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Diversity Roundtable of the DGfA - Online Workshop on October 12

News vom 08.10.2020

Diversity Roundtable workshop on Monday, Oct. 12, 2020, 10am-3pm: "The GAAS in 2030: Imagining Future Practices of Critical Diversity in American Studies."

The workshop will take place on Zoom. To receive the link to the meeting, please R.S.V.P. by Friday, October 09, 2020 to: anna-lena.oldehus@engsem.uni-hannover.de

Our program begins with the panel discussion “Working through Rage: Rethinking Diversity in Decolonial Frames of Critical Inquiry and Institutional Praxis” and proceeds with individual presentations on trigger warnings, accessibility, and mental health. It offers space and time for a general discussion with the overall goal of self-critically moving our field forward.

Organizers:  Cedric Essi, Helen Gibson, Anna-Lena Oldehus

Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter

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