Dr. Matthias Voigt
Academic Career |
04/2019 |
Part-Time Lecturer in Modern American History Humboldt University Berlin, Free University Berlin, Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. |
Research Trip in South Dakota (Pine Ridge, Rosebud reservations) |
Ph.D. in Modern American History, Goethe University Frankfurt a.M. |
06/2013 – 07/2016 |
Ph.D. Fellowship German Research Foundation Project Title: Marginalized Masculinities and the American Nation: African American and Native American Military Heroism, 1941-2001; supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt, University of Frankfurt a.M. |
09/2013 – 02/2014 |
Visiting Scholar, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ |
06/2013 – 08/2014 |
Archival Research & Research Trip Research trip to archival collections: National Archives and Library of Congress in Washington, D.C; Army Research Center, Carlisle, PA; The Newberry, Chicago, IL; Madison, WI; Historical Society in Minneapolis, MN; Historical Society in Pierre, S.D.; Salt Lake City, UT; Public Library in San Francisco, CA Extensive Oral Interviews with Indigenous Red Power activists and Indigenous war veterans, about 40 interviews conducted at reservations (Fort Thompson, Pine Ridge, Rosebud, Cheyenne River, S.D.; Standing Rock, ND; Crow Agency, Lame Deer, MT) |
02/2013 – 05/2013 |
Visiting Fellow, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. |
06-07/2009 |
Visiting Fellow, Center for Southwest Research, Albuquerque, NM |
Education |
1/2006 – 1/2008 |
2nd Staatsexamen in English, History and Education (2 years Teacher’s Training Course) |
10/2002 – 08/2004 |
M.A. in English & History, University of Heidelberg, Germany 1st Staatsexamen in English, History & Education (teacher’s degree), University of Heidelberg, Germany Specialized in Indigenous History |
09/2001 – 09/2002 |
Master of Letters in Modern American History, University of St.-Andrews, Scotland/U.K. Specialized in Modern US history: African-Americans, 1960s and 1970s |
10/1998-08/20001 |
Undergraduate Studies in English and History University of Goettingen and University of Heidelberg |
10/1996 – 09/1998 |
Undergraduate Studies in Business Administration University of Hamburg, Germany |
Certificates |
2019 |
Mentoring History Students at School (Free University Berlin) |
2019 |
Mentoring English Students at School (Humboldt University Berlin) |
2010 |
Frankfurt Certificate: Bilingual Learning and Teaching (Goethe University Frankfurt) |
2005 |
Paedagogics (Heidelberg University) |
Work Experience |
9/2016-present |
Teacher in English, History, and Politics Max-Beckmann Oberschule, Berlin • Taught High School Students from Classes 7 to 13 • Taught Advanced Courses in English, History, and Politics |
02/2008 - 01/2013 |
Teacher in English, History, and Politics Max-Planck Secondary School Rüsselsheim • Taught High School Students from Classes 5 to 13 • Tested Students in the (Written/Oral) Abitur • Attended Further Training in Teaching • Organized Teacher-Parent Meetings, Teacher-Parent Conferences and Class Excursions |
02/2006 – 1/2008 |
Trainee Teacher in English and History, Max-Planck Secondary School Rüsselsheim • Attended Seminars in Teacher’s Training • Taught Classes • Wrote Thesis for Teacher’s Degree |
Further Training in Teaching: Didactics & Methods |
2015-present |
• 7 Accredited Academic Training Seminars with the Postgraduate Academy of Goethe University (GRADE) |
2006-present |
• 40+ Accredited Seminars for Teachers in Teaching Didactics and Methodology for English, History, and Politics |
Winter Semester 2021/22
Self-Constructions and Popular Conceptions of Indigeneity, Tuesdays, 6-8pm
Summer Semester 2021
Between Cultures – Indigenous Men and Women in the U.S. Military in the 20th and 21st Century, Tuesdays 6-8pm
Summer Semester 2020
Between Colonial Domination and Self-Determination: Indigenous-Settler Colonial Relations in the 20th Century Revisited, Thursdays 6-8pm
Previous Experience
Academic Teaching Experience |
winter term 2020/21
Native Americans in the 20th Century: A Marginalized Minority Within American Society and Culture, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for English and American Studies (IEAS) |
winter term 2019/20
Supervising History Students (and Future Teachers) Teaching at School, Humboldt University Berlin, Department of History, Institute of Didactics |
summer term 2015 |
The Red Power Movement, Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for English and American Studies (IEAS) |
Academic Research Interests |
20th and 21st Century Indigenous Activism (e.g. Red Power Movement) Indigenous Participation in the U.S. Military
Social Movements, Ethnic Minorities, U.S. Military
Masculinity Studies (Post)Colonialism/Settler Colonialism Race, Gender, Nationalism |
Academic Publications in American History
Re-inventing the Warrior: The American Indian Movement and Race, Gender, and Nation in Contemporary Indian Country, Goethe University Frankfurt 2019. (Manuscript submitted to University of Kansas Press.)
