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Prof. Dr. Markus Kienscherf

Markus Kienscherf

John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien

Abteilung Soziologie


Lansstr. 7-9
Raum 301c
14195 Berlin


Während der vorlesungsfreien Ziet ist die Sprechstunde nur online möglich:

am 18. Februar, 14-15 Uhr

am 4. März, 14-15 Uhr

am 18. März, 14-15 Uhr

am 1. April 14-15 Uhr

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Schwerpunkte in Lehre und Forschung:

  • Politische Soziologie
  • Governmentality Studies
  • Security Studies
  • Soziale Bewegungsforschung
  • Kritische Kriminologie

Betreute Dissertationen:

Mathilde Lind Gustavussen: Urban Displacement Mechanisms: The Tenant Movement's Fight to Stay Put in Los Angeles
Second advisor Ross Beveridge at the University of Glasgow.

Andrei Belibou: Subjects of Capitalism: Identity Politics and Class
Additional supervisors: Robin Celikates from the Philosophy Department, Ashley Bohrer (Notre Dame University)



(2013) US Domestic and International Regimes of Security: Pacifying the globe, securing the homeland, Routledge Critical Security Studies, London, New York: Routledge.

Aufsätze in begutachteten Fachzeitschriften

(2025) "Voice Assistants, Capitalism, and the Surveillance of Social Reproduction." In Voice Assistants in Private Homes: Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse, edited by Stephan Habscheid, Tim Hector, Dagmar Hoffmann and David Waldecker, 57-75. Bielefeld: transcript.

with Clara Thumm (2024) "Social Reproduction Under Lockdown: Capital, Labor, and Gender." Feminist Economics 30 (2):1-24.

(2022) “Surveillance Capital and Post-Fordist Accumulation: Towards a Critical Political Economy of Surveillance-for-Profit.” Surveillance & Society 20(1): 18-29: https://doi.org/10.24908/ss.v20i1.14235

(2018) 'Race, class and persistent coloniality: US policing as liberal pacification’. Capital & Class,

(2016) 'Producing “responsible" self-governance: counterinsurgency and the violence of neoliberal rule'. Critical Military Studies 2 (3), 173-192.

(2016) 'Beyond Militarization and Repression: Liberal Social Control as Pacification'. Critical Sociology 42 (7-8), 1179-1194.

(2015) 'Zwischen legitimem Regieren und imperialem Krieg. Die Widersprüchlichkeit westlicher Aufstandsbekämpfungsstrategien’, Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, 6 (3), 347-357.

(2012) ‘Security assemblages and spaces of exception: The production of (para-) militarized spaces in the US war on drugs’, Radical Criminology 1 (Fall 2012): 19-35.

(2011) ‘A programme of global pacification: US counterinsurgency doctrine and the biopolitics of human (in)security’, Security Dialogue 42 (6): 517-535.

(2010) ‘Plugging cultural knowledge into the U.S. military machine: The neo-Orientalist logic of counterinsurgency’, Topia – Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 23-24: 121-143.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen

(2017) ‘"A Struggle for Control and Influence": Western Counterinsurgency and the Problematic of Autonomy'. In: Moe LW and Müller M-M (eds) Reconfiguring Intervention: Complexity, Resilience and the 'Local Turn' in Counterinsurgent Warfare. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 29-50.

(2015). 'Rassismus ohne Rassisten: Die strukturelle Benachteiligung von Afroamerikanern trotz formaler Gleichbehandlung'. Zur Sache BW: USA - Fremd und Vertraut: Das ambivalente Verhältnis zwischen Amerika und Deutschland, 28, 18-20.

(2011) Review of Human Terrain: War Becomes Academic, directed by James Der Derian, David Udris and Michael Udris, Bullfrog Films, 2010, 49th Parallel, 25 (Autumn 2011).