Thursday, November 13, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
9:30-11:15h |
SESSION 5: The Economics and Aesthetics of Security
Chair: Markus Kienscherf
Boris Vormann (FU Berlin): "Market Failure and Patterns of State Intervention"
Johannes Voelz (Frankfurt): "Security and the Uncertain Worlds of Fiction" |
11:15-11:45h |
Coffee Break |
11:45-13:30h |
SESSION 6: Alterity, Materiality, and the Literary
Chair: Simon Schleusener
Philipp Schweighauser (Basel): "Of Cultural, Poetic, and Medial Alterity: The Scholarship, Poetry, Photographs, and Films of Edward Sapir, Ruth Fulton Benedict, and Margaret Mead"
Babette B. Tischleder (Göttingen): "American Studies and the New Materialisms: Vibrant Matter at Work in the American Literary Imagination" |
13:30-14:45h |
Lunch |
14:45-16:30h |
SESSION 7: Space and Diaspora
Chair: Lora Anne Viola
Robert Reid-Pharr (CUNY), Martin Lüthe (FU Berlin): "Looking For(ward) and Beyond the Black Atlantic: Contemporary African Immigration in the US and Germany"
Barbara Buchenau (Duisburg-Essen), Jens Gurr (Duisburg-Essen), Julia Sattler (TU Dortmund): "Spaces - Communities - Representations: Urban Transformations in the USA" |
16:30-17:00h |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:45h |
SESSION 8: Cultural Emplacement
Chair: Ulla Haselstein
Klaus Benesch (LMU München): "Cultural Immobility: The Tradition of Antimodern Modernism and the Role of Intellectuals"
Laura Bieger (Freiburg): "No Place Like Home: A Narrative Theory of Belonging" |
19:00h |
Conference Dinner: Alter Krug |
Saturday, November 15, 2014