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
“Between Powerlessness and Protest: Indigenous Men and Masculinities in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Emergence of the American Indian Movement.” Settler Colonial Studies 2021, 28pp. (forthcoming)
“The Indigenous War Experience (United States)”, in: 1914-1918 online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War (12 pages). https://encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net
Journal Articles (Under Peer-Review)
“Warriors for a Nation – The American Indian Movement, Indigenous Masculinities, and Nation-building at the Takeover at Wounded Knee, S.D. in 1973.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 30pp.
“Warrior Women: Indigenous Women in the American Indian Movement and Gender Relations, Sexual Politics, and the Wounded Knee Takeover, 1973.” Gender & History, 31pp.
Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
"Indigenous and non-Indigenous Combat Veterans and the Sweat Lodge (Inipi) Ritual: War-related Trauma, Ceremony, and Transformation,” in: Chiara Manghi, Mareike Spychala, Lina Stempel (eds), War and Trauma in Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Collection of Essays, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Buchverlag, 2019, 103-116.
“Race, Masculinity, and Martial Valor – Native American Veterans from WWI to Vietnam and Beyond”, in: Simon Wendt (ed.): Warring Over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2018, 79-95.
“’Fighting For Their Freedom At Home’ – Native American Vietnam Veterans in the Red Power Movement, 1969-1973,” in: Ángel Alcalde and Xosé M. Núñez Seixas (eds): War Veterans and the World After 1945, Cold War Politics, Decolonization, Memory, New York et al.: Routledge, 2018, 83-99.
Encyclopedia Articles
“American Indian Movement” (p. 1034-1042); “Great Sioux Uprising” (p. 417-419); “Native Americans during the Civil War” (p. 478-482); “Native American Code Talkers” (p. 810-813); ”U.S. Settler Colonialism and Native Urbanization” (p. 1300-1303), in: Russell Lawson (ed.): Race and Ethnicity in America: From Pre-Contact to the Present, 4 Vols. Santa Barbara, CA and Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO/ Greenwood 2019.
“Treaty of Waitangi” (p. 355-357); “Wedgewood Antislavery Medaillion” (p. 475-478), in: Mark Doyle (ed.): The British Empire, A Historical Encyclopedia, 2 Vols., Santa Barbara, CA and Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO/ Greenwood 2018.
“American Indians” (p. 45-49); “New Zealand (Maori) Wars” (p. 1214-1216); “Warriors” (p. 1847-1850), in: Paul Joseph (general editor): The Sage Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives, 4 Vols., Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Publications 2016.
“Indian Peace Medals” (p. 32-33); “Pawnee Scouts” (p. 656-658); “Wounded Knee” (p. 676-678); “Henry Kissinger and Realpolitik” (p. 1234-1238); “Paris Peace Accords” (p. 1255-1257); “Red Power” (p. 1262-1263), in: Chris Magoc and David Bernstein (eds): Imperialism and Expansionism in American History: A Social, Political, and Cultural Encyclopedia, 4 Vols., Santa Barbara, CA and Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO/ Greenwood 2016.
