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Duane Abata
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City/South Dakota

Duane AbataDuane Abata is the Dean of Engineering at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, SDSMT, in Rapid City, South Dakota. The College of Engineering at SDSMT is the primary engineering and science school of the State of South Dakota comprised of eight faculties: chemical and biological engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer engineering, geology and geological engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical and materials engineering, and mining engineering and management. Prior to his appointment as Dean of the Engineering College, Dr. Abata served as Dean of Engineering and Technology at Northern Arizona University. Dr. Abata has been employed in the Engineering Directorate at the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. and also as Professor and Dean at Michigan Technological University. Dr. Abata was the 109th President of the American Society of Engineering Education, serving on the ASEE Board of Directors from 2002 to 2005.

M. Dayne Aldridge
ABET / Mercer University, Macon/Georgia

M. Dayne AldridgeDr. M. Dayne Aldridge received the Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from West Virginia University and the Doctor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Virginia. Dr. Aldridge was a member of the electrical engineering faculty at West Virginia University from 1968 until 1984. While at West Virginia University he founded the WVU Energy Research Center in 1978 and was Director until 1984. Dr. Aldridge was at Auburn University from 1984 to 1999. While at Auburn he was Professor of Electrical Engineering. He served as Associate Dean for Research of the College of Engineering prior to 1989. In 1989 he became founding Director of the Thomas Walter Center for Technology Management and was appointed as the Thomas Walter Eminent Scholar in Technology Management in 1994. He served in both capacities until 1999. In 1999 Dr. Aldridge became Dean of the School of Engineering at Mercer University. He presently serves as Dean and Kaolin Chair of Engineering. Dr. Aldridge is a Fellow of IEEE, ASEE and ABET and is a Registered Professional Engineer. He is a past president of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. He was co-principal investigator of the ABET Regional Faculty Workshops that were funded by the National Science Foundation, industry and ABET. He received the IEEE Educational Activities Board Meritorious Achievement Award in Accreditation Activities in November 2002 and the IEEE Industry Applications Society Distinguished Service Award in October 2004. Dr. Aldridge has served the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET in several capacities including chair and presently serves as Adjunct Accreditation Director for Engineering.

Britta Baron
Canadian Universities’ Centre, Berlin

Britta BaronBritta Baron is director of the Canadian Universities’ Centre in Berlin and independent senior consultant in international higher education. Together with the Freie Universität Berlin, she has initiated the Transatlantic Degree Programs Project and is one of its coordinators. Britta Baron has held various positions with the DAAD and served as director of its London and New York offices. Prior to joining the DAAD, Britta Baron worked with the Office for Co-operation in Education of the European Cultural Foundation and with the German Standing Conference of Ministers of Culture and Education. She holds degrees from the University of Göttingen and from Bonn University and has received an honorary doctorate from Oxford Brookes University, UK. Britta Baron has published many articles on higher education and is member of various international boards and committees.

Jan Helge Bøhn
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg/Virginia

Jan Helge BøhnDr. Jan Helge Bøhn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Director of the Virginia Tech Computer Aided Design Laboratory, the Director of the Rapid Prototyping Laboratory, and the principal investigator for the PACE program at Virginia Tech. He has been working in the area of rapid prototyping and layered manufacturing since 1990, including software, hardware, and materials development for high performance fabrication using fused deposition modeling (FDM) systems with fiber composites and soft elastomers. In the area of software engineering, his focus has been on software integration of modeling, design, and analysis systems for power electronics and aircraft conceptual design, Six Sigma in software engineering, and on automated conversion of legacy FORTRAN code into object-oriented C++. Dr. Bøhn has taught the course ME 4644 Introduction to Rapid Prototyping since 1995. This is a regular 3-credit senior technical elective, approved for graduate credit, and it is the first university course of its kind, anywhere, dedicated to the topic of rapid prototyping. He also developed a fully automated online introductory course on object-oriented C++ programming, complete with online submissions and automated grading of programming assignments in a structured, collaborative environment. This course has a yearly enrollment of about 600 students that generate nearly 15,000 homework submissions that are automatically graded. Finally, he team-teaches an award-winning transatlantic course on global collaborative engineering and product data management with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Dr. Bøhn has a B.S. in Computer Science, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Engineering, all from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, U.S.A. Prior employments include the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Philips Laboratories, Sun Microsystems, and General Electric Corporate Research & Development.

