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Neue Veröffentlichung zum Thema „Frauen in der politischen Macht und Schulschließungen in Zeiten von COVID“

News vom 09.09.2024

Der Artikel „Women in Political Power and School Closure during COVID Times“ von atalia DanzerSebastian Garcia-TorresMax Steinahrdt und Luca Stella ist jetzt in Economic Policy erschienen.

Sie können hier den vollständigen Open-Access-Artikel lesen.


This study explores the relationship between women’s representation in political power and school closures during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Using a cross-country dataset in Europe, we document a striking negative relationship between the share of female members in national governments and school closures. We show that a one-standard deviation increase in female members of national governments is associated with a significant reduction in the likelihood of school lockdowns by 24% relative to the average share of school closures. This result is robust to an extensive set of sensitivity checks. We attribute this pattern to a higher awareness of female politicians about the potential costs that school closures imply for families, in particular working mothers with young children.

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