“Alcatraz” (p. 8-9); “Bozeman Trail” (p. 69-71); “Fort Bowie and Apache Pass” (p. 191-193); “Sand Creek” (p. 461-463); “Washita” (p. 561-563), in: Newton-Matza, Mitchell (ed): Historic Sites and Landmarks That Shaped America, From Acoma Pueblo to Ground Zero, 2 Vols., Santa Barbara, CA and Denver, CO: ABC-CLIO/ Greenwood 2016.
Conference Reports
“Tagungsbericht: War Veterans and the World after 1945: Social Movements, Cold War Politics, and Decolonization,” in: Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift (MGZ) 77/1 (2018), 115-121. Translated Title: “Conference Report: War Veterans and the World after 1945: Social Movements, Cold War Politics, and Decolonization.”
“War Veterans and the World after 1945: Social Movements, Cold War Politics, and Decolonization,” in: H-Soz-Kult.
“Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History from WWI to 9/11,” in: H-Soz-Kult.
“Tagungsbericht: Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History from WWI to 9/11,“ in: Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift (MGZ) vol. 74 issue 1-2 (2015), 214-220. Translated Title: “Conference Report: Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S. History from WWI to 9/11."
“Tagungsbericht: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain from the 19th to the 21st Century,” in: H-Soz-Kult. Translated Title: “Conference Report: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain from the 19th to the 21st Century.”
„From Apartheid to Rainbow Nation” - Fördert die Beschäftigung mit der Geschichte der Überwindung der Apartheid in Südafrika im Englischunterricht das Verständnis für Menschenrechte und das politische Selbstverständnis der Jugendlichen? 2. Staatsexamen Thesis: Studienseminar Wiesbaden, 2007, 40pp. Translated Title: “From Apartheid to Rainbow Nation“ – How does the Teaching of the Overcoming of Apartheid in South Africa in the English Language Classroom Promote a Better Understanding of Human Rights and Political Understanding among High School Students?
The Return of the Native, American Indian Activism, 1968-1978, M.A. Thesis: University of Heidelberg 2004, 180pp.
On the Road to Wounded Knee, The American Indian Movement From 1968-1973, 1st Staatsexamen Thesis: University of Heidelberg, 2003, 100pp.
’Like a Tornado’, The American Indian Movement from Minneapolis to Wounded Knee, 1968-1973, M.Litt. Thesis: University of St-Andrews, UK, 2002, 30pp.
Academic Pubications in Education
Englischer Wortschatz Politik und Wirtschaft, Klett: Stuttgart 2015, 488pp.Translated Title: German-English Dictionary for Politics and Economics
Edited Volume (Peer-Reviewed)
Methodenspicker (Praxis Englisch Extra), Westermann Verlag Braunschweig, September 2015, 87pp.
Edited Journals (Peer-Reviewed)
With Mechthild Hesse: Florida (Praxis Englisch), Feb. issue 1/ 2021), 50p.
With Mechthild Hesse: Anglophone Africa (Praxis Englisch), Aug. issue 4/ 2020), 50p.
With Konrad Schröder: Immigration (Praxis Englisch), Feb. issue 1/ 2020), 50p.
With Christa Lohmann: Money Makes The World Go Around (Praxis Englisch) Dec. issue 6/ 2019), 50p.
With Dieter Horn: Australia: Beyond Kangaroos (Praxis Englisch) Feb. issue 1/ 2019, 50p.
With Konrad Schröder: Metropolises (Praxis Englisch) April issue 2/2018, 50p.
With Günther Sommerschuh: Space and Science Fiction, Utopia and Dystopia (Praxis Englisch) June issue 3/2017, 50p.
With Sebastian Wagner: Good and Evil – Values, Morals, and Ethics (Praxis Englisch Aug. issue 4/2016), 50p.
With Sebastian Wagner: Nature and Environment (Praxis Englisch), June issue 2/2011, 50p.
Dreams and Visions (Praxis Englisch), October issue 5/2010, 50p.
South Africa (Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch), March issue 1/2010, 48p.
The Many Faces of South Africa (Praxis Englisch), Feb. issue 1/2010, 50p.
