Anthony Seaboyer
Anthony Seaboyer
Anthony Seaboyer is Fritz-Thyssen Fellow of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlinand member of the institutes research unit “European and Atlantic Security”. While studying Political Science, Philosophy and History, he worked for Professors at the Universityof Bonnand the Free University of Berlin. Between 1999 and 2004, he was staff member or office manager for members of the German Bundestag. He joined the institute in 2005. Besides his research he also teaches International Relations at the Institute for Political Science of the Universityof Greifswald. His research topics include Transatlantic foreign and security policies, proliferation of WMD and missile defence. Currently, he completes his doctoral thesis: “The EU as a player in international non-proliferation policy” in which he analyses the success of European non-proliferation policies towards Iran, within the NPT, and the G-8 initiative “Global Partnership”. His most recent publication is “What missile proliferation means for Europe“ in Survival together with Dr. Oliver Thränert.