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Stellenausschreibung für 2 UNA-Tutor*innen in der Kultur

News vom 25.06.2020

The department of culture is offering two tutorships for the course “Understanding North America A” from October 1st, 2020 – March 31st, 2021

 Area of Responsibility:

Supervision of the tutorial accompanying the course "Understanding North America A" in the winter term 2020/21 with a focus on culture. The tutorial requires comprehensive knowledge of cultural studies and the ability to teach it in English. Also assistance with the main course: Blackboard supervision, assistance in course preparation, literature and media acquisition, scanning, copying etc; preliminary correction of essays and other tasks submitted (all submitted work is in English and partly also handwritten); coordination and preparation of the e-examination.

Additional Qualifications may include:

MA North American Studies with a focus on culture (with BA North American Studies); or at least 4 semesters BA North American Studies with a focus on culture; strong organizational skills for the coordination of various subject tutorials and communication with the students and lecturers; team skills for cooperation with the tutors of other departments, very good research and library skills, excellent knowledge of English

Applications must be sent to Prof. Dr. Martin Lüthe by e-mail by July 6th, 2020 in PDF format: culture@jfki.fu-berlin.de

Official Job Posting

Please include a motivation letter, CV, and transcripts in your application.

Culture Department
John F. Kennedy Institute
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin
Phone +49 30 838 54240; FAX +49 30 838 454240
Phone hours: Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m.

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