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
"Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day?” in: Praxis Englisch: Immigration (February1/2020), 44-46.
"Methods in Action – Tables, Graphs, and Charts,” in: Praxis Englisch: Money Makes the World Go Around (December 6/2019), 47-48.
"Methods in Action: Describing, Analyzing, and Interpreting Maps”, in: Praxis Englisch: Beyond London: Cities in the UK (June 3/2019), 47-49.
"ANZAC Day – Identitätsstiftender Moment für Australien und Neuseeland,” in: Praxis Englisch: Australia – Beyond Kangaroos, (February 1/2019), 39-43 & 4 pages (online download).
"Cartoons im Englischunterricht,” in: Praxis Englisch: Great Britain and the Continent – Splendid Isolation Revisited, December 6/2018, 47-48.
With Konrad Schröder: “Zum Thema: Metropolen”, in: Praxis Englisch: Metropolises (April 2/2018), 6-8.
"Biosphere 2“, in: Praxis Englisch: Space and Science Fiction, Utopia and Dystopia Space (June issue 3/2017), 16-19.
"Methodenspicker: Praktische Kurzanleitungen für den Englischunterricht,“ in: Matthias Voigt (ed.) Methodenspicker (Praxis Englisch Extra), Westermann Verlag Braunschweig, September 2015, 5-6.
"How do you feel about eating Meat? – Discussing Food Ethics in Class,“ in: Praxis Englisch: Animals (August issue 4/2015), 39-43 plus 2 copies on CD.
"Gestatten: Mickey Mouse,“ in: Praxis Englisch: Animals (August issue 4/2015), 29-33 plus 1 copy on CD. Translated Title: ”May I introduce Myself: Mickey Mouse.”
With Sebastian Wagner: “An die Arbeit!, Zum Stellenwert der Arbeit im Wandel der Zeit,“ in: Praxis Englisch: The World of Work (June issue 3/2015), 6-8.
"Maori language preservation,” in: Praxis Englisch: Kiwi Nation, Exploring New Zealand (August, issue 4/2014), 39-43 and 3pp (DVD).
"Indigenous Peoples - Between ancient traditions and modern lifestyles”, in: Praxis Englisch: Indigenous Peoples (December issue 2012), 4 pp.
"Towards a new South Africa: The parallel lives of Mandela and deKlerk“, in: Praxis Englisch: Politics (August, issue 4/2012), 39-43 and 2pp (DVD).
"Humor in Signs, A Sign of Humor, Witzige Schilder analysieren und eigene Beispiele entwerfen,” in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (issue 118/June 2012), 23-25.
With Sebastian Wagner: “England Calling“, in: Praxis Englisch: Welcome to England (June, issue 3/2012), 6-8.
"Being British in Cartoons“, in: Praxis Englisch: Welcome to England (June, issue 3/2012), 34-37 und 5 pp. (DVD).
"Cartoons im Unterricht einsetzen“, in: Praxis Englisch: Welcome to England (June, issue 3/2012), 47-48.
"Methodenspicker Textarbeit: Die Visualisierung von Textstrukturen mit Graphic Organizers“, in: Praxis Englisch: Nature and Environment - It’s not easy being green! (June 2011, issue), 55-56 und 1 p. (DVD).
"Remaking America, The American Dream in President Obama’s Inaugural Speech,” in: Praxis Englisch: Dreams and Visions – What does the future hold for us? (November, issue 6/2010), 41-45 and 4pp.
"The American Dream”, in: Praxis Englisch: Dreams and Visions – What does the future hold for us? (November, issue 6/2010), 41-45.
"Nam – a hotspot in the Cold War”, in: USA – Vom Kolonistenstaat zur Weltmacht (Praxis Geschichte Extra USA, 130 pp), 72-76.
"Child Labour Past and Present”, in: Praxis Englisch: People, dates, events: What does history mean to us (October, issue 5/2010), 20-24.
"The Trail of Tears”, in: Praxis Englisch: People, Dates, Events: What Does History Mean to Us? (October, issue 5/2010), 32-36.