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Curd Knüpfers Forschung in "The Atlantic" erwähnt

News vom 16.08.2022

The Atlantic

The Right’s New Bogeyman

A mysterious pro-abortion-rights group is claiming credit for acts of vandalism around the country, and right-wing activists and politicians are eating it up.

By Kaitlyn Tiffany

Antifa and Jane’s Revenge are linked in news reports, Curd Knüpfer, an assistant professor at the Free University of Berlin’s John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, told me. He compiled data using the open-source media-monitoring platform Media Cloud and plotted them for May and June. His graph shows that, around the time of the Dobbs decision leak, antifa mentions spiked, paired with predictions of violence; after the decision came out, the phrases antifa and Jane’s Revenge, used together, spiked. Both are “shorthand for the threat of an armed insurrection,” he said, and invite consideration of surveillance and prosecution of activists, as well as a possible armed response.

See the whole article here.

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