary divisions in order to enrich critical thinking and rearticulate our modes of interrogation and analysis.

For inquiries, please contact Sebastian Jobs at sebastian.jobs@fu-berlin.de.


Upcoming Workshops

June 4, 2014

Sophie Spieler

The Chosen and Their Gatekeepers: Theorizing and Historicizing the American Educational Elite.

Respondent: Katharina Metz

June 18, 2014

Thomas Dikant

On Consequences.

Respondent: Sabine Engwer

July 7, 2014

Simon Schleusener

Poetics of the Market: Capitalism, Culture, and the Politics of Affect.

Respondent: James Dorson

July 16, 2014

Sonja Schillings

Grotesque Dignity: American Literature and the Renegotiation of Human Nature in the Postwar Period.

Respondent: Alexander Starre


Past Workshops

December 11, 2013 Sebastian Jobs
January 15, 2014 Christoph Raetzsch
January 29, 2014 Anne Nassauer
February 12, 2014 Boris Vormann
April 23, 2014

Talel Ben Jemia

Agent of Desire (?) - The Hustler and the Themes of Gay Identity Formation in American Film.

Respondent: Simon Schleusener

May 5, 2014

Nitya Koch

Dancing Bodies, Modes of Gender, and Choreographies of Love: Dance and the Construction of Sexual Difference in the Hollywood Musical.

Respondent: Martin Lüthe

May 21, 2014

Nikolas Kessels

Historical Institutionalism and Legalization: Gradual Change in Transatlantic Financial Regulation.

Respondent: Boris Vormann

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