Guest lecture - Michael Kimmage (Catholic University of America): "What Is It with Russia and the United States? Explaining a Recurring Conflict"
Ort: JFK-I Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Room 340
Annual Meeting of the Historians in the DGfA: Health in American History
See here for the full program.
Ort: Erfurt, Augustinerkloster
DASI Shoptalk: Project Shorts and Peer-to-Peer Support (German Association for American Studies)
Ort: online via Zoom
Ringvorlesung – S13: Sönke Kunkel (FU Berlin): "The Pogues: The Body of an American (1985) -- Migration and Public History in North America"
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Research Colloquium: Talk by Prof. Davide Rodogno: "Night on Earth: Objectives, Activities and Delusions of Western Humanitarian Organisations in the Near East in the Aftermath of the First World War"
The talk will be held in room 201 at 6 pm .
Ringvorlesung - S13: Christopher Ohge (University of London) "Mastodon: 'Blood and Thunder' (2004) - Herman Melville and Computational Literary Studies"
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung-S12: Christian Lammert (FU Berlin): Oliver Anthony: Rich Men North of Richmond (2023) -- Inequality, Trust and Populist Mobilization in the United States
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Lecture Series -S11: Simon Voss (FU Berlin) "Bruce Springsteen: 'The Ghost of Tom Joad' (1995) California amidst Homelessness and the Fentanyl Epidemic"
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Research Colloquium: Talk by Sebastian Jobs "Uncertain Knowledge of Slave Revolts in the U.S. South – a Case of Speculative History"
Ort: John F. Kennedy Institute Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin Room 201
Ringvorlesung-S09: Kylie Crane (University of Rostock) "Beyoncé: 'Formation‘ (2016) - #BLM and Environmental Justice“
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung-S08: Andrew Moravcsik (American Academy Berlin/Princeton) American Academy Lecture: "More Bark than Bite? The Effect of Extreme-Right Parties on Foreign Policy"
Ort: Hörsaal – Anorganik (Fabeckstr. 34-36), 14195 Berlin Coffee & Cake in R340 at John F. Kennedy Institute
ENTFÄLLT! Ringvorlesung -S06: Barbara Elias (Bowdoin College) "Alice in Chains 'Rooster' (1992): Local Allies and US Strategic Failure in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan"
Ort: ONLINE via Webex
Ringvorlesung -S05: David Eisler (De Gruyter): “ Creedence Clearwater Revival: 'Fortunate Son' (1969) - Conscription and American War Fiction since Vietnam”
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung -S04: Sebastian Kohl (FU Berlin) "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young: 'Our House' (1970) - A Historical Sociology of American Housing"
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung -S03: Martin Lüthe (FU Berlin) "Boyz II Men: 'End of the Road' (1992) - Boyband Affectivity and North American Intersectionalities"
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung-S02: Katharina Motyl (University of Mannheim): “‘The Maid of Monterey’ (1848) – U.S. Imperial Feminism from the Mexican-American War to the ‘War on Terror’”
Ort: HS Anorganik, Fabeckstr. 34-36, 14195 Berlin
Ringvorlesung -S01: Welcome, Introductiom and Discussion about “Songs that Shaped our Notions of ‘North America’”
Ort: Online lecture: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=mf49ec77c523d0fa33db416b7670f6301
Tiffany Florvil (University of New Mexico) will hold a lecture at the FMI about "Rethinking Black Internationalisms in the late 20th Century
Ort: Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut (FU Berlin) Koserstraße 20 Room A.336
FMI Midterm Lecture: Ekaterina Pravilova (Princeton University) will give a talk on "The Ruble: A Political History"
Ort: Hörsaal B Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut Koserstr. 20 14195 Berlin
Penny Von Eschen (University of Virginia): Paradoxes of Nostalgia: Cold War Triumphalism and Global Disorder since 1989
Ort: JFKI, room 201
History Research Colloquium: Dorothee Schwieters (University of Cologne) will give a talk on "In Harm's Way: Five Decades of Environmental Justice Struggle in Houston, TX"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: Tiffany Florvil (University of New Mexico) will hold a talk on "Mobilizing Black Germany: Afro-German Women and the Making of a Transnational Movement"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: Philip Wendler (University of Hamburg) will give a talk on "The German Migration Research Network: An International, Digital Teaching-Learning Approach"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: David Thomson (Sacred Heart University) will give a talk on "Bonds of War: How Civil War Financial Agents Sold the World on the Union"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: Thomas Schira (University of Trier) will give a talk on "Imagining Alterity: The Historicity and Transformation of Knowledge in John Jewitt's Captivity Narrative (1807-2015)"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: Andrew Johnston (Visiting Professor from Carleton University) will give a talk on "The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, the First World War, and the Origins of 'Human Security'"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
History Research Colloquium: Jacob Birken (University of Cologne) will give a talk on "Timeless Designs: The Material Culture of 19th Century US Utopianism"
Ort: Seminar Room 201 John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin
Book Presentation: "Le président est-il devenu fou?" by Patrick Weil moderated by Prof. Gienow-Hecht