Sheila Embleton
York University, Toronto, Canada

Sheila EmbletonProfessor Sheila Embleton has served as Vice-President Academic at York University since July of 2000, having previously served from 1994 to 2000 as Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts and from 1990 to 1993 as Director of the Graduate Program in English. She is a Full Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts. Her academic background is in mathematics and linguistics and she holds degrees in these areas from the University of Toronto (BSc, Mathematics and Linguistics, 1975; MSc, Mathematics and Statistics, 1976; PhD, Linguistics, 1981). Her areas of scholarly interest are historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, mathematical/statistical methods in linguistics, onomastics, Peircean semiotics, and women and language; and she published in all of these areas. She serves on editorial boards for several journals; and is currently President of the International Quantitative Linguistics Association, a member of the Executive of the International Linguistics Association, and a member of the Centre for Research on Language Contact. Professor Embleton has a particular interest in the language and culture of Finland, and has been active in the Canadian Friends of Finland, serving as the organization’s President from 1992-1995. In 1999, the Finnish government recognized her contributions by naming her a Knight First Class of the Order of the White Rose of Finland. In her capacity as Vice-President Academic, Professor Embleton serves as Chair of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents (OCAV), and represents OCAV on the Council of Ontario Universities’ Standing Committee on Relationships with Other Post-Secondary Institutions, as well as on the Board of the Ontario Universities Application Centre.

Sebastian Fohrbeck
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany

Sebastian FohrbeckSebastian Fohrbeck is Director of the Internationalization of Higher Education Division of DAAD. He has worked for DAAD for more than 17 years in different positions in Bonn, Brussels and London, among them the US/Canada-Desk from 1994 to 1996 and the Western Europe, North America Division from 2000 to 2004. Before working for DAAD, he was Director of the International Office of Paderborn University from 1984 to 1988. He is a sociologist by training who has studied in Hamburg, Paris and Bielefeld; he earned his PhD in Development Studies at the University of Bielefeld where he also worked as an Assistant Professor.

Frank Frankfort
U.S. Department of Education, Washington D.C.

Frank FrankfortFrank Frankfort received his bachelor’s degree in History and Classical Languages from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan and his masters and doctoral degrees in Medieval Studies from the University of Cincinnati. During his 13-year tenure as history professor at Westminster College (PA), he conducted numerous overseas seminars in cultural history in addition to teaching a variety of courses in European history and multicultural studies. Dr. Frankfort received an American Council on Education fellowship and served a year as special assistant to the president of Oberlin College. In that capacity he was the author of a national report on science education at selective liberal arts colleges. In Washington, D.C. Dr. Frankfort has served as coordinator for Science and Humanities projects in higher education for the National Endowment for the Humanities, and as Professor of Humanities and Dean of Arts and Sciences at Hood College, Frederick, MD. He is currently the coordinator of the new European Union—United States Atlantis Program at the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education. Over the past ten years the predecessor of that program has funded over 700 institutions in the U.S. and the European Union and has provided support for over 4000 students studying abroad. The new Atlantis Program builds on that successful history and focuses on the development and implementation of international joint or dual degrees. Dr. Frankfort also serves as program officer on grant projects involving institutions of higher education in Brazil, Mexico and Canada. He has recently been appointed to serve as the coordinator for a new U.S.-Russia Cooperation Program that will start funding bilateral consortia programs in 2007. Dr. Frankfort’s interests include international education and educational reform issues, particularly issues that deal with the impact of globalization on U.S. educational institutions.

John M. Grandin
University of Rhode Island, Kingston/Rhode Island

John M. GrandinJohn M. Grandin is Professor of German and Director of the International Engineering Program at the University of Rhode Island, an interdisciplinary curriculum, through which students complete simultaneous degrees (BA and BS) in German, French or Spanish, and in an engineering discipline. Grandin has received numerous awards for his work combining languages and engineering, including the Federal Cross of Honor from the Federal Republic of Germany, the Award for Educational Innovation from ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, and the Michael P. Malone Award for Excellence in International Education from NASULGC, the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. He has published widely on such crossdisciplinary initiatives and has been the principle investigator for several funded projects related to the development of the International Engineering Program. Grandin also organizes and hosts an Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education, which will be held for the ninth consecutive year November 2-5, 2006 in Newport, Rhode Island (http://www.uri.edu/iep/). In earlier lives Grandin served as associate dean and acting dean of URI’s College of Arts and Sciences, and as chair of the Department of Languages. He also has published several articles and a book on Franz Kafka.

Ulrich Grothus
DAAD New York

Ulrich GrothusUlrich Grothus has been the Director of the North America Office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in New York since September 2004. He studied Political Science, and German Language and Literature at the Freie Universität Berlin, where he received his Diplom in Political Science in 1976. From 1976-1982, he worked as a journalist and then joined the international division of the West German Rectors Conference. In 1988, he moved to DAAD, where he started as Director of the Office of the President. His subsequent posts at DAAD headquarters in Bonn included Program Director both for the Northern and for the Southern Hemisphere, Deputy Secretary General, and Director of the Division for Supraregional and Internationalization programs. In between, from 1998 to 2000, he served as Director of the DAAD branch office in Paris.

Manfred Hampe
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Manfred HampeManfred J. Hampe graduated from Technische Universität Clausthal in 1976 and received his PhD from Technische Universität München in 1980. He worked as a process engineer in the central research division of Bayer AG in Leverkusen before he became full professor of Chemical and Process Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Technische Universität Darmstadt in 1995. His research interests are in the field of mass transfer. He is chairman of the Working Party on Education in Chemical and Process Engineering of the VDI-Society for Chemical and Process Engineering and member of the European Working Party on Education in Chemical Engineering In the CLUSTER consortium of 11 European research universities he is the chairman of the CLUSTER Mechanical Engineering Department. He has been appointed as one of the 15 German Bologna-promoters by the European Union. At his university he is the coordinator for Fulbright scholarships. During his time as Dean of Studies in the Department of Mechanical Engineering the consecutive, Bologna-type Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses have been developed. These courses were honored as one of the four best German reform study programs by the Stifterverband in 2003.

Günter Heitmann
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Günter HeitmannGünter Heitmann, born 1938, graduated as Diplom-Engineer in construction engineering. After a short period of practice he continued his studies at the Technical University Berlin in industrial engineering, economics and management. Based on respective activities during his time as a student he became a co-founder of the Center for Higher Education Didactics at TU Berlin in 1971, later enlarged to the Institute for research into vocational, higher and continuing education, with a strong focus on engineering sciences and education. His fields of activity in teaching and research were curriculum development, teaching and learning in higher education and international comparative research in engineering education. Since his membership in the German Commission for Engineering Education in the late 1960’s he was continuously involved in various reform projects on the national and international level. He is fellow and honorary member of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) and in 2002 he was coorganizer of the First Global Colloquium of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) at Berlin. Since his official retirement in 2004 he continued to be involved in transnational activities in the context of the Bologna Process and in different Thematic Networks funded by the European Commission (E4/TREE, EUCEET). He was a member of the steering committee for the EUR-ACE project which developed and recently published a proposal for European Standards and Procedures for the accreditation of programs in engineering education. In 2005 he was involved in the revision of the UK subject benchmarks in engineering education.

Peter A. Henning
Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Peter A. HenningPeter Henning has been professor for Computer Science at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences since 1998. Born in Wiesbaden, he studied and earned his doctorate in physics in 1987 at Technische Universität Darmstadt. After his habilitation in 1993 (Theoretical Physics) he took up a position with the German stock exchange Deutsche Börse AG as group leader for software development. Prof. Henning produced about 100 publications on theoretical physics, computer science, psychology and philosophy. He was awarded in 2002 by the Bad Herrenalb academy for his work about “Internet and Society”. He also holds various positions in professional organizations and political advisory bodies. Prof. Henning was research associate at State University of New York and visiting professor at Eastern Michigan University and at the University of Alberta, Canada. He has also undertaken numerous research visits to France, China, the USSR, US and Canada. Since 2000 Prof. Henning has been coordinator of the computer science exchange program between Karslruhe University of Applied Sciences and Eastern Michigan University.

