Anna Rauscher

PhD Candidate
Anna studied English and American literature and linguistics, German literature, linguistics and medieval studies at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and Oxford University.
Music and Social Movements in the US, 1960-1990, Mondays, 8:00-10:00
Dissertation Title: Counterpointing “quiet diplomacy”.[i] Classical Music, Human Rights and Political Activism (1960-2000)
My dissertation focuses on articulations of emotional concern in reaction to human rights issues in the last quarter of the last century. The goal of the research project is to analyze the relationship between classical music and human rights advocacy in the United States (1960-2000 appr.). The dissertation seeks to explore the feelings informing musical human rights activism before and after the end of the Cold War.
[i] Human Rights Watch World Report 1990. 11/02/2021.