Joseph Hoey
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta/Georgia

Joseph HoeyDr. J. Joseph Hoey, IV is Director of the Office of Assessment at Georgia Institute of Technology. His responsibilities include assessment of student learning, quality assurance and accountability reporting, accreditation compliance, funded project evaluation, and academic program review. The Office of Assessment at Georgia Tech (http://www.assessment.gatech.edu/) conducts numerous survey projects, maintains a web-based annual reporting and tracking system, OATS (http://www.oats.gatech.edu/), conducts assessment of general education, provides student outcomes data and analyses to support specialized program accreditations, and provides a campus portal for online assessment data retrieval. Dr. Hoey is Past President of the Southern Association for Institutional Research, is a frequent speaker and presenter on assessment, evaluation, and accreditation issues at regional and national conferences, and serves as an evaluator for the Commission on Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. His published research centers on academic program review, alumni and employer feedback, community college transfer, and evaluation of online academic programs.

Dieter Leonhard
Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, Saarbrücken

Dieter LeonhardProf. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Leonhard has been President of the Franco-German University, Saarbrücken since the beginning of 2006. 20042005 Vice-president of the Franco-German University, Saarbrücken; 2003-2004 Dean of Academic Affaires, Department of Architecture.Civil Engineering.Surveying, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main; 2001-2003 Founding Dean of the new Department "Architecture.Civil Engineering.Surveying". Academic background: Professor for Sanitary Engineering and Hydraulics, University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Department of Architecture. Civil Engineering. Surveying; 1991 Dr.-Ing. in Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Karlsruhe; 1986 Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering with specialization in Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Karlsruhe.

Jacinta O’Brien M.A.Sc., P. Eng.

is a licensed professional engineer who has been active in the environmental field for over twenty years. She has held positions in the public and private sectors, and currently runs her own consulting firm. Ms. O’Brien holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in civil engineering and a Master of Applied Science in civil engineering, both from the University of Toronto. She has been a member of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) since 2001 and also serves on the CEAB Policies and Procedures Committee.

Daniel Obst
Institute of International Education (IIE), New York

Daniel ObstDaniel Obst is Director of Membership and Higher Education Services at the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York. IIE is one of the leading not-for-profit organization in the field of international educational exchange and development training. IIE administers the Fulbright Program, sponsored by the United States Department of State, and 250 other corporate, government and privately sponsored programs. Mr. Obst directs all the activities of the IIENetwork, the Institute's university membership association of 900 higher education institutions around the world, and oversees IIE's print and online publications. He is also managing editor of IIENetworker, IIE’s international education magazine, and recently published Funding for United States Study: A Scholarship Guide for Europeans. Mr. Obst also designs and conducts seminars and study tours for international educators, administrators and other university leaders. Prior to joining the Institute in 2001, Mr. Obst was Director of Product Development at iAgora.com, a website for international students. Mr. Obst, who was born and raised in Germany, received his B.A. in International Relations from the George Washington University and holds a Master's degree in European Studies from the London School of Economics.

Thomas W. Peterson
University of Arizona, Tucson/Arizona

Thomas W. PetersonThomas W. Peterson is Dean of the College of Engineering and Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of Arizona. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Tufts University, in 1972, M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1973, and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in1977 from the California Institute of Technology. He has served on the faculty of The University of Arizona since 1977, and as Dean since 1998. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Council for Chemical Research, and on the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and a recipient of the Kenneth T. Whitby Award from the American Association for Aerosol Research. He serves on the Executive Committee of the Engineering Deans Council of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and is currently a member of its Public Policy Committee and Data Collection Committee. Dr. Peterson was the Technical Program Co-Chair of the Engineering Deans Institute (EDI) in Tucson, 2005, which focused exclusively on the Globalization of Engineering Education.

Andrejs Rauhvargers
Latvian Rectors’ Council, Riga, Latvia

Andrejs RauhvargersAndrejs Rauhvargers is Secretary General of the Latvian Rectors’ Council and professor of Education management at the University of Latvia. Internationally he serves as president of the Committee of the European Region Recognition Convention and Bureau member of the Council of Europe Higher Education and Research Committee. He has participated in a number of European working groups dealing with issues of higher education policies, recognition and qualifications frameworks. Andrejs currently leads Stocktaking working group which is preparing a report on the progress in the establishment of the European Higher Area to be published in 2007. In 2002 Andrejs in co-authorship with Christian Tauch (Germany) carried out a study on the development of master degrees and joint degrees in Europe published by the European University Association.

Diego Sammaritano
EU Commission

Diego SammaritanoDiego Sammaritano was born in 1968 in Italy and holds a MA degree in Economics and Business Administration, University of Palermo and a second MA Degree in European Integration and Development, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB). In the very early stages of the Erasmus Programmed (1990) he spent one semester at the University of Greenwich in London studying marketing and international business. He started his career in the European Commission in 1994 working in DG External Relations a Japan desk officers. He was in charge of the Executive Training Programmed in Japan and lately for the export promotion Gateway to Japan Campaign. He also worked for DG Enterprise with responsibility for access to finance for SMEs. Since 2003 Diego has been serving as programmed manger for education cooperation with industrialized countries. In this capacity he coordinated the EU-US and EU-Canada cooperation programmers as well as pilot projects with Japan, Australia and New Zealand. He has been in charge for the renewal of the agreement with the US. Together with the US Department of Education, Diego has developed the new Transatlantic Degree programmed focusing on joint and double degrees.

Stephan Scholl
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Stephan SchollSince 2002, Stephan Scholl has been Professor for Chemical and Thermal Engineering at the Technische Universität Braunschweig and managing director of the respective institute. His main research interests are heat and mass transfer, downstream processing in biotechnological processes and process intensification. Prof. Scholl serves also as coordinator for international study activities and collaborations at the Mechanical Engineering Department. Scholl studied mechanical and chemical engineering at Technische Universität Munich and was research assistant at the Chair for Chemical Engineering, TU Munich. He earned his Dr. degree in 1991. Prior to joining the TU Braunschweig, Scholl held various positions with BASF AG in Ludwigshafen, at last as Senior Research Manager in Engineering R&D Department / Logistics Department.

Elmar Schreiber
University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany

Elmar SchreiberUNIVERSITY EDUCATION ‘77 - ’79 Undergraduate study for the teaching profession at high schools (Sek II) in physics and mathematics at the University of Paderborn (Germany); ‘79 – ’84 Undergraduate study of physics and for teaching profession (Sek. II) in physics and mathematics at the University of Paderborn; ’84 Diploma in physics at the University of Paderborn ’85 State examina for teaching profession at high schools (Sek II) (University of Paderborn); ‘85 – ’91 Research assistant at the University Paderborn; ’89 Ph.D. at the University of Paderborn (Germany) in the field of solid state Raman and picosecond-laser spectroscopy; ’96 Habilitation at the Free University Berlin (Germany): “Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Mass-Selected Molecules and Clusters” PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ‘91 – ’97 Assistant professor at the Free University Berlin; ‘95 – ’98 Project leader in a Center of Excellence; ‘97 – ’98 Project leader at the Max-Born-Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy; lecturer at the Free University Berlin; ’98 lecturer at the Physics department Free University Berlin; ‘98 – ’01 Project leader in a Center of Excellence (Sonderforschungsbereich 450): „Analysis and Control of Ultrafast Photo-induced Reactions“; ‘99 – ’02 Director of the Ultrafast Laser Facility (Center for Ultrafast Laser Applications), Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, USA; since 06.’02 President (Rektor) of the Hochschule Bremen (University of Applied Sciences